Chapter 13

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up in my bed at Stiles's house confused. I must have fallen asleep at Void's last night and he brought me back here, so Stiles doesn't get suspicious.

I smiled to myself to see that Void must have carried me from his place to Stiles's house. I heard a knock on the door, I quickly looked at my outfit and I was still in the same clothes as yesterday.

I quickly grabbed my covers and pulled them over me before Stiles was about to walk in. I groaned and rolled my eyes,
" I didn't say you could come in yet?"

Stiles looked at me curiously as to why I'm covering myself up,
" Why are you acting so weird?"

I need to think of a lie to get him off my back. I only had one idea and that was a terrible idea but it's the only one I got.
I blurted out,
" I'm Naked!,"

Stiles's facial expression changed from suspicious face to shocked face quickly. I chuckled,
" So, are you going to let me get changed?"

He was frozen and he finally came back into reality and went outside. He closed the door behind him and I shot out of bed.

I changed into some black leggings with a blur gym crop top, and a black gym top over it which was highlighted with blue/green colour.

I changed into some black leggings with a blur gym crop top, and a black gym top over it which was highlighted with blue/green colour

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I walked into Stiles room to see him sitting on his bed waiting for me to finish getting ready. I sat beside him.
I asked,
" What did you want to talk about?"

He stuttered nervously,
" I lied to you before about the plan, we are going to kill him tomorrow at 8:00 pm in the school,"

I was sat there completely frozen and shocked. Why would he lie to me? I thought I could trust Stiles but all I see now is a liar and a teenager who only cares about himself and the pack, not me.

" And you didn't think to tell me! I thought I was a part of your pack Stiles, Scott's pack! But I guess that was a lie too,"

I ran out of the room and into my bedroom. I heard Stiles yell in disappointment,
" Y/N! WAIT!,"

I tried to fight my tears as I began to climb out of my window. I jumped down and began to run to Void's house, even though it's 2 -3 miles away.

Meanwhile, I got there and I was out of breath. All I wanted was to see Void again and be in his grasp. I walked through the front door and closed it quietly behind me just in case he's asleep.

Suddenly, as I kept walking a knife was now pointed at my neck. I gasped and realised it was Void. He noticed me and pulled me into a hug.
He asked,
" What are you doing here so early in the morning? I thought you were an enemy, I could have killed you,"

I sat on the sofa and began to drink some of the water that I had brought with me to help catch my breath.

I exclaimed,
" I have just found out that the pack are planning on killing you tomorrow. They have been lying to me the whole time, that's why I want to stay here for a few days, to keep my distance from them. Is that okay?"

Void nodded and all I just wanted to do was feel safe in his arms. I ran up to him and hugged him again, thinking about tomorrow. He might die tomorrow and ill be left alone.

He stroked my head as I was cuddled next to him on the sofa. I led my head on his chest as he played with my hair. He had one hand on my waist pulling me close and the other playing with my hair.

I lifted my head and kissed him on the cheek with a smile.

He smirked,
" Are you ready to train today?"

I nodded but I went back to cuddling him,
" After I have more cuddles, you're a good at cuddling,"

He kept stroking my head softly. Time stopped and all I could think was Void. If he does die tomorrow I'm going to miss him so much. I will be determined to bring him back.

He broke the silence,
" You're thinking about me probably dying tomorrow, aren't you?"

I nodded and hugged him tighter. He kissed me on top of the forehead and smiled,
" As long as you're okay, and your happy, I don't mind dying. Even if I do die, I know you'll figure out a way to bring me back,"

These words hit me hard, my heart feels like it's just been stabbed over and over again. I got up and looked him in the eyes,
" That's why I'm going to train as hard as I can to save you. I will be heartbroken if you died,"

I got up and headed to the training room. I got a pair of punching gloves and began to punch the punching bag hard. I was that angry I never knew I was channelling my anger, the punching bag flew backwards. I broke a little bit of the ceiling because the punching bag was not hung up anymore.

I just wondered what the hell was happening until the sound of clapping broke the silence. I turned around and saw Void clapping whilst smirking.

" You've unlocked another siren ability,"

" What? I thought sirens could only sing and kill people. I never knew I had anything else,"

He chuckled,
" You need to study your species more, you're known as a ' Lilith '. You're the last of their kind and are more powerful than Scott, believe it or not,"

I put my boxing gloves on the floor and picked up a few knives. I through them towards the target boards hitting bulzi all the time. After I threw the knives,
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me in.

Void whispered in my ear,
" Think about the target, focus on only the target, imagine the target is someone you can't even look at. Now fire,"

I tried not to get distracted by his attractive voice in my ear. I imagined the target was Scott for lying to me, for making Stiles lie to me. Suddenly, I felt this power. The dartboard exploded.

Void smirked with his hands still wrapped around me,
" You did it! You can make power waves with your mind, a bit like telekinesis but more powerful."

After a whole day of training, I and Void went to bed. I forgot to bring pyjamas so I'm wearing one of Void's shirts which were big on me. I hopped into bed and laid my head on his chest.

I smiled,
" Good night Void,"


This chapter took quite a while because I have work to do. If you are liking the story please vote.

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