Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

It's been 2 days since Stiles picked me up from the library. I look a lot better now and developed the relationship between me and Stiles. I know he was part of the plan to kill Void but I knew he didn't want that to happen, I could tell by hnis reaction.

I was led on my bed reading trhough the supernatural book Stiles stole from Deaton. I found the section that said ' Sirens ' at the top. There were many different kinds until I found my species, a lilith. I read through the book, some information I already knew from Void but some I didn't.

suddenly, there was a sentence that caught my eye. It read,
' Sirens are very powerful but the most are liliths. Liliths have the power to bring a supernatural creature back to life by guiding their soul with their voice back to the body. If there isn't a body they can resurrect them by using the power of their voice. '

I shot up gaining more hope, I can bring Void back?!

I began to jump up and down excitedly making Stiles rush in with a worried expression. I looked at him with a happy face,
" I can bring Void back,"

Stiles made a sigh of relief and chuckled,
" I thought something happened to you then, but congrats,"

I then realised something, in the book it says ' Liliths have the power to bring a supernatural creature back to life by guiding their soul' how am I supposed to find Void's soul. I asked stiles the question causing him to look to the ground deep in thought. A few minutes later, his face shot up confidently,
" When Void was killed Isaac put it in a container with the hale symbol on, it's a firefly, Scott gave it to Kira so her mum can protect it,"

Stiles realised I was screwed if it's in her house. He lifted up my chin with his index finger making me face him,
" I'll go and get it for you okay?"

I smiled and nodded, I pulled him into a little hug and whispered in his ear,
" Thanks bro,"

I pulled away and went to go and study to take a break, I might have had a long break but I need to catch up on school work.

Stiles's POV

When she whispered that in my ear my heart lit up, that actually made my day. Y/n is like a sister to me, she always has and I will do anything in my power to make her happy. I got up and went to my jeep, I hopped in happily and drove to Kira's house.

A few minutes later, I arrived at Kira's nervously and slowly stepped out of my jeep. If I mess this up Y/n's hope will fade and she will stop eating, she'll go back to her depression. I took a deep breath and headed towards the front door.

I hesitated before knocking on the door, a waited for a few seconds until Kira opened the door. She asked with a smile,
" Hi Stiles, what brings you here?"

I tried to think of a lie, it was taking to long so I blurted out,
" Scott wants me to collect the firefly that's connected to Void. Deaton wants it so he can investigate it a bit more,"

I stared at Kira waiting to see if she belived me, she broke the silence.
" Sure, i'll go get it,"

When she walked away I let out a sigh of relief, a waited at the front door for a few minutes until she came back with the cylinder capsule. She handed it me still smiling.
" Here you go,"

I smiled,
" Thanks ,"

I got the capsule from her and walked away back to my jeep. I hopped in and drove away proud of myself. Great, I'm going to have my ass kicked if the pack found out about this.

I arrived at my house and went in locking the front door behind me. I rushed to Y/n who was sitting on the couch watching Tv, cuddled in a big, fluffy blanket. She looked at me as I gave her Void's spirit, the firefly.

Y/n's POV:

My face lit up when he have me Void's spirit. Is this really happening? Do I actually have a chance to bring him back? Happy tears filled my eyes as I hugged Stiles. I'm so grateful for everything he has done for me, he really is my brother. He led back as I cuddled next to him whilst watching tv. He reminded me of Void so I had to hug him back. We was sat there in eachother's arms watching tv.

Soon, I fell asleep ready to bring Void back tomorrow. I'm coming for you Void.

Sorry this is another short chapter. I'm busy but I will post more.
I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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