Chapter 9

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Marilyn's POV:

I walked into school acting kind and sweet like Y/n which annoys me so much. I saw the pack and walked over to them.

I fake smiled,
" Hi guys!,"

They all looked over at me and smiled back. I leaned against the locker trying to act normal. I hate this plan.

Scott asked,
" You okay Y/n? I know what it's like finding out you're not human,"

Wait, what's he taking about? Is y/n not human? Why did Void not tell me this? I looked up at them and obviously faked smiled again,
" Yeah, I'm handling it, i know I have my friends supporting me all the way,"

They all smiled but Stiles looked at me suspiciously. I looked at him and he was investigating me. I quickly looked away trying not to cause suspicion.
I asked,
" So, have you found out how we're going to defeat Void?"

Lydia replied,
" yes, we're going to lure him into the school tonight and bite him, he can't be a fox and a wolf. And then we're going to stab him in the heart with a katana,"

Great, they found the scroll. Suddenly, I felt weak for a second. I held my stomach and used the locker as support for my standing.

What's happening to me? I looked at the pack who was looking at me worried. I tried to act normal but I couldn't help it. It took a second to see what was happening. It was Y/n, she's stronger than I thought.

Stiles asked suspiciously,
" what's wrong?"

Y/n's POV

I could feel nothing. I felt like I was useless, I can feel the dark energyflowing through my veins, that was until I heard Stiles's voice asking me if I was okay, well Marilyn.

I felt determined to fight Marilyn and I slowly began to feel stronger. I could feel Marilyn become weaker by the second and that's when I had a chance to defeat her.

Marilyn's POV:

I ran into a spare room knowing the pack was following. I fell to the floor feeling sick. The pack closed the door behind them so no one could see.

Bandages began to appear from my mouth causing me to throw up. I kept pulling long pieces out of my throat which made me gag a lot.

A few minutes later, the bandages ended and there was now a massive pile on the floor. We all stared at the pile of bandages until a hand reached out.

The bandages were now shaped like a human figure, Scott was about to attack but Stiles stopped him.
He ordered with a confused look,
" Scott look,"

The figure began to pull all the bandages of them until I realised it was Y/n. How did she defeat me? I'm free, I'm finally separated from her.

Y/n's POV:

I felt wrapped in old bandages, I immediately started unwrapping myself until I saw the pack staring at me. I looked at the floor and saw Marilyn on the floor looking weak.

Stiles ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back feeling safe in his presence.
I sighed,
" Everyone meet Marilyn, my evil doppelganger, "

She got up and said with a defeated look,
" This isn't over,"

Suddenly, the lights went out and when they turned back on she was gone. Stiles gripped my hand in a comforting way and I felt safer.

Marilyn's POV:

I arrived at Void's place which is an abandoned building at the edge of beacon hills. I walked in disappointed and found Void standing there staring at the flames in the fire.

He asked,
" Did you find out what they're planning?"

I sighed,
" I have good news and bad news. The good news is I know how they're planning to defeat you, the bad news is that Y/n is free. We were separated, I underestimated her,"

Void chuckled,
" It's fine just leave her,"

After I tell Void the plan he glares at me.
" Let's go and defeat a pack of teenagers,"

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