Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV:

Me and Void arrived at Beacon Hills high school, it was 8:00 pm which is the date of Void's death. We waited patiently for the pack to come and every second I get more and more anxcious. What If Void really dies? I'll never forgive the pack, I'll never forgive Stiles.

Void noticed me looking anxcious but I tried my best not to hide it. He gripped my hand in a comfort way as I tried to hold back my tears, I refused to let them go. As we stared at the front door to the school Void broke the silence.
" I forgot to give you this,"

Void pulled out a necklace, it was shaped as a love heart and it said ' I love you ' on it. I gasped at how beautiful it is. He opened up the necklace and It showed a picture of me and Void. We looked so happy and peaceful but really we're at war with the pack. I turned around letting him put it on me. Once he finished I turned back around and hugged him still trying to fight my tears.

Suddenly, the doors burst open leaving me to quickly pull away from Void. I put on a determined face as Scott and the pack walked through. Stiles noticed me and gave me a confused look,
" Y/n where have you been? I've been worried sick, why are you with him?"

I replied,
" I've been staying away from liers like you, you lied to me about Void's death which made my trust in you slowly fade. I'm not going to let you lay a finger on Void. If you want to, you're going to have to get through me first,"

I pulled out two katanas from my belt and was ready to fight. Stiles looked at me with regret and sadness.
" Y/n, I'm sorry that we lied to you but we did it to protect you,"

I giggled maniaclly,
" Protect me? If you wanted to protect me then you would leave Void alone,"

Malia got mad as her claws appeared and her fangs came, her eyes glowed blue. I smirked at her anger and focused on her. I blasted her across the hallway with my mind. The pack looked at me shocked.
" What? Did you think a siren can only sing?"

Stiles slowly walked towards me with tears forming in his eyes. I didn't trust the pack at all but Stiles was different. I don't know what it was but he seemed like a brother to me.
" I know I did something terrible, I shouldn't of lied to you. Y/n you're like a sister to me and I'm so glad that I found you on that road, "

My heart broke as he was saying this, I kept telling myeslf he was lying. That he's probably using me to get to Void, but I can always tell when people are lying, he isn't. I have to do this for Void's safety, If he dies I die and my whole world will break apart.

I commented,
" If you really saw me as a sister then leave Void alone and trust me. Aren't siblings ment to trust and help eachother?"

Everything went silent and I knew my words were deep for Stiles, his facial expressions changed quick as he yelled,

I was confused for a second and followed Stiles's direction. I turned around and saw Kira's katana has been put through Stiles's chest. My heart sank to my stomach as Scott bit void in the shoulder.
" NOOOO!!",

I ran over to Scott and pushed him off, I quickly pulled out the katana and began to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Tears were streaming down my face,
" Your going to be okay, your going to be okay, STAY WITH ME VOID, please don't leave me,"

He managed to say something before he turned to dust,
" I love you Y/n, don't forget that,"

As he turned to dust I was sat on the floor frozen in shock, tears kept falling down my cheeks like waterfalls. Stiles pushed Scott behind me yelling,

Scott looked down,
" Stiles I -,"

Stiles interrupted him,
" NO! Scott, you probably ruined my relationship between me and Y/n so back off!,"

I began to stand up slowly feeling rage like I ever have before, the lockers began to shakea as I death stared them all,
" I will get my revenge,"

That's whenm I disappeared leaving the pack confused.

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