Chapter Two

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I'm shaken awake.  I open my eyes and see Thomas.

"Hey, they rescheduled the flights.  The one to Denver leaves in five hours."  I sigh.  Five more hours stuck in an airport.  Well, at least I'm stuck in an airport with Thomas Brodie Sangster.

"Okay.  Thanks for telling me."  I look at the clock hanging on the wall. 

3:31.  And judging by the darkness, I'd say it's 3:31 A.M.  I groan.  Why did he have to wake me up?  But then the thought quickly leaves my mind. 

I get to see him longer.  I was wide awake now.

"Sorry for waking you up.  You didn't look very comfortable, you were in a awkward position and your face looked weird."  He says.

"Gee, thanks."  I say, a blush creeping up my face.

Thomas laughs.  "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, I was kidding." 

"Good.  I don't want you to be mad at me.  You seem pretty cool.  Let's talk more, yeah?"  He called me cool.  I was beginning to love being stuck in an airport.

All the elderly people were sleeping.  I looked around and saw his bodygaurds.  Two were sleeping, the third one awake.  It was the bodygaurds, me, Thomas, and four elderly people.  I pretty much had Thomas to myself.  I did a little happy dance in my mind.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"  He says, a nervous hint to his voice.

"I'm twenty one.  Just turned it three months ago."

"Mhm.  Have ya ever been to a pub before?"  He asks.

It takes me a moment to realize that he means a bar.  I shake my head.  "No, I don't want to drink.  At least, not yet."

Thomas nods.  "Smart girl, I'd say.  Beer takes a while to get used to."

I just shrug, not really sure what to say.

"So, what do you do for a living?"

I get excited.  I love talking about my job, because I absolutely LOVE my job.

"I work at a wildlife refuge. I help take care of the animals, but I also go out with some people and rescue abandoned animals.  We rescue all kinds of animals, from dogs and cats, to foxes and bears.  It's absolutely wonderful."  I say.  And it was.

Thomas has a big smile on his face.  "You must love animals, huh?"

I laugh.  "How'd you guess?"

"The way your face lights up when you talk about them, it's like a Christmas tree.  I wish you'd smile like that more often."  He looks absolutely gorgeous.

Once again, I blush.  "Well, I guess I'm just not a really happy person.  But that doesn't matter.  How do you like acting?"

"Woah there lady.  I'd like to know why you aren't happy.  Your smile is absolutely breathtaking.  And the dimples make it even more cute."

Oh my goodness.  I can't believe he said that to me.  Thomas Brodie Sangster just complimented my smile.

"Um, well, I'd rather not talk about it.  You know, it's personal and all.  Let's just talk about you."  I say quietly.  No way was I gonna tell him that much about myself.  It might just scare him off.  And I definitely didn't want that.

"Ah, I apologize.  I'm a curious guy, can't help it.  Anyways, I love my job.  Acting is so great.  I meet so many great people, famous and not famous.  It's so cool getting to do the job you love, am I right?"  His face is bright when he talks about his job, like mine was.

"Yes, it is.  Not many people get to do that.  We are lucky."  I answer. 

"Indeed we are.  But sometimes, it gets a bit chaotic.  What with all the press and stuff.  Well, you saw 'em." 


"But I don't think I'd trade my job for any other in the world.  It's too perfect."  Thomas says.

I smile.  I'm learning so much about him. 

Time flies by, way too quickly for my liking.  Soon, we have to board our plane to Denver. 

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then."  I say sadly.

"No way.  I've arranged for you to be in first class with me.  I'm not gonna let you go yet, sorry."  He says, grinning.

"Woah, you can't do that.  I'm fine sitting in my regular section.  I wouldn't want to-"

"Well then I'll sit with you in your section.  Lead the way."  I stare at him.  He wasn't joking.

Without saying anything, I board the plane, find my seat, and sit.  Thomas sits next to me.  Wow.  He's really sitting next to me. 

Soon, excited whispers fill the air.  They must have spotted him.

Just pretend like you're not close to him.  Don't draw attention to yourself.  Everything will be fine.

"Oh my gosh.  Thomas, can I pplleeaassee have your autograph?"  A teenage girl wearing a top that was a little too tight for her says. 

"Of course!  What's your name?" 

"Patricia.  Oh my gosh, I love you ssssooo much!  Thank you!"  She squeals.

"You're welcome Patricia." 

Soon, everyone on the plane is asking for his autograph.  I was feeling squashed.  I wasn't very fond of being around tight groups of people.  I wanted to go and stand out in the aisle a little ways away, but Thomas was in the seat closest to the aisle, and there were so many people blocking the aisle. 

It takes the pilot telling everyone to buckle up to get them all to their seats.  When they all leave, I had a huge headache, and I was really hot.

"Woah, Kylie, are you alright?  You don't look so well."  Thomas says worriedly. 

"Yeah I just... don't like being in crowded places.  It's nothing."  I say.

"Oh man, I'm sorry."  He says apologetically.

I smile, a fake one, trying to make it real though.  "It's fine.  I just... I have a headache."

Thomas calls for a employee to get me some water and ibuprofen.  She comes back with it just as the plane takes off.  I thank her, as does Thomas, and take the pills.

"Thanks Thomas."  I say.

"It's the least I could do.  Damn, I'm really sorry Kylie."  He says.

"Really, it's fine."

He sighs, then says, "You want a hug?  I'm really good at giving hugs."  That was kind of random.

But the truth is, I LOVE hugs.

I giggle, and nod.  We hug, and I smell his cologne again.  He smells really good. 

We give each other our numbers.  We talk the whole way to Denver.  I never wanted the plane ride to end.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now