Chapter Nine

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When I wake up, the electricity is still out. And I'm freezing cold. Thomas isn't in bed with me. He must have slept on the couch. I kinda wish he had slept in the bed with me.

I just wanted to stay close to him. I shake my head. As if he'd do that.

I get up, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed, and walk into the living room. There's Thomas, sleeping on the couch. He looks so cute. He's snoring softly, his chest rising and falling. His arm is hanging off the side of the couch. I wake him up.

"Thomas." I whisper. "Thomas, wake up."

His eyelids flutter open, and his brown eyes meet my hazel ones. Gosh, he's absolutely gorgeous. He smiles. "Hey there." He says in a sleepy voice. And can I say, that voice is one of the sexiest things I have ever heard. It makes me blush.

"Hi." I say. "I'm sorry that you had to sleep on the couch..."

"It's fine." He sits up and stretches. I sit down on the couch next to him. Thomas checks his watch. "It's 12:39. I haven't been able to sleep in like this in ages. It feels good."

I get up and walk to the window. My eyes widen. Outside, the world is white. It had stopped snowing, but the roads and the hoises and the trees and the ground were all covered in snow. There was at least three feet of it. It was actually quite beautiful. But that also means that we wouldn't be able to get out for a while. Is it weird that that makes me happy? Ah, who cares.

I turn around and look at Thomas. "It's completely white out there. At least a three feet of snow. It looks like we might be stuck in here for a while. Sorry." And for him, I kind of was. I mean, wouldn't he much rather be somewhere else than with a boring, crazy, emotional girl?

Thomas just grins. "Don't be. It means I get to spend more time with you. Oh, that was really cheesy wasn't it. Oh well." I laugh.

We stand in silence for a while. "Kylie?" He asks.


"Thank you for telling me those things last night. It made me feel... important. I know it was hard for you. I don't know if I could've done that. But, I'm grateful that you did."

I walk over to him and hug him. "Just please, don't tell anyone. It's really private to me and I just..."

He whispers in my ear, "I won't tell. It's just between you and me. You can trust me."

And that's when I realize that I am putting a lot of trust in this person. I haven't trusted a person this much since... well, ever. I hope I wasn't making a mistake.

As I look up into his eyes, it seems like all my worries wash away. He won't betray my trust. I know he won't.

"Kylie..." He murmurs. Then, he presses his forehead against mine. I feel relaxed. I feel safe. I've never felt this safe since what happened with my dad. It felt wonderful.

We start to breath in sync. Then, he kisses my nose. It tickled a bit, which made my nose twitch a bit. He chuckled. Then, he looks me in the eyes. And he leans in...

And he kisses me.

A soft kiss. He doesn't move his lips much, but it feels lovely. After he pulls away, he looks into my eyes.

To be honest, this was my first kiss. And I wasn't sure what to think.

"Kylie? Are you okay? I'm sorry, that was..."

I whisper softly, just loud enough so that he can hear, "Kiss me."

His eyes seem to lighten up, and he presses his lips against mine again. This time, he moves them, softly and slowly. I follow his movements. And oh, it felt perfect. It felt so good and so RIGHT. Our lips fit together perfectly. I felt tingles all throughout my body. I felt his hands softly rub my back, comfortably. I melted into his arms. I never wanted this to end.

But it did. We both pulled away, and we looked into each others eyes.

"Was that real?" I whisper.

"Yes. Yes, it was real. The kiss was totally real." He whispers back.

"Kylie." He says.

"Hmmmm?" I say. My face was most likely red.

"I like you. I really like you." He sounded kind of cautious.

I felt warmth fill my entire body.

He likes me.

"I like you too, Thomas. I really like you too." I answer back. He smiles in relief. He rubs my back again, presses his forehead against mine again. I never ever ever wanted this moment to end. It was too perfect. And for a while, we stood there, in peaceful silence. And I've never felt this happy before.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now