Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*2 months later*

I finish putting my clothes in my temporary dresser in our little vacation cabin. I feel Thomas come up behind me and hug me from behind. I smile and lean my head against his shoulder.

"Hello Snowflake." He whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling me.

"Hello Thomas." I whisper back.

He kisses my cheek. "How are you feeling? Are you hurting anywhere?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I feel my eyes droop a little. "I'm a bit tired though..."

"Well, you'll have to wait to fall asleep, love. I want to do things with you. We still have to cuddle."

I grin. "Alright, sleeping can wait I guess." I turn around and hug him. "I love you." I whisper.

"Mmmmm, I love you too." He whispers back.

And then he says, "Did you see that new package of condoms on the bathroom counter? Weird right?"

I laugh. "You ruined it Thomas! And how do I know you didn't put it there? Or that you told someone to put it here?"

Thomas chuckles. "Because I didn't. You're so cute when your face gets red, it's adorable."

I bury my face in his chest. "Stupid." I murmur.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"You were meant to." I murmur.

Thomas wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. "Do you want to eat dinner now?"

"I'm not very hungry, but I'll eat if you're hungry."

"I'm not really hungry either. You want to just skip to the cuddling?" The way he said it was so cute.

"Yes, let's." We both get on the bed and lay down, pressing ourselves against each other.

"It's colder than it was the last time we were here, isn't it?" I say.

He nods. "That just means we have to stay cuddled together all the time. That's fine with me."

I let him rub my back softly. He did that a lot now, and it always soothed me.

I feel his hand make its way under my shirt slowly and softly. I smile and bury my face in his chest again. I breathe in his scent, and it makes me smile even more.

He rubs my back while going up, and his hands were cold. It made me shiver, but in more ways than one.

His hand finds my bra hook, and he gently plays with it. I'm not sure of he's trying to unhook it or not, but it tickles, and I giggle slightly.

"Making fun of me, huh?" He says in a pretend hurt voice.

I just laugh. "I'm not sure what you're trying to do, to be honest."

"Hmmmm. Well, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, yeah?" He pulls his hand out from under my shirt and helps me into a sitting position. He sits me on his lap, me facing him, and he pulls my shirt off.

I'm very conscious of my new bruises and cuts. But Thomas doesn't pay attention to those. He just looks at me and says, "I'm so lucky to have you." He kisses my nose. "You're so beautiful."

I pull his shirt off and lay my head against his chest, right where his heart is. "Your heart is racing Thomas." I whisper. I feel his hand on my chest, where my heart is and he says, "So is yours, Kylie." His hand pulls one of my bra straps down my arm slowly. I let my eyes flutter shut, and his lips touch my shoulder.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now