Chapter Seven

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"Let's see... Apples, check.  Bananas, check.  Lunch meat, check.  Oh, I forgot the milk."

I was at the grocery store.  I was out of a lot of my food, so I decided it was time to go to the store. 

I grab the milk, the yogurt, the bread.  The tomatoes and grapes and... just everything that I eat.

As I look around, I see people staring at me.  I pull my sleeves down as far as they can go, just in case they slipped up or something.  I didn't like it when large groups of people stared at me.  I didn't like large groups of people.  I don't like people.

I tried to ignore them as I walked around the store.  I tried to ignore them when I got Lulu's food.  But everywhere I went, at least one person would stare.  I looked down at my arms.  I wasn't showing any signs of skin. 

What in the hell is going on?

I headed toward the check out, but was stopped by a girl that looked to be just a few years younger than me.  She looked at me curiously. 

"Excuse me, but, are you the girl in this magazine?  I'd really like to know."  She asks.  I frown.  She hands me a magazine, that had been turned to page 38.  I look at it, and my eyes widen. 

There was a picture of me and Thomas from the day he had taken me out with his motorcycle.  He was handing me the motorcycle helmet.  There were others too.  The headline said,  "Thomas Brodie Sangster and Mystery Girl!"  My first thought was, That's a really stupid headline title.

I read a bit of the article.  "Thomas Brodie Sangster was seen last Saturday outside an apartment complex with an unknown girl.  Sources say that Thomas had come inside the apartment building many times.  Could this be his new-"

I give the girl the magazine back.  "Sorry, but I'm not that girl."  I quickly go to a different check out, and hurry home.

Oh my goodness.  I was in a magazine with Thomas Brodie Sangster.  People all across the country were staring at my picture.  Who knows what they think of me.  Why did someone have to take our stupid picture?  I didn't want to be in a magazine.  Now people will come up to me and ask things and call me things and...  I was scared.  I didn't like being the center of attention.  I start to cry. 

"Why me?  Why can't you just leave me alone?  I stay to myself.  I don't bother anyone.  I don't want to..."  The tears keep falling. 

It was dark out.  It was raining.  The outside seemed to copy the exact mood I was in.  Lulu comes and sits in my lap.  My phone rings.  I answer without checking who it is. 

"Hello?"  I say through tears.

"Hey Kylie.  Are you-  Hey, what's wrong?  Are you okay?"  Thomas says.

I sigh.  "No.  I saw a magazine and...."

"Oh Kylie.  You saw it too?"  He asks.

"Yeah.  I don't want to be in a magazine."  More tears.  It was kind of hard to get the words out of my mouth now.

"Ah, crap.  I'm sorry.  I had no idea that someone was taking pictures.  I'm really, really sorry."  He says, and I can tell that he means it. 

"It's okay Thomas.  But, now people are gonna start talking about me.  Make rumors and stuff.  I don't want that!"  I say desperately.

"No Kylie.  They won't.  And even if they do, I'll take care of it.  I'm not going to let them hurt you.  I promise."  He says. 

I sniffle.  "I just wish no one had taken a picture."  I whisper.

"I know.  Me too, I can already tell it's hurting you.  Bloody paparazzi.  If I could, I'd knock them out for you."  He says.

I smile.  "That would be great.  Thomas?"


"Does this mean we won't be able to see each other anymore?  Because I don't want that to happen."  I ask quietly.

"The paparazzi aren't gonna stop me from seeing you Kylie.  I won't let that happen.  I'll just have to disguise myself or something."

"Thomas, you don't have to do that.  I guess I can somehow deal with them.  I think." 

"It's alright Kylie.  I'll do anything to see you." 

Oh my goodness.  Did he really say that?  Yes.  Yes he did.  And that's when I realize that I have feelings for him.

"Kylie?  Are you still there?"

"Y-yeah.  Sorry, I'm just really tired and I dozed off for a second..."

"Alright, well, you should go to sleep then.  Everything will be fine, alright?"

"Alright."  I answer.

"Good night Kylie.  Have sweet dreams."

"Good night Thomas.  I'll dream about you."  Oh crap. Did I SERIOUSLY just say that?  Wow.  I'm doomed.

He chuckles then says,  "I'll dream about you too. Good night, Kylie."  He hangs up.

I put my phone down.  I think about the last few things he said.  I stand up, making Lulu jump out of my lap.  Then, I do a little happy dance. 

That night, I dream about Thomas, just like I said I would.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now