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I watch Thomas as he finishes his last day of filming. 

The director yells, "That's a wrap!"  And everyone cheers. 

I smile as I see Thomas hurry over to me and pick me up and spin me around.  I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Congratulations Mr. Sangster."  I say, grinning at him.

"You know what this means right?"  He asks, putting me back on the ground.

"What does it mean?"  I answer.

He kisses my forehead.  "It means more time with you."  

"You are so cheesy."  I say, and kiss his cheek.

"I know."  He sticks his tongue out and licks my cheek.

"Thomas!  Gross!"  I laugh, wiping his saliva off my cheek.

"Awwww come on love.  Don't you-"

"Please go somewhere else and make out.  We're trying to clean the set up!"  A staff member says, but then winks at me.

"You're a lucky girl."  She says, then walks away, yelling orders to people.

I blush and look at Thomas.  He has a slight blush on his face too.

"Come on, let's get out of here before they make us clean up too."  Thomas grabs my hand and we run to where Carl was with the car.

"Hi Carl."  I smile at him.

"Hello Miss Fortz.  Where to?" 

"You can take us to our hotel Carl."  Thomas answers.

"Yes sir."  Carl starts the car and drives. 

I look at Thomas.  I could never get enough of him.  He was so perfect.  I lay my head on his shoulder, and he kisses the top of it. 

"I love you."  He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I whisper back. 

When we get inside his hotel room, Thomas grabs my waist and gently pushes me against the wall.  He looks at me with a smile on his face. 

"I'm so happy.  I just want to kiss you all over."  He kisses my forehead, my cheeks, my nose, all over my face.  Sweet, quick pecks, and it tickled.  I giggle, and Thomas laughed through his nose, giving me the most adorable smile ever. 

"I'm so in love with you."  He whispers in my ear, kissing my earlobe gently.  "You make me crazy."  This time, he gently nibbles and tugs on my earlobe with his teeth.

I let out a sigh, and he moves his lips to my neck.  He puts his hands in the back pocket of my jeans, and I lean in to him.  He kisses my lips softly.  I tangle my hand in his hair, and let the other one wrap around his neck.  

He puts one hand up and under my shirt and rubs my back.  I jump a bit as he gently squeezes my bottom.  He chuckles, and I just roll my eyes, but smile into the kiss.

The feeling of his soft lips against mine was heavenly, and I never wanted them to part.

This is what I wanted my whole life to be like.  I wanted this every day and every night.  I wanted to be with him forever. 

He carries me over to the bed and lays me down.  He lays down beside me and pulls me close, kissing me all over again.  Our legs tangle together, and we both laugh as we try and tickle each other.

"I love you Thomas." I whisper to him.

"I love you too, Kylie."

And that night, I fall asleep peacefully in his arms.



Oh my goodness guys, thank you so much for reading my story!  It truly means a lot, and I love all the comments you give me.  I had so much fun writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Seriously though, thank you.  I love all of you guys so much! 

I want to give a shout out to my friend SarahFuhr for giving me ideas and helping me out when I get writers block.

One more thing.  It's possible that there might be a sequel to this.  I have some ideas, but I have to get the layout in my head first. 

Thank you all again so much!  Your support and motivation helped me alot.  I love you!

May StarClan light your path.


In case y'all didn't know, the sequel to this book is finished! Go check it out on my profile.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now