Chapter Twenty-Six

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I am tired.

I am sad.

I can't eat.

I can't sleep.

I'm a mess.

I think about calling Thomas all the time.

I NEED to fix this.

But that voice. That voice stops me every time.

I watch the news.

And I gasp.

The news announcer says, "A convict has escaped a Nebraska prison. His name is Daniel Fortz. He was arrested for horrific and excessive child abuse. He escaped last Thursday around 2:30 AM. If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, please call the police."

I'm frozen. I can't speak.

This is why I have been having those thoughts, those nightmares.


Maybe they had before. I haven't really been watching the news that much...

He's coming for me.

He's going to kill me.

His voice taunts me. He tells me that he can't wait to see me. He has a special surprise for me.

I have to tell someone.

I think about calling Erica, but she doesn't really understand the relationship with my dad. And even if she did...

I think about calling my mom. I don't want to worry her. She's probably already stressed enough as it is.

I have nobody else to call.

Yes you do. My heart says.

I hadn't heard it in a while.

He won't help me. Why should he? I ended us. I've not answered his texts or his phone calls. He thinks I hate him. I've been a total bi-


With shaking hands, I pick up my cell phone, and I call him.

It goes to voice mail.

I leave a message.

"Th-Thomas, it's Kylie. My dad is... he's coming. He's going to find me. I-"

"Kylie?" Thomas's voice says. He had picked up the phone in the middle of me leaving a message. He sounds terrible.

"Thomas... I-I'm sorry. I-"

There's a knock on my door.

I know it's him. I can feel it.

I grab a knife from the kitchen, and I hide in the closet, locking the door.

"He's outside my front door. He's here." My voice shakes. "I'm sorry for calling you like this but-"


"Kylie, that's him banging on the door, isn't it? I'll call the police. I have to hang up, but I'll call the police. I'll be there as soon as I can. I promise. Kylie, stay calm. Don't bloody move. I'm going to help you."

"Please hurry Thomas..."

"I will."

He hangs up, and I start to dial 911, but after the 9, I can hear my front door crash open. I drop my phone in surprise, and it shuts off.  What a great thing to happen at this moment.

I hope I didn't break my phone...

I feel around for it, but I pause and stop moving as I hear footsteps.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now