Chapter Twenty-Three

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I open my eyes to see Thomas's brown ones. He grins when I open my eyes. "Hey beautiful." He whispers.

"Hi." I whisper. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I did. And you?"

"I did too." I answer.

I blush, realizing we were both still naked. I pull the covers up and over me, trying to hide from him.

"Too late Kylie, I already saw you." Thomas chuckles.

"Aww shucks." I say, pulling the covers down to my neck.

"You're so bloody adorable, I just want to eat you up." Thomas grins and pulls me flush against him so that our chests were pressed against each others.

I blush in embarrassment. "Thomaaaassss." I laugh.

"It's true, Snowflake." His gaze turns serious. "Kylie, will you listen to me for a moment?"

I frown. "Of course. I always listen to you, don't I?"

He nods. "I just want you to really listen, okay?"

I nod.

"Kylie. I know I tell you this a lot, but I don't really think you understand how much I mean it. I love you. I love you so much. I love you more than I love the sun, the stars, the moon. I love you more than my home, than my career, than my role model. I love you more than the air we breath, more than food, more than this whole world. I love you so flipping much Kylie. I really want you to know that. I love you."

I was crying. Tears of joy and happiness. Oh, this was so wonderful.

"I-I love you t-too Thomas. Oh, I love you so much too!" I kiss him passionately, trying to get him to feel my feelings for him.

"Oh Thomas... I love you so much. I love you." I murmur against his lips.

I was so happy.

I couldn't stop crying.

I could tell that Thomas was crying too. I felt him wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me as close as he could. "I love you Kylie. Don't ever forget it."

We kissed for a long time, our lips never getting tired of each others. Sometimes it was slow and soft, and sometimes it was heavy and wild. We could feel each others love. I never wanted to be apart from him. Ever.

We stayed in bed for most of that day, only getting up to go to the bathroom and eat.

That night, we slept peacefully next to each other.


The next day, Thomas and I get in the shower together.

We were both very nervous.

At first, we had our backs to each other. But then, Thomas turned around, and so did I. I'm not sure why we were both so nervous, we had seen each other naked before. But I knew I would always be nervous when I was naked around Thomas. That wouldn't change anytime soon.

Thomas pulled me close, placed little kisses on the top of my breasts. I giggle, his little kisses tickled.

I can feel Thomas grin. "Your laugh is the cutest thing ever." He kissed my neck this time, sucking on it softly, making me giggle once again.

"Thomas, that tickles!" I laugh.

"I know, that's why I'm doing it." He chuckles and kisses my nose.

"Can I wash you?" He asks. I blush bright red.

"S-sure." I say.

He puts soap on the rag, and starts to wash me. First my neck, then my shoulders, arms, chest, and my breasts. I can feel him pause for a moment and gently cup them, looking up at me. I blush once again, my eyes looking away from him.

"You're so cute." He whispers, leans in, and kisses me tenderly. I kiss him back.

He continues to wash me, and when he reaches my inner thighs, I have to try really hard not to moan. The way he ran the rag along my thighs... I melted.

"Are you okay, beautiful?" He says, looking up at me.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." I stutter a bit.

"Alright." He finishes washing me, then pulls me under the shower head, rinsing the soap off.

"There." He says. "Nice and sparkly." I just laugh.

"Will you let me wash you?" I ask.

"Of course Snowflake."

So I grab the other rag, put soap on it, and start with his neck.

When I get to his chest, I don't try to hide my gaze at it. He was so fit, and so beautiful. And when I got to his V lines, I melted again. Oh, his V lines were so delicious. I was so tempted to touch them, so I did. I traced them with my fingers, and I could see and feel him shiver.

It was so sexy, I almost died.

His breathing was heavy. I wanted to touch them all day, but Thomas says, "Y-you should probably w-wash me now." I had made him stutter.

Had that happened before? No, I don't think so.

So I washed the rest of him, and I pulled him under the shower head to wash the soap off.

We washed our hair and got out and dried off. We put our clothes on and I combed my hair.

When I was done, Thomas kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for washing me. It was very... nice." He whispers.

I blush. I seem to blush a lot...

"I'd like to say the same to you. It was very enjoyable."

"Good." He answers. "Let's go watch some TV. You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure! How about The Maze Runner?" I say.

Thomas rolls his eyes. "Not that please." I just laugh.

We watch three movies, then fall asleep.


Hello all. I'd just like to say thank you guys so much for all of your support and nice comments. It really means a lot to me, and it makes me smile. I'm going to be starting summer band camp on July 6th, so it might be a little hard for me to update. I promise I'll do my best, but please don't get mad if it takes a while. 7 hours of band five days a week is quite tiring.

Anyways, thank you guys again!

May StarClan light your path.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now