Chapter Six

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It's Friday night, and I'm panicking. 

What do I wear?  Where is he taking me? How long is it going to take?  Is this a date?  What if he forgets?  What do I do?  Should I-

I'm interrupted by Lulu, jumping into my lap.  She curls up, and I sigh.  I pet her, and soon she falls asleep. 

Great.  Now I can't move. 

Suddenly, a text.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Hey, tomorrow wear something comfortable and warm.  Trust me, it's gonna get a bit cold.  See you tomorrow!  xx

At least I know what to wear.

I look at the clock.  8:40 P.M.

If Lulu doesn't wake up soon, I'll have to wake her up.  I wait ten minutes, and when she doesn't wake up, I gently take her off my lap.  Lulu mews in protest, but I say,  "I have to go shower for tomorrow.  Sorry."

While I'm in the shower, I think.  Colorado is mostly cold all the time.  He should know that by now.  So why would he tell me to dress warm?  Where is he taking me? 

I finish with my shower, dry off, put my pajamas on, comb my hair, then go into my room.  I always let my hair air dry, it's just easier that way.

I open my closet door.  And I sigh.  I take my statement from earlier back.  I still don't know what to wear.  Something comfortable and warm.  Well, that doesn't rule much out, seeing that I have no fancy clothes, four short sleeve t-shirts, two pairs of shorts...  You get the drift.

I first look for pants.  Jeans are obviously out of the question, which doesn't leave me with much.  I decide to go back to pants later.  I look for a shirt, and instantly my eyes land on a pale purple, almost gray really,  shirt that was very comfortable and would definitely keep me warm.  Plus, I think I look pretty nice in it. 

Shirt taken care of, I turn back to pants.  It takes me about fifteen minutes, but then I finally decide on a pair of soft black pants.  Not fancy, but hey, it's the best I can do.  After I try the outfit out, I find my snow boots, put them on.  Then my coat, then my hat, then my gloves.  I look okay, I guess.

It's not like it's a date or anything.

That night, I can barely sleep.


It's 9:27 A.M.  Do I wait outside for him?  Will he text me when he's here?  Will he come up to my apartment and get me? 

A knock on my door.  I look throught the peephole, and I see Thomas.  I take a deep breath, then open the door.  He grins at me. 

"You look warm."  He says.

"Actually, it's kinda hot in here with these on."  I say in an embarrassed voice. 

"You'll be thankful for the warmth later.  Come on." 

When I step outside and see a motorcycle and that Thomas is walking straight towards it, my eyes widen, and I stop.  He gets on, puts a helmet on, then gestures for me to come closer.  He puts on a pair of leather gloves.  I just stare.

"Come on Kylie!  It'll be fun.  Don't worry, I won't go too fast."  I can't tell if he's joking or not.

I walk over to him.  "A motorcycle?  I didn't-"

"Are you scared?  Don't worry, I've been riding this for a few years now, I've got it all figured out.  Now come on, put the helmet on." 

Without a word, I put the helmet on, then sit behind him.  I grab on to the sides of the motorcycle, and jump when he turns it on.  He chuckles,  then says something, but the motor is too loud.  He takes off, and when I almost fall off, I quickly wrap my arms around his middle.  And I feel embarrassed. But he's so warm, and it's so cold, and he smells so good...

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now