Chapter Ten

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"So, what's your favorite color?"  I ask, not sure what to say now.

After we had confessed our feelings for each other, we hugged for a while.  Then we just sat down in a kind of awkward silence.  What now?

Thomas blinks a couple times.  "Well, I'd have to say green.  What's yours? "

"Mine is green too.  Uh, how about your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Chocolate.  Definitely chocolate."

"Same here!"  Oh my gosh.  Are we seriously talking about ice cream flavors?  Well, I am the one who brought it up. 

We end up asking each other random questions, and surprisingly, I get to know a bit more about him.

After about an hour of talking, a cautiously cuddle up against his side, but not too cuddly.

He smiles at me and says, "You don't have to be scared Kylie.  I'm not gonna hurt you.  And I want to be close to you too."

So I cuddle closer to him, and he wraps an arm around my shoulder.  He kisses my temple.

Relaxed.  I was so relaxed.  And warm.  He lays his head on top of mine, and we get into a more comfortable cuddle position.  My head is on his chest, and I listen to his heart beat.  I close my eyes.  Soon, I'm asleep.


When I wake up, Thomas is laying down on the couch, and my head is laying right above his belly button.  He's holding my hand.  He's still asleep. 

My eyes widen.  I'm pretty much laying on top of him.  I quickly but quietly scramble off him, but I accidentally hit him in the crotch with my knee on accident.  He immediately wakes up and covers his hurting crotch, a look of pain on his face.

"Ooooooohhhhh!"   He groans.

"Thomas!  Thomas, I'm so sorry!  Oh my gosh, please forgive me, I was just trying to get off and... I'm sorry!"  I start to panic.  Will he take back his feelings now?  Oh, I truly hope not!

"That bloody hurt!"  He sits up slowly, wincing.  "Ugh.  It's fine."  He says in a hoarse voice. 

"I really am sorry Thomas!  I-"

"Hey, it's fine.  It's fine."  He kisses my forehead. 

"Sorry..."  I whisper, looking down.

"Kyliiiiieeee.  Just please, shut up."  He chuckles.

I try my best not to grin.

All of a sudden, the electricity comes back on.  I jump up and say, "Yes!" 

Thomas just grins at me.  I stretch, and Thomas gets up and stretches too.  He then goes and look outside.  "Hmmm.  They still haven't cleared the roads yet.  Oh well.  More time with you."  He turns around and winks at me. 

I blush.  Oh my, that was sexy. 

That's when I realize that I probably look like crap.  I need to take a shower.  But should I, when Thomas is here?  And wouldn't he like to take a shower too?

"What's on your mind Kylie?"  Thomas asks. 

"Well, I was just thinking, you probably want to take a shower, and I definitely need to take a shower.  But the thing is, you're here and that would be kind of weird, plus you don't have any clean clothes to change into and you really don't want to change back into your dirty clothes cause that would be weird..."  I babble.

Thomas laughs.  "What a speech that was.  You can go ahead and shower, I promise I won't intrude.  I'm not a pervert.  I respect women.  Don't worry."  I believed him.

"But, what about you?"  I ask.

"Hmmmm, I don't know.  I'll figure something out."  He says.

So I go into the bathroom and take a shower.  But the whole time, I know that my face is red.  Thomas is just in the other room.  But finally, after I shave, wash myself and my hair, and ponder life for five minutes, I get out.  I dry, and change into fresh clean clothes.  I comb my hair, then walk into the living room where Thomas is reading one of my wildlife magazines I have on my coffee table.  

"Oh, Thomas, I'm sorry!  You must be thirsty.  And hungry.  Follow me."  I take him into the kitchen and let him choose a drink.  He takes a coke out of the fridge.  I then warm up some left over pizza.

"S-sorry.  It's not really a real meal but..."  I say.

"It's cool.  I haven't had pizza in a while."  He eats hungrily.  I feel really bad.  I let him eat first, then I eat after him. 

We ponder what to do with him and his shower for a while.  But all of a sudden, we hear sounds outside on he road.  We go and look out the window and see that someone is plowing the snow off the streets.  My heart sinks a little.  He'll have to go back to his hotel soon now. 

"Well, I guess I'll just take a shower at the hotel then."  He says dryly.  He turns to me.  "I guess I'll have to go soon.  But don't worry.  I'll definitely be back.  You can count on that."  After a while, his phone rings, and it's Carl.  Thomas says he'll just ride his motorcycle back to the hotel.

After he hangs up I say, "Are you sure your motorcycle will still work...?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine.  It's been through worse weather."  We are both silent for a while. 

I say, "I don't want you to leave."  Right at the same time he says, "I don't want to leave."  We both laugh a bit. 

We both exchange our work schedules, so we'll know when each other is on or off work.  After about fifteen more minutes, he gets up to leave.  I walk to him and give him a hug.  "Please, don't be a stranger.  Don't be silent."  I whisper.

"I wouldn't dream of it."  He replies

I look up at him, and he looks down at me.  I close my eyes, and he kisses me gently.  It's longer than our other kisses were.  His lips were so warm and soft.  He was warm.  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

When we pull away, we look into each others eyes.  "I'll see you later, snowflake."

"Snowflake?"  I say, puzzled.

"That's my nickname for you.  It's a reminder of what made us meet.  Do you like it?"  He asks.

I blush, embarrassed.  "Yes, I like it."


"Thomas before you go, I have a question."

"Alright, what is it?"

"Does this mean I'm your girlfriend and you're my boyfriend now?"  I say, looking down at the ground.

He chuckles.  "I guess it does, doesn't it."  He kisses my nose.  I was extremely happy.  I walk to my door with him and open it for him.  "See you later snowflake."  He says.  Then he walks down the hallway and into the elevator. 

I close the door behind me.  Then I jump up and down, absolutely full of joy. 

That night, I could still feel his lips against mine.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now