Chapter Eleven

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Being the girlfriend of Thomas Brodie Sangster is... interesting.

It's been a month. We don't really get to see each other that much. There are a few times when he has days off. But mostly he works and I work. It's hard to find days where he is off work and I am off work too.

But we text and call each other all the time. He never fails to make me laugh and smile.

I was ashamed that I was so excited when I heard that because of the snow, a lot of the movie props had been ruined, so they'd have to make them again. Which meant Thomas would stay longer. But when I thought of that, I realized that eventually, he would have to leave, go back to England. That made me incredibly sad. I decided I would think about that when the time came around.

One day, me and Thomas figured out we had the same day off. I was ecstatic. We planned a date. I made him tell me where he was going to take me this time though.

"A fancy restaurant." Was all he said.

"But Thomas, I don't have any fancy clothes!" I tell him in a panic. We were on the phone.

"Hmmmm, then maybe a fancy restaurant that's not as fancy as the one I was originally going to take you to." He says.

"Thomaaaaasss. I don't know what I'm supposed to wear!" I was starting to really panic.

"Kylie! Kylie, calm down. It's alright. You can wear a shirt and jeans. It's fine."

"But then I'll feel out of place!"

"Well, wear a fancy shirt and jeans then. It's alright Kylie. Don't panic over it." He says it in a soothing voice. I take a deep breath.


"I'll pick you up tomorrow at five then. Okay?"

"Are we gonna be on your motorcycle?"

"No, I'll drive a regular car. You don't have to worry, Snowflake." Ah, the nickname made me happy.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow Thomas."

"See you tomorrow Kylie."

I immediately go to my closet. What do I wear? I can't wear jeans, that's for sure. Boys obviously know nothing about fashion. Although I don't know much either.

What would a girl wear to a fancy restaurant?

I'd obviously never been to one. I look in my closet, before realizing that nothing was fancy enough. I'd have to go shopping tomorrow.

I hated shopping. But this was an emergency.

So the next morning, I get up at nine, get dressed, and go to Macy's.

I park my car, then hurry into the store. I didn't know where to start. Luckily, a lady that works at the store comes up to me and says, "Welcome to Macy's! Do you need help finding anything?"

"Actually, yes. I'm looking for something that I can wear to a fancy restaurant." That sounds kind of stupid. But Thomas didn't tell me which restaurant we were going to.

Darn you Thomas.

The lady smiles. "Yes, right this way." She leads me to a part of the store that looks expensive. Then she shows me some racks with pants and shirts.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome." She says, smiling. Then she walks away to help another shopper.

I check a price tag on a random shirt.

Fifty dollars?!

I want to pass out. Well, it's a good thing I got my paycheck a couple days ago. I start searching. I try on many shirts, some that don't fit, some that just don't look right. Then, I find one that looks beautiful.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now