Chapter Four

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It's been three days since I'd last seen Thomas.  All I've gotton was a few texts from him. 

I knew it was too good to be true.  Nothing lucky like that ever happens to me. 

I'm listening to "What Is Love" by Haddaway.  An old song, but it's kinda catchy.  I like it.  I sing along.

There's a knock on my apartment door.  I frown.

I have no friends.  My mom lives in Kansas, she always calls before she comes to visit.  My dad is in jail.  Who could that be?

I walk to the front door and look through the peep hole.  My eyes widen.  It's Thomas Brodie Sangster.  I open the door, realizing too late that I'm in short sleeves, and he can see my burn marks and faded bruises. 

He smiles at me, not noticing the marks yet.  I quickly shut the door. 

"Hey, what gives Kylie?  You can't-"

"Let me get dressed first, okay?"  I quickly run to my room and get dresses, making sure to cover everything up.  Then I go back and open the door again. 

"Hey, sorry about that, I was still in my pajamas."  I try to stay calm. 

"Still in your pajamas at 1 P.M.?"  He asks, amused.

"Well, when I don't have anywhere to go and you're just gonna stay home, there really is no reason to get dressed, is there?"  I ask.

"Hmmmmm.  I guess you're right."  Oh gosh, I missed him.

I hug him.  And he hugs me back.

"I thought you just kind of forgot about me, you know?  I was getting sad."  I say.

"I'm sorry Kylie. I've just been really busy with my movie."  He answers.

"I know, I'm sorry, I was being selfish."  I pull away, and look anywhere but at him.

Thomas chuckles.  "Don't worry, it's all good.  Now, let's go get something to eat.  You'll have to show me a good restaurant, like you promised.  And it has to be in walking distance, because I let Carl have a few hours to himself today." 

I smiled.  I liked the name Carl.  I also liked the name Bob. 

"Let me go turn my music off."  I quickly turn my music off, stuff my wallet and phone into my jeans pockets, grab my key, then walk out of my apartment, shutting and locking the door behind me. 

"Alright.  Let's go."  I say determinedly.

About ten minutes later, we are seated in a small diner.  It didn't look like much, but it was absolutely delicious.  We order our drinks, then are silent.  After the waiter brings our drinks and takes our order and leaves, we still sit in silence.

Do I say something first?  This is really awkward.  Oh, but look at his eyes, his hair, his mouth.  He's absolutely perfect.  If only-

Thomas snaps his fingers in front of my face, making me snap out of my thoughts.  "Take a picture, it'll last longer."  He says, grinning. 

I quickly put my hands against my cheeks, trying to hide my blush. 

"Did you hear the question I asked you?"  He says.  I sigh, then shake my head.  "What's your cat's name?"  Well, that is a random question.

"Her name is Lulu."  I say, thinking about my black, white, and brown cat.  "She's four years old.  She's a complete sweetheart." 

"She's a cute cat.   Do you have any other pets?"  I just shake my head.

I still wonder how he hadn't seen my burns and bruises.  But that was a good thing.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" He asks.  I shake my head.  "I don't think anybody would want to date this."  I say and point at myself.

"Hey now.  Don't be like that.  I know any guy would be lucky to have you."  I didn't think so.  Not after they heard and saw how damaged I was.  I just smile at him.  "You have a girlfriend?" 

"No."  He says.  Hmmm, short and sweet.

The waiter brings our food, and we dig in. 

"Oh my gosh Kylie.  This is bloody delicious."  He eats his food quickly.  I try not to laugh as he devours his spaghetti. 

After we are done with our food, we both get a piece of apple pie.  Their apple pie was delicious.  All of their food was delicious. 

As we are about to leave, I pull my wallet out to pay, but Thomas says, "No, no, no.  I'm paying."  And he doesn't give me any time to protest, he just pays. 

We walk out of the diner, and after a little bit of walking, he pulls out a cigarette and lights it.  I hated that he smokes.  But I couldn't do anything about it. 

But in some of the pictures I've seen him in, I have to admit, he does look pretty hot smoking.  We walk along, back towards my apartment. 

This was too short.  Who knows when I'll get to see him again.

He puffs out some smoke, then says, "You're an interesting person."  He puts his cigarette back in his mouth.   I frown.

"How so?" 

"You just are, you're... different.  In a good way."  He looks towards me, his cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth.

Woah, that's hot.

We continue to walk, and soon, my apartment building can be seen.

And even sooner, we are at my apartment door. 

He had taken his cigarette out and thrown it away.  Now he just looks down at me.  He gives me a hug.

"Thank you for taking me to a delicious diner.  It was really wonderful.  I will talk to you as soon as I can, but just know I'm really busy.   I promise I won't forget, you don't have to worry about that." 

I just nod.  "Thank you for paying for the food and hanging out with me and not forgetting me and stuff."  I say.

He smiles.  Then he leans in and whispers,  "Maybe soon you'll trust me enough to tell me about those marks on your arms."

I freeze.  He saw them.

He takes my hand, gently squeezes it, then leaves.

As I walk back into my apartment, I collapse onto the floor.

He saw them.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now