Chapter Twenty-Two

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I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon.


I follow the scent into the kitchen, to find Thomas just then taking the bacon out of the pan and onto a plate. I smile. He is such a sweet heart.

Thomas looks up and says, "Hey, Snowflake. Did you sleep well?"

I nod and sit down at the table. "I was very warm."

"Me too. Here, I made some stuff." He puts the food on the table, sets the table, and pours me some milk (I had told him milk was my favorite drink, it made me feel happy.)

He pours himself some milk and sits down next to me.

I start to eat, and it's delicious!

"Thomas, I didn't know you could cook!" I say.

"I'm okay at it." He shrugs.

"You're awesome at it!"

He just laughs.

When we are done eating, we wash the dishes. And when we are done with that, we go into our room and change.

I go into the bathroom and see that the box of condoms had been put to the side. My face gets red again, and I quickly change. When Thomas gets done changing, we both stand in the bed room, not sure what to do.

"Sssooooo...." I say.

"Hmmmm." Thomas says.

Hmmmm indeed.

"Want to go explore outside?" Thomas says.


We get our coats and hats and gloves on, then we walk outside. It was snowing.

"I just love the snow, don't you Kylie?"

"Yeah. It's always so beautiful." I walk around behind the cabin, and I flop down onto the ground, and make a snow angel.

Thomas flops down beside me and does the same.

I hadn't made a snow angel in a long time. It was so fun.

Thomas gets up, and I watch him grab a handful of snow. "Wanna have a snowball fight?" And before I could answer, he throws it at me, hitting me in the stomach.

"Hey, I wasn't ready!" I say, scrambling up. I grab some snow, make a snowball, and throw it at him, hitting him in the shoulder.

"Ha!" I yell.

And then a real snow ball fight broke out.

It was so fun, so childish. We hit each other and we missed. I got hit more than he did, naturally. But I was having too much fun to care. Our laughter was so loud and carefree. I felt free, and I felt like I didn't have a care in the world.

After a while, we were both panting and sweating. I threw one last snow ball at him for good measure, then collapsed on the ground again.

Thomas collapsed beside me, chuckling. He grabs my hand and pulls me close. "That was fun." He says.

"Yeah, it was."

We lay there for a while, cuddling.

Then, "Kylie, look slowly into the trees, don't make a sound." Thomas whispers.

I do, and see a mama deer and two babies with her.

Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing ever!

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now