Chapter Seventeen

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~2 weeks later~

I'm walking another dog we had taken in. Her leg had been broken, but it was healing nicely. Her name was Kat. Interesting name for a dog, but I kind of liked it.

I'm walking along the sidewalk, past a few small businesses. People stare at me.

Just ignore them, don't draw attention to yourself. Everything is fine.

I had been getting lots of stares lately. I could no longer hide the fact that I was Thomas Brodie Sangster's girlfriend.

The paparazzi had annoyed Thomas to a point that he finally said I was his girlfriend. I wasn't mad, it was bound to happen sometime.

Thankfully, my co-workers didn't treat me any differently. I was thankful for that.

A girl approaches me, probably about sixteen.

Here we go.

She walks beside me and starts to talk.

"You're Thomas Brodie Sangster's girlfriend, Kylie Fortz, right?" She asks.

I keep walking and don't take my eyes off Kat. She had her nose to the ground, sniffing.

"Yes." I say, trying not to sound stressed.

"Can I have your autograph?"

I stop in my tracks, making Kat stop too.

"Come again?" I say.

"Can I please have your autograph?"

"I'm not famous though." What in the world is happening?

"You kind of are though! You're in magazines and Entertainment shows and all that jazz! Please, can I have your autograph? Please?" The girl genuinely sounded excited and happy to meet me. I didn't know what to think.

"I... guess so. I don't have anything to write with though."

The girl pulls out a notepad and a pen from her purse. "Here you go." She says, handing them to me.

This is really weird.

How do I write an autograph? Is it in cursive or something?

I write my name neatly, but put some letters in cursive. It looks pretty cool actually, I'm proud of myself.

"There you go." I say, smiling shyly.

"Thank you so much! Can I have a picture with you?"

"Sorry, but no. I don't really..."

The girl looked sad for a moment, then she smiled again. "That's alright. Thanks for the autograph. Have a nice day!" And the girl walks off.

I stand there, stunned. Then Kat pulls on the leash, and I come back to my senses. I walk her back to her temporary home, then go and work with another dog.


When I get home, I call Thomas.


"Hey Thomas."

"Hey Kylie. How are you?"

"A girl came up to me today and asked for my autograph..." I say.

"Really? Hmmm, well, did you give it to her?"

"Yeah. It was weird."

"It is at first, but you'll get used to it, don't worry love."

"But Thomas, I'm not famous! Why would she want my autograph?" I say, starting to stress out.

"Calm down Snowflake. She must have seen you in magazines or something. It's common. It's alright." His voice is soothing.

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

"Okay. That's the girl I know." I knew he was smiling on the other end.

I yawn. "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight."

"Alright. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. I can't wait to see you again Kylie." He made a kissy sound. I laugh, make a kissy sound back.

"I love you Kylie."

"I love you too Thomas."

"Good night. Have sweet dreams."

"You too."

After we hang up, I lay down on the couch, holding the phone to my chest, smiling.

Soon after, Lulu jumps on my stomach.

"Luluuuuuu." I say.

She just meows and lays down.

I sigh. I guess I can't move for a while then.


The next day, we rescue a fox caught in a bear trap. I immediately volunteered to help take care of it. I loved foxes.

We had to give him a shot to make him sleep, and we worked on his leg. After we were done, we put him in a pen with blankets, food, and water. He should be alright.

That night, I decided to go book shopping. I had got my paycheck earlier that week, and I needed new books to read.

I go to Barnes and Noble. I pick out four books, and buy them. I had been wanting to read all of them.

Next, grocery shopping. Then, I buy Chik-fil-a for dinner.

When I get home, I'm exhausted.


And the day after that, I helped with the fox again. I walked Kat, got asked for an autograph twice.

I decided I would go clothes shopping. I wanted to buy some nice clothes for my next date with Thomas, which was in five days.

I wanted to look extra pretty for him.

So I bought a nice dress. It ended right above the knee. It had criss cross straps in the back, showing some skin, and it was black. I decided I would wear a shawl over it, just in case it was cold, which was very likely. I decided I would just wear my black flats I already had. I bought a pretty rose bracelet, which cost a bit too much if you ask me.

I decided I would curl my hair a bit. Not too much. I bought a black rose clip, to hold some of my hair back.

I think I was going to look... hot?

I shouldn't go that far. I think I was going to look beautiful. I hope Thomas will like it.

When I got home that night, I tried everything on, but didn't curl my hair.

I was surprised. I did look pretty great. Thomas better like it.

That night, I dreamt of Thomas.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now