Chapter Nineteen

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When I wake up, I'm all cuddled up against Thomas. I remember last night, and I blush. It was absolutely wonderful.

I move myself a bit to try to get into a more comfortable position, but when I move, there is a huge ache in between my legs and the inside of my thighs.

"Ah, what the heck?!" I say, gritting my teeth in pain, trying not to wake Thomas up.

He woke up anyways.

He opens his eyes, sits up. "Kylie? Are you alright?! What's wrong?!" He seemed frantic.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really hurting from... last night." I blush again.

"Where does it hurt, can I kiss it for you? Kisses always make everything better you know." He says in the cutest voice ever.

"Well, you see, the pain is in an... intimate place and um..."

If I let him touch me and see me last night, why won't I let him do it now? I guess it's just like that sometimes, you're really embarrassed the morning after...

"Ohhhh." He says. "Are you sure you don't want me to kiss it, Snowflake?"

I shake my head. "I'll just go and soak in the bath..."

I sit up all the way, the blanket uncovering my naked chest. My eyes widen and I quickly pull the covers back over me. Oh goodness, what's going on with me.

Thomas puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'll carry you to the bath. We can take one together."


Before I could protest, Thomas gets out of the bed, picks me up, and carries me toward the bigger of his two bathrooms. I cover my chest and Thomas just chuckles. "You don't have to hide from me..."

I just close my eyes and lay my head against his chest, my face hot.

Thomas sits me down on the counter top when we get into the bathroom, and starts the water. I can't help but admire his strong muscles on his back and the smooth skin of his. I wanted to touch him. But before I could reach out and touch him, he turns back around.

I cover my chest.

"Kylie... You're so adorable." He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too Thomas."

After the tub fills up with water, Thomas picks me up and gently lowers me into it. He gets in after me. There's plenty of room. It was as big as Thomas's king size bed.

Still, Thomas spread his legs and brought me in between them, my back against his chest.

Well this is embarrassing.

"Spread your legs." He whispers in my ear.

I turn around and look at him weirdly.

"So the water can soothe your aches in those 'intimate places', duh." He says, amusement in his eyes.

"Oh, okay." I spread my legs, and I wince as I do. It hurt.

The bathtub was deep. The water went all the way to right above my breasts.

I let my head rest against Thomas's chest and I close my eyes. It was peaceful. I felt Thomas start to gently rub my shoulders, and sigh quietly. "Mmmm."

"Kylie, you can relax. Let me take care of you."

"But Thomas, I can take care of myself you know. I-"

"Just be quiet." He says.

Well, I guess I'll be quiet.

He massages my neck, then my shoulders, then places kisses on them. Then my arms, which were also slightly sore. They soon feel great though. He then pushes me forward gently a bit, and massages my back.

"You're so tense. I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry." I say, starting to relax even more.

"I'm gonna turn you around." So he turns me around so that I was facing him. Then he starts to massage my leg.

"Oww!" I say. "Thomas, don't do that."

"Just wait, love. It'll feel better soon."

And after a while, it does. The pain starts to subside. It stays, but it's more bearable though. He does the same to my other leg, then he comes to my inner thighs.

He looks up at me. "I won't touch you here if you don't want me too, Kylie. I think it will hurt more here than anywhere else. I don't want to hurt you again." He was worried.

"Is it possible for you to be like, extra gentle there, or something?" That sounded so stupid. I mentally face palmed myself.

"I can try, but I just want you to be comfortable with it. I don't want to do it if you don't trust me." Well, I trusted him last night, I might as well trust him now.

I nod, and he moves his hands upwards, and he gently starts to massage my inner thighs gently. I wince, suck in a breath. Oooh, that did hurt. Thomas looks at me, stopping his hand movements.

"Do I need to stop?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm just really sore and aching is all."

He continues to massage me, this time even softer, and the pain gradually becomes less, but it's still there.

By he time he was done, I felt like jelly. My eyes were droopy, and I was trying my best not to fall asleep. Thomas washed himself, then I let him wash me. We moved so that my back was against his chest and our legs were spread out again, and Thomas placed gentle kisses on my neck. He was so absolutely wonderful and caring.

He rubs my sides, his hands caressing my skin. I hear him let out a sigh. "I wish I could feel you every day..." It might sound creepy, but it really wasn't. It was very loving and intimate, and I smiled.

I loved this man with all of my heart and soul.

Thomas helped me out of the bath tub and he helped dry me off.

That's when I realized that I had no clothes, only that black dress from last night. I told this to Thomas, and he said not to worry, Carl had brought some clothes for me.

And he did. Thomas gave me underwear, a bra, a comfortable shirt and comfortable pants, some shoes, socks, and a jacket. All from my place. It's a good thing that I let Thomas have a key to my place.

After I had put on the clothes (not including the jacket and shoes), I realized I was still very exhausted. So Thomas and I lay down in his bed again, and, holding me close, I fell asleep.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now