Chapter Five

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"Hey, come back here Jewel!  No, no, come back!  You're not done with your bath yet!"  I quickly run after Jewel, the golden retriever we found yesterday in the ditch, cuts and blood everywhere, with her puppies, during my job.  We named her Jewel because her eyes sparkled like them.  She was playful and very protective of her puppies.  She wasn't playful when we first rescued her though. 

I run after her, into the hallway.  I let people see my bruises and burns here because I told them they were all from animals.  Most people believed me, but I know some who were suspicious.  I had realized a long time ago that I would always have these burns and bruises.  It was a fact that I wasn't happy with.

I finally catch up to her, grab her, and take her back into the bath, making sure to close the door behind me. 

"You silly girl. Wait till your bath is done, then you can go play."  I sigh.  I haven't told anyone about Thomas.  Mostly because I have no one.  But I can tell Jewel.  I knew that her and her puppies would be here a while.

"Jewel, can you keep a secret?  I met this boy about a week and a half ago.  His name is Thomas Brodie Sangster.  He's a famous actor."  Obviously I know that she doesn't understand me or anything I'm saying, but hey, I'm not the only person in the world that talks to animals, right? 

"He's here working on a movie.  I forgot what it is called, but that doesn't matter."  I scrub her fur with soap, and she seems to listen.  "I've always been a fan of him.  Well not always, but you know what I mean.  And so a few days ago, we went out to eat at a diner.  It was nice.  But when he was about to leave, he told me he saw my bruises and burns.  And that's when I realized that I could either leave him alone completely, cutting ties with him, or tell him why I have them.  I could just say that they're from all the animals I work with, which some of them are actually, but most are not.  And besides, he'd find out I was fibbing right away.  He's very smart.  Oh, what do I do?"

I washed all the soap off Jewel.  I could tell she was happier already.  And that made me happy.  I took her out of the bath and combed her fur, then started to dry her off with a towel. 

"He's so perfect.  He's sweet, handsome, a bit of a smart ass, but hey, that makes him even more attractive."  I stop.  Why is he hanging out with me?  Why is he keeping in touch with me?  Is it an act of charity?  Surely not...

He said I was different.  What's that supposed to mean? 

Jewel shook her fur, spraying water all over me.  "Oh, sorry girl."  I say and continue to dry her off.

I was doubting myself again.  I always doubted myself.  But I couldn't help it.  It was part of my life, of my personality.

Surely he's not faking it, or playing any tricks on me.

But I realize that I really don't know much about him.  Yes, he's told me things, but I know there's more.

Calm down Kylie! It's only been a week and a half!

I'm obsessing over him.  That is not good.  That is so not good. 

When I was just a fan and I didn't actually know him, I obsessed over him.  But this was different.  This was a lot different. 

I finish drying off Jewel and take her to a different room where my boss, Jason, was working with other dogs.

"Hey, Jason.  Jewel is all cleaned up and ready to play." 

"Wow, Kylie, she looks brand new!  Great job!  You always do a great job.  Put her over there in that play pen with the dog toys so she can play.  After, clean up the bathtub and around it that you washed her in, then you can go home."  He says.

"Alright, see ya Jason."

"Have a good night!" 

I walk back to the room that I washed Jewel in and cleaned it up.  Then I go home.

When I get home, I take a shower.  I stay in there longer than usual.  And I just think.  About everything.  I get out, then warm up some leftover chicken.  I eat in silence. 

I glance at the clock.  9:00 P.M.

Lulu jumps onto the kitchen table.  I sigh.

"Lulu, you know that you're not supposed to be up here dummy.  Get down."  Lulu mews, but she gets down off the table.  I get done eating, wash my dishes, then sit down on the couch with my phone.  Lulu sits down next to me, and I pet her soft fur.  She purrs loudly. 

All of a sudden, a text.  From Thomas!  I quickly read it.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Hey Kylie. How are you?  xx

I type back,

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

I'm fine.  Just a bit tired from my job today.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Oh, should I let you sleep? xx

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

No, that's okay.  I'm happy to hear from you.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

I'm glad to talk to you too.  Say, when is your next day off?  xx

To: Thomas Brodie Sangster


From: Thomas Brodie Sangster

Are you serious?   Me too!  We totally have to do something.  xx

My stomach flutters a bit.  Go on another outing with Thomas Brodie Sangster?  Yes, please.

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

That sounds wonderful!   What do you want to do?  Oh, there's so many places that would be so cool to visit.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Actually, I've got an idea.  Let me take you somewhere, yeah?  I've looked up some places to go.  xx

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Umm, sure.  I've probably been there before though.

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

True, but I'm going to take you a different way.  Say, are you alright with motorcycles?  xx

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

I've never been on one, but I think riding one would be fun, why?

From: Thomas Brodie Sangster

Oh, just asking.  How about I pick you up on Saturday at nine thirty.  Sound good?  xx

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Yeah, sounds great.  I'm exhausted, I'm gonna go to bed.  See you on Saturday?

From:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

Yeah, see you on Saturday.  Good night Kylie.  Have sweet dreams.  xx

As I lay in bed that night, the only thing I could think was,

I can't wait until Saturday.

Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now