Chapter 12

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New York:

"They're ready for Luke." One of the stage men comes over the radio. Luke stands from his sitting position, rubbing his hands together. "Let do this." He walks over to me bending down placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Good Luck. Love you." I murmur into the kiss. "Your not coming?" He ask, brushing a piece of hair from my face. "No. I'm actually feeling a bit under the weather." I stretch my aching back. "You'll be okay?" He feels of my forehead. "I just need to rest. I'm sure I'll be better later." I assure him. He sighs, "If you need me, baby. You know exactly where I'll be." "I know. Just go. Your gonna be late." I smile kissing him once again. "Love you." He calls as the door shuts. I sigh laying down, bringing the blanket that lays on the back of the couch spreading over my legs. I sniffle and cough, sneezing into my hand. I groan, getting up going to the bathroom. I get some toilet paper wiping my hand, and blowing my nose. I throw it away, and turn the sink on washing my hands. When I finally finish I go lay back down. About 30 minutes later the door opens to reveal BM. He walks over also feeling of my head. "Luke sent me to check on you. Do you need anything?" He ask. "Actually I could use an Advil, and a glass of water." I croak. He nods, going to the cabinet getting me an Advil, and a glass of water. He brings it over to me. I take it from him, taking it, and gulping down the water. "Thanks. You should probably get back. Oh and tell Luke to please stop worrying." I add, as he walks out the door. I once again lay down, closing my eyes drifting into sleep.

I wake once again with Luke softly running his fingers through my hair, repeatedly kissing my forehead. I raise up, coughing a little in the process. "Lay back down, babe. You need rest." He says, sitting down. He brings my head down to lay in his lap. He strokes my hair once again. "How'd the concert go?" I ask. "It went really well." He states. I huff, closing my eyes. I hate being sick. I feel like I'm useless. "Anything I can get you?" Luke questions, quieting the boys. "No. I just want to go to bed." I tell him. I know I'm a little short with him, but I just don't feel good. He slides his hands under my body picking me up bridal style. He carries me to our bed, and lays me down. I haven't change out of the close I slept in so I don't have to change. "Luke" I call. He looks down at me from where he is standing. "I'm sorry for being so short with you. I just really don't feel good." "Don't worry about it, sweetie. Your sick and I understand that." He confirms. I nod, "Night Luke." "Night." He says simply, turning over on his side. I sigh, why do I have to be so stubborn. Why does he have to be so stubborn. Maybe it just isn't working out like we planed.

Los Angeles:
I'm a whole lot better. It turns out that I had the flu. Luke hasn't been acting like his self though. It kind of worries me. I mean, I try to ask him about it. He just ignores me or says it's nothing. He seems very, I don't know, distant. I guess. Right now though I'm texting my best friend Abby since we're in LA. Harry, her, and Darcy moved out here a couple of months ago. Abby also said that my other best friend Amber and her boyfriend, Luke, of 5 seconds of summer are in town. "Babe? Did you hear anything I was saying? Or we're you just ignoring me like always?" Luke brings me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry." I say. "What were you saying?" "Nevermind, now! Doesn't matter anyway!" He snaps. I sigh, looking out the window of the bus. The bus comes to a stop. Luke gets up, and looks at me. "You want anything to drank." His voice filled with anger. "Yeah, I'll take a diet coke. Please." My voice is small. He nods, walking out of the bus door slamming it. I don't what his problem is, but I'm going to find out one way or another. "What's his problem?" Carter questions, coming from the back. BM not far behind him. "I don't know. He's been acting like that ever since we left New York. I even apologize for being rude and snappy with him." I explain. "Maybe it's just the stress on him. Don't let it get to you." BM tells me. Maybe their right, maybe he's just stress. I decide not to press the subject any longer. Luke comes back a couple minutes later. He hands me my diet coke, sitting down beside me. "Thanks, Sweetie." I lean over kissing his cheek. He mumbles a quick welcome before sighing. "Uhh.. Luke can we talk about something?" I ask very hesitate. "What do you want to talk about?" He ask. "Why have you been so distant?" I calmly state. "We are not talking about this right now." He shakes his head. "Why not!" I raise my voice. "Because we're just not! Will talk when we get back from eating with Abby and Amber." He huffs. "Fine. I should go get ready then. We have to meet them in 30 minutes." I get up from the couch, only to be pulled onto Luke's lap. "You know I love you...right?" He voice just above a whisper. "Yes." I bring his face to mine, slightly kissing him. "I love you, too." I say. "I promise that tonight I will tell you everything. I'm sorry." He sighs. I nod, "Okay. I just want answers." I get off of his lap, walking to our room in the back. I go to my suitcase pulling out some clean clothes. I go to the bathroom and jump in the shower. I get out and brush my teeth. I then put my clothes on, which consist of a red tshirt, blue jeans, and tony lamas. I walk to see Luke ready. He took a shower early this morning. He smiles at me grabbing my hand. "Let's go." He says.

We make it to the restaurant 20 minutes later. We're alittle early, but Abby and Amber are here. I smile has I see them already sitting at a table. I grab Luke's hand, walking over. "Hey guys!" I squeal, earning a chuckle for Abby, Amber, Harry, and Amber's husband Luke. (I know confusing right.😂). I also got a couple of glares from the people in the restaurant. "Hey Memphis! How are you!?!" Amber wraps me in a hug. Amber has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She a tattoos everywhere, and a lip ring. "I'm doing great!" I laugh. "Memphis!" Abby also yells. "Hey Abs!" I giggle. "You have another on the way?" I gasp. "Yeah. Wasn't planing on another one, but you know." She looks down at her slightly big belly. Abby has red hair and green eyes. I nod, "I can't wait until I have children." I laugh. "That can be arranged." Luke looks at me with a goofy grin. "Luke!" I slap his arm, causing Luke (ambers) and Harry to laugh also. I roll my eyes at the boys. I look over at little Darcy. "Hey cutie. How are you?" I beam at her. "I fine. Look what I made daddy." She giggles pointing to Harry's arm. "Yeah. I see that sweetie. Very beautiful." I smile. "Thank you" She giggles her green eyes lighting up. "Baby? What do you want to drink?" Luke ask. "Oh uhh.. Sprite." I tell the waiter. He nods leaving. Harry and Abby were speaking about something more quiet. As I turn to Amber, "So tell me how have you been?" "I'm doing great." She squeals. "That's good. It's really good to see you again. You too, Luke." I smile. They smile back, nodding, "Yeah it's been awhile." "I didn't want another child right now Harry! Darcy is only 2! I wanted to wait!" Abby yells, grabbing all of our attention. Abby gets up storming off to the bathroom. Harry gets up to go after her, but I stop him. "Just let Amber. You and I need to talk." I say sternly. He nods, and Amber follows her. "Luke, Luke." I say looking at both of them. (I know it's weird). "I need to speak to Harry. I'll be right back. Please watch Darcy." I lean down kissing my Luke. Harry and I go behind this wall. I'm the first to speak. "What was that all about?" "We just got into alittle argument. Nothing big. She'll get over it." He explains. "Nothing big?!" I throw my hands in the air. "Harry, she didn't want another kid right now." I place my hand on his shoulder. "I know" He says barley above a whisper. "Maybe it's not working out." When he says that my hand comes in contact with his face. "Ow! What was that for?" He rubs his face. "Snap out of it Styles. You two were made for each other. So I suggest you go apologize and make up." I tell him. He nods, turning and walking away me following him. Abby and Amber have came back. Harry ask to talk her which obliges. The waiter finally comes with our food. An hour later we're all finished. Luke looks at me telling me that we need to go. I sigh, "I guess I'll see you guys next time I'm here?" "Yes! Definitely thanks for everything." They stand giving me a hug. "Bye Abs and Amber!" They pull me in a bone crushing hug. "Stay in touch." They say. I nod. Next Harry and Luke hug me saying there goodbyes. Lastly is Darcy. "Bye Meme." She says, since she can't say my name yet. "Bye sweetie. I'll miss you so much. I love you." I bend down pulling her into a hug as Luke speaks to the others. "Meme? Do you love Luke as much as you love me?" That gets everyone's attention. "Yes ma'am." I poke her in the stomach making her giggle. "But your the cutest." She laughs. "Ha ha!" She sticks her tongue out at Luke. He acts offended playing along, huffing a little. She runs up to Luke wrapping her tiny arms around his legs. "Bye Luke. I love you." She tells him causing butterflies to appear in my stomach. It was the sweetest thing ever. He leans down kissing her forehead. "I love you too, sweetheart." We wave goodbye to them getting in the truck, driving to the bus. Luke gets out and as usual opens the door for me. It's time I find out why he is being so distant. Is he cheating? He wouldn't would he? "Babe?" Luke says bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" I hum, turning to Luke look at him. "I'm gonna tell you what happened." With that my heart dropped.

Cliffhanger: I know y'all hate these, but I had to have something to put in the next chapter. Anyways I tried to make this one longer. Sorry for any spelling errors, and any confusion about this chapter. If you have any questions ask. Comment/Vote! I love y'all!!! Bye!!!

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