Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I walk into Luke's house after using the spare key he gave me. I basically live with him now. I mean, I'm over here all the time. I just got home from my "summer job" I have at one of Brian's buddies restaurants. I have to go back to school in 2 days, but I'm leaving tomorrow. Luke is at the recording studio with BK and Ty. I put my shoulder bag down on the coffee table and go to the fridge to get a bottle of water. I notice a piece of paper on the counter. I pick it up and read it.

Dear Memphis,

I know you probably just got home so I want you to go take a hot bath, and put something casual on. Be ready by 7. I will be there to pick you up. I love you sweetheart.

With lots of Love,


I do as he says. I go to the bathroom and pill off my work cloths. Getting into Luke's Jacuzzi tub. I relax until my phone rings Luke's ringtone "drunk on you" I pick it up.

L-Luke M-Me

M- Hello?

L- Hey baby! Did you get my note?

M- Yeah... And I did exactly that.

L- Are you okay?

M- Yeah.. Just tired. Are y'all still at the studio?

L- No actually I'm on my way home. When I get there I have to change cloths and then we can leave.

M- okay.. I'll see ya when ya get here! I love you!

L- alright love you too! Bye

M- Bye

I finish my bath and get out walking into Luke's room. Where some of my cloths are. I pick out a pair of my blue jeans and my blue button up shirt. I put them on then go back to the bathroom to fix my hair and put light make-up on. I grab a pair socks and my tony lamas with the cross. I go downstairs and turn the tv on. I sit there and watch country music until Luke walks in. "Hey baby" he smiles walking over to kiss me. "Hey" I say. "You look beautiful" he says. "Thanks babe" I say putting my boots on. "Let me go change and then we can leave" he says running up the stairs. About 10 minutes later he comes back down with blue jeans, boots, a under amour shirt, and his 32 bridge hat. "You ready?" He ask. "Yeah" I say standing. When we get to Luke's truck he opens the door for me as usual. "Thanks sweetie" I say kissing his cheek. "Welcome darlin" he says when he cranks the truck. "I love you" he says. "Love you" I smile. "Where do you want to eat?" He ask. "I don't care" I say. "I don't care isn't a place" Luke laughs. I chuckle and say, "fine... Go to Olive Garden." He nods and turns into the Olive Garden parking lot. We park Luke jumps out and opens my door for me grabbing my hand in the process. We walk in and Luke tells them how many. Soon we are seated and our waiter comes and ask what we want. I tell him what want and Luke does too. We eat our food and Luke pays then we leave. Luke starts heading back toward his house. Instead of going to the house he goes to the pasture. He stops at the old oak tree, and turns the truck off. I look at him confused, but he just motions for me to get out. So I do. "What are we doing out here" I raise my eyebrow. "Sleepin" he answers simply. "Do you have a tent" I ask. "No, but we have you, me, and some blankets under the stars." He replies. I giggle at him as he spreads all the blankets out. "Alright lay down sweetheart, I know your tired" he says. "Luke I have no clo-" I'm cut off when Luke pulls my PJs from the truck. I smile at him," you really had this planed didn't you?" "Yep! You can change in the truck" he nods toward the truck. I take my clothes from him and change in the truck. Me and Luke sit on the tailgate for a little while before we go to bed and talk about somethings. Luke goes to the oak tree and carves our entionals with a heart around it. I sigh. "Luke we need to talk" I pull at his hand. He sits down beside me as I lean my head on his shoulder. "Okay, I know what it's about. You leaving tomorrow" he says looking down. "Yeah, what are we gonna do" I sigh. "We're not gonna do anything baby. Your gonna leave and go back to school and I'll stay here" he says looking into my eyes. "Luke, I mean should we break up or what? We're not goin to be able to see each other and I'll miss you all the time. I don't know if I can do it" I say tears starting in my eyes. Luke scoots back and lays down on the blanket pulling me down with him. "Baby, breaking up isn't an option" he strokes my hair. I look up at him "Luke how will we make it work." "Do you love me?" "Yes" I sniffle. "Do you trust me?" "Yes." I say again. "Alright then, we can make this work. I'm not losing you over this" he kisses my forehead. I dry my tears after about 5 minutes of crying. "Are you okay now sweetie" Luke ask. "Yeah Thanks. I love you Luke" I say. "I love you too baby" he kisses me. "Now lets spend our last night together" he says. I lay down on Luke's chest. I hear his heartbeat start in rhythm with mine. At that moment I knew we were meant to be. "I'm gonna miss you so dang much" he whispers kissing behind my ear." I'm gonna miss you too" I whisper back bring his lips to mine. We part and I lay my head back down on his chest once again. "Goodnight Luke" I say closing my eyes. "Goodnight Memphis"'he says pulling the blanket over us.

Next morning: (time for Memphis to leave)

Brian, Ty, and Luke are all here to send me off. Each one of them say there goodbyes. First it's Ty. "I'm gonna miss you Darlin. I love you! Finish school and come back and see us" he laughs. "I will of course! I love you too!" I let a tear fall from eye. I hug Ty and kiss his cheek. Brian pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "Now you listen. Finish school. When you get through you can come live with me if you want. I will miss you so much. I love you little cuz" he says kissing my forehead. "I would love too! I love you too BK." I smile. Finally it's Luke's turn. "Don't forget about me. I'll miss you so much. You go finish school and we'll continue this. Who knows I might even surprise you. I love you baby. " he kisses me passionately. I hug him as tight as I can and he hugs me even tighter. He kisses me one more time before wiping my tears away. "Now stop all that crying" he laughs. I smile at him getting one more hug from him. "I love you too sweetie" I say. We have one last group hug before I load the bus. I go to the very back seat and sit looking out the window. I wave to all of them letting tears fall from eyes as they become smaller and smaller. This is gonna be a long 3 months.

Here is chapter 7! Don't hate me she had to go back to school sometime. BTW: she goes to UGA for criminal justice. I almost cried myself when I was writing this. Sad:( I love you Luke and I love you guys! Go follow me on Instagram: destiny_parson! I promise I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Comment/vote Bye my fellow Luke Lovers!❤❤

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