Chapter 20

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AN: I know this is a little late, but Landon is played by Josh Hutcherson.
Btw I have absolutely nothing against Josh. I think he is funny, sweet, and adorable. I just thought he would be good to play the part.

SnapBack -Old Dominion
Twist and Shout- The Beatles: Just because I love them so much.❤️

Previously in Love in the city of music:

"You're going down, Bryan!" I shout at Luke. Truth is I suck at racing go-carts, but I wouldn't tell Luke that. "Keep telling yourself that, Kelley!" He yells back over the roar of our engines. The lights countdown until green, and we all take off. Luke hits me a couple of times, as I yell at him to stop. I was spun out quite a few times. By the time we were finished I was fifth, and Luke was still first. Other than Christy today was great. We walk hand in hand back to the bronco when I hear, "Memphis?" Maybe I was wrong.

  "Landon?" My breath hitches. "Hey." He says, walking closer. Luke's hand tightens around mine. "What are you doing here?" I wonder out loud. Landon looks to Luke then back to me. "On vacation." He says, as a very slim blonde girl walks up. "Hey, babe. Who's this?" She ask, looking to me and then Luke. "Hi, baby. This is an old friend of mine." He says to her. She smiles politely at us. "I'm Jenny, it's nice to meet you." She sticks her hand out. "Oh my gosh, Wait... you're Memphis Kelley! Oh my goodness!" She squeaks excitedly. "Uh... Yeah, and this is my boyfriend, Luke." I say, awkwardly. "Oh my gosh! I absolutely love your cousin!" She smiles. "Thank you," I smile politely at her. "I'm sure he would be glad to know you're a fan." "Landon how come you didn't tell me you knew Memphis?" She questions looking up at Landon. Did she seriously not read magazines? Or even watch tv? "Uh.. I.. Uh... I just didn't think it was that important." He stutters. Pft.. Yeah right... Keep lying to your girlfriend Landon. I thought he said he changed? I'm so freaking confused right now. "We have to go," Luke finally breaks in. He looks down at me. Thank you my wonderful fiancé. Isn't he just amazing. "Yeah, we should. It was nice seeing you." I smile, casually. They both smile, "Goodbye." Luke and I turn and quickly walk away. "What in the hell was that?" Luke laughs. "He acted so innocent." He spits, as he opens the bronco door for me. "I know. I don't understand him. He's such a weird person." I agree when Luke gets in cranking the bronco. "Why did you even date him? That was kinda stupid on your part." He says. "I know, Luke," I reply. "You really don't have to remind me." He looks at me taking his eyes off the road for a minute, "I told you the moment I met him what he was gonna do, but did you listen to me? Nope, You said 'he's just has anger problems.'," He spits. What was wrong with him? "I thought he did!" I raise my voice. "You know, Luke, I really don't need this right now." I shake my head.  "What exactly is your problem?" I ask him. "You were fine 10 minutes ago." He sighs heavily, "I'm sorry, baby doll. I just, I can't stand him. Just what he did to you, and then him sending you that message saying he's change, but clearly he hasn't. I guess he just got under my skin." He takes his hand off the wheel grabbing my left one in his right. "It's okay, Luke." I smile at him.

      "Sweetheart, I'm going out to get breakfast. I'll be back in a little bit." Luke calls from downstairs. "Okay, babe." I yell, from the bed upstairs. I recently just woke up. Luke and I got home about 9 o clock last night after visiting a few more places. Needless to say we were both really tired. "Oh yeah, Carter is coming by to start working on that new song!" He says, as I hear him coming up the stairs. "Okay." I call. He steps into the room, "I love you," he blows a kiss. I laugh pretending to catch it, "I love you, too." With that he leaves. About 10 minutes later the front door opens and closes again. Carter. He never knocks. "Memphis?" He calls. "In the bedroom," I hear his footsteps coming up. "Knock much?" I question, shrugging my shoulders lightly. "Never, I mean since it's my best friend's house." He tells me matter-of-factly. "Well your best friend's fiancé could have been naked." I counter, causing him to make a funny face. "Gross, Memphis. I don't even want to think about that." He says, causing me to laugh. "Well then next time, knock." I confirm. "Anyways I'm gonna go down to the music room, and start on this song." He smiles. "Alright, talk to you in a bit." I say, as I get out of bed. He leaves the room, and I hear his footsteps fade.

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