Chapter 24

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"Lukey!" Carter yells from downstairs, causing Luke and I to both shoot up from our slumber. "What is he doing here?" I groan, moving closer to Luke. He sighs placing his arm tighter against me, kissing my forehead. "We're suppose to go record. I forgot to set my alarm so Michael created his own." Luke mumbles, once again sighing. I could tell he was still tired. "Luke! Y'all better be decent I'm coming in!" Carter says before barging in through the door of mine and Luke's room. "I'm naked!" I shout the minute Carter opens the door which causes him to shut it fast. "Damn it, Memphis!" He says through the door. Luke laughs loudly, "She's kidding, Michael. Come on in." Luke and I still lay wrapped up in each other when Carter opens the door again. "Gah, Memphis, Give someone a heart-attack why don't you?" He places his hand over his heart. I roll my eyes, "Whatever, Carter." I throw the blanket off of me and raise from Luke's chest. I make my way into the bathroom brushing my teeth. "Why are you here again?" I ask Michael. He steps into the bathroom. Luke follows behind him and grabs his toothbrush. "Um, because your soon to be hubby as songs to record." He reminds me placing his hand on his hips. I laugh, "I know, Carter. I'm kidding." I lightly punch his arm. "While you guys do that, future Mrs. Bryan here has to go pick out a wedding dress with her mom, Aunts, sister, and like four friends so please pray I don't go crazy." I run my fingers through my hair, walking into the bedroom finding some sweat pants and a T-shirt to throw on. "Okay, Luke I'll be downstairs," Carter says, leaving the room. "Baby," Luke calls. I turn around to face him and he speaks, "We need to talk about the Landon thing. It's been three days, and you haven't said a word." He takes a step closer to me. I really wasn't avoiding the subject. I just didn't know what to say. I mean Landon had never been that honest or as serious as he was when he spoke those words to me. I let out a sigh and step toward Luke wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms wrap around my waist and he holds me. "Luke, I don't even know what to say or where to begin. I want to believe him, but he's lied so many times to me. It's so hard for me to trust him." I say into Luke's neck. He pulls me tighter against him, and lets his mouth rest at my ear. "You need to talk to him, Memphis. Sort everything out. I don't like the idea of you being with him alone, but for you to figure what's going on with him, you might have to be." He says. "I'll think about it." I leave a kiss on his neck and the subject is dropped. Luke hums before pulling back and placing a light kiss on my lips. "I love you." He says. "I love you." I smile, placing one last kiss on his lips. "I'll see you in a bit, sweetheart." He throws over his shoulder as he walks out of the bedroom. "Stay Gold, Ponyboy!" Carter yells from downstairs. "I love you too, Michael!" I laugh at his The Outsiders reference. This is gonna be a long day.

   "That ones a bit to sparkly," My sister says, pointing out the flaws of the dress I previously tried on. "I liked the other one. The silky one." One of my friends but in. "What about that short sleeved pearl looking one? It was cute," My Grandma says. Everyone was blabbing and it was becoming a lot. "Okay, listen," I finally say, "I haven't found the one I want to buy yet. When I do, you will all know." I then continue looking for a dress. I rummage through them until one catches my eye. It was very lacy at the top with a slight cut/opening in the back and it flowed down into regular cloth. (pic shown above.) I grab it from the shelf making my way to the fitting area. I try it on and immediately I'm in love with it. This is it. This is the one. I make my way to show my family and all their jaws drop. "It's perfect." My mom tears up. She rushes towards me pulling me into a hug. "You're gonna be so beautiful." She says, and wipes a tear from her eyes. "Ugh, I can't wait," My sister squeals. "Oh my gosh, guess who my date is gonna be?" Maddie gushes, "Finn freaking Balor. That's right everyone, the wrestler!" She fangirls. I giggle at her and wink, "You behave now, ya hear?" She blushes lightly and shakes her head, "No promises sis." She laughs. "Okay, sweetie, go get changed! We have a lunch to get too!" My friend Autumn says, and I immediately listen.

"Hello?" I answer my phone as Luke's ringtone rings. "Hey, Love." That was a new one. I liked it though. "What's up? Are you okay?" Luke says. I love how he always made a way to call me or even ask me how everything was. Gah, I love him. He was such a sweet soul. "Yes, baby. I'm fine." I tell him, "I picked out my dress. I hope you love it, babe." I lightly bite my nails suddenly nervous of how Luke will react to the dress. "Stop biting your nails," He comments and I can tell he's smiling. How does he know me so well. "Memphis, You know I'll love whatever you picked out." He confirms sweetly. "Luke, it's time to start again." I hear Carter say in the background. Luke sighs, "I gotta go, baby. I wish I could talk to you longer." Luke hated not being able to spend as much time with me. With the new album coming out. He was busier than usual. "It's okay, I know you're busy. I'll see you tonight." I confirm, shaking my head even though he can't see me. "Okay, sweetie, I love you." He states before he hangs up. I sigh pulling the phone from my ear making my way back to the table with the girls. "Was that baby daddy?" My sister teases. I throw her a glare, "Maddie, hush, you know I'm not pregnant." I did want kids with Luke but he was so busy with music and stuff we really hadn't had time. "One day." She comments, "One freaking day, I'll have nieces and or nephews from you." She snaps her fingers together. "Yeah one day." I agree. I still didn't know what I was going to about the Landon thing. Gah this was making me so confused and nervous.

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