Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Luke! Please don't leave me!" I sob grabbing Luke's hand as he tries to walk out the door. He rips his hand from mine turning to look at me. "There's nothing you could say or do to stop me!" He yells. "Luke!" I yell. "Baby, baby! Wake up! Your having a nightmare!" Luke's voice yells.

I shoot up in the bed breathing heavy and covered in sweat. Luke sits up with me and puts his hand gently on my back rubbing it softly. "It's okay baby. I'm right here" he whispers. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck crying into his shoulder. "Don't leave me" I sob. He strokes my hair. "I'm right baby I ain't goin anywhere." I sigh into his neck, "I know, it's just our fight we had yesterday. I guess." "Baby, yesterday was stupid. I should have never left or got mad at you." He kisses behind my ear. "No it's my fault. I should at least told you when you ask." I lean back and touch his face with my hand. "Sweetheart, stop it. It ain't your fault and you know it." He says softly. I nod letting him win. "Now let's go back to sleep" he lays down bringing me with him. "I love you" I say laying my head on his chest. He puts his arm around me whispering, "I love you." And with that I'm back asleep.

"Do I turn you on and on when I kiss you baby, does the sound of me wanting you drive you crazy, do I have your love, Am I still enough, tell me don't I or tell me do I baby give everything that you ever wanted, would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely, do I just need to get up and get on with my life, Baby, do I" Luke sings as my eyes slowly flutter open. I look beside me to see Luke not lying there. I hear him hum some lyrics I'm not really sure what they were. I let my eyes trail down the bed and to my reclining chair that sits in the corner of my room. He looks up and smiles at me as he continues to sing. I slowly sit up in the bed and smile at him. He finishes out the song putting his guitar down. He stands up and makes his way over to me a planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Morning" he smiles. "Morning sweetie" I peck his lips once more. He sits beside me and takes my hand. "You okay?" He ask rubbing his thumb gently over my hand. "Yeah, I think I'm might be coming down with a cold or something. What time is it?" I sniffle. "9, but get ready I'm taking you somewhere today for our 6 month anniversary." He brushes a piece of hair from my eye. "Where are we goin?" I raise my eyebrow. "That, my gorgeous country girl is a secret." He smiles. "Gosh, Luke. Enough with the surprises" I whine playfully. "You know you love them" he giggled. I nod, "well I better get ready" I get up walking to my drawer getting a pair of underwear and a bra. "Pick me an outfit out" I point to my closet. He nods as I go into the bathroom.

I pull the towel around my body, opening the bathroom door, walking into my room. On my bed lays a pair of my miss me jeans, my long sleeve black coasta shirt that Luke bought me, and my brown cowboys boots. I slide on my underwear and bra. I then slide on my jeans when there's a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I ask. "It's your mama" mama laughs. "Alright, come in" I say grabbing my shirt putting it on. Mama comes through the door smiling. "Do you know where he's taking you?" She ask. "Nope, he won't say a word" I say matter of factly. "Oh, well let me know" she says before she turns to leave.

"Are you ready yet baby?" Luke ask coming in shortly after. "Yeah almost, just need to fix my hair and put some make-up on." I walk into the bathroom. I straighten my hair and put light make-up on. "Alright, ready" I walk out of the bathroom back into my bedroom. "Let's go" he grabs my hand leading me downstairs. "Bye mama, bye daddy. Love y'all." I yell walking out the door. I actually have no idea where Bk and Ty are. My brother is at work. He is a police officer for the local department. He and his fiancé are actually partners. He is getting married in December. My sister on the other hand is probably at Cade's house. (If y'all forgot that's her boyfriend). Anyways back to reality, Luke pulls at my hand making me walk a little faster. "Do you mind telling me where we're going?" I ask knowing I won't get an answer. "If you must know we are going to the movies and that's all I'm telling you." He looks at me before opening his truck door. He helps me in as usual and runs around truck and jumps in. "So that's not the whole surprise?" I ask again. "Wow, your just full of questions today aren't we." He grins pulling out of the driveway down to the road. "You better know it." I laugh. Luke grabs my hand and kisses it. The rest of the way to the movies it was silent. We finally pull into the local theatre and park. As usual Luke opens the door for me. He grabs my hand as we enter walking up to the counter. Luke pays the guy for the tickets, popcorn, and drinks. "Thank you" Luke smiles. He hands me my drink and the popcorn. "Let's go" He motions. I look down at my ticket before I hand it to the ticket guy. 'The Best Of Me' I raise my eyebrow catching up to Luke. "I thought you didn't like chick flicks." "I don't, I just though it would be okay to bring my lovely girlfriend to see it." He smiles. "All babe, thank you." I giggle. He leans down kissing my lips. We get to the door and Luke opens it for me. "Ladies first" he points. He is always such a gentlemen.
After the movie we walk out of the movie theatre into the bright lights of the outside. "Memphis Rose Kelley? Is that you?" I hear someone yell from behind me. I spin around to find my best friend that I haven't seen since high school standing there with her husband and little girl. I've talked to her on the phone and over the internet, but haven't seen her. "Oh my gosh! Abby! How have you been!" I run to her tackling her in a hug. Luke walks up behind me putting his hands around my waist. "I've been doing great as you can see." She points to Harry and the little girl. "How is London?" I ask. "It's awesome. It's a really great place to live." She smiles before Luke clears his throat. "Oh I'm sorry babe. Abby this Luke. Luke this Abby, Harry, and Darcy Styles." I point to them. "Oh that's the guy you wouldn't shut up about in high school isn't it. Named your dog after him and everything" Abby laughs. I blush and quickly change the subject. "Are you still working at that hospital?" I question. She nods, "yeah, been there for 2 years." "Baby we need to get going or else we'll be late." Harry cuts in. "Yeah, I guess we better go. It was nice talking to you Memphis. Tell your parents and BK I said Hey." She smiles. "Definitely" I give her a hug. "Nice to see you Harry" I smile. "You too love" he nods. "Nice meeting you luke" they both say. "Nice meetin y'all" he grins. "Bye cutie." I poke Darcy in the stomach. "Bye, bye" she giggles. They give me one last smile before turning to leave. "Well someone was in love with me." Luke laughs as we pull into Longhorn. "Yes" I huff. "I was in high school. Fangirling is what we do." I giggle. "Aww. My baby was in love with me even back then" he says. "Baby stop" I whine. "Don't pout baby. It's okay." He grins getting out. "I would be in love with me too." I sigh, "your so cocky." "Yeah, but you love my cockiness" he says matter of factly. I nod as we walking into the restaurant hand in hand. They get us seated and we order our food. After about 30 minutes they finally bring it out. I eat my delicious steak. "Baby?" Luke grabs my hand across the table. "Yeah?" I look at him. "Would you want to go on tour with me?" He ask. With out hesitation I answer, "definitely" I smile. "Yay!" He giggles leaning over the table kissing me softly. He is so adorable. "So will you tell me where we're going now" I ask. "Ugh. Fine. I'm taking you to Bass Pro Shop." He says. "Yay" I laugh.
Me and Luke pay out. We get into the truck heading for Buford. After a while we finally pull into Bass Pro Shop. "Come on, Lukey." I grab his hand. He gets in front of me pulling me back to the bows. "Which one you want" he ask. "What?" I say confused. "Which one?" He says again. "Luk-" "don't say it. Just pick." He cuts me off. "Fine" I huff. "That one." I point to a Matthews Passion. "Alright" Luke smiles. "Sir. Can we get this one." He ask the nearest worker. "Sure" the guy smiles getting it down for me. We pay out and go back to the truck. "Luke I feel so bad that I didn't get you anything" I look down. "Baby, look at me." I look up at him. "You don't have to get me anything having your love is enough." He kisses me softly. "But Luke. You just took me to see a movie, out to eat, and then my favorite place. I should have at least got you something." I look at my hands once again. "No baby" he takes my hands in his bringing them to his lips kissing them softly. "I don't need anything. I have you. Sweetheart that is enough. No present could equal up to you. I love you so much baby. Now please kiss me." He leans over. I place my lips on his kissing him softly but passionately. "See, that was enough." He pecks my lips once more. I nod and bit my lip. He cranks up the truck and raises the console up so I can sit in the middle. I slide over and kiss his cheek. "I love you Luke." I whisper in his ear. He takes his hand off the stirring wheel and places it on my thigh. "Love you to." He smiles. He pulls out and starts heading back home. I can't wait to get back to Nashville though. I miss Pappy so much. "How's pappy" I ask Luke. "He's good" he smiles. "Good, I can't wait to see my baby." I grin. "I thought I was your baby" Luke questions. "You are, but I want to see my other baby." I say.
After awhile we pull into my driveway. Luke and I are leaving tomorrow to go back to Nashville. "How was it?" Mama ask the minute we walk in the door. "Great" I say. "We got to go pack. We'll see ya in a bit." I tell my parents running up the Stairs Luke shortly behind. It takes us about and hour to pack. When we finish I notice it is 8. "Luke, I'm gonna go tell mama and daddy good night. So we can go to sleep. We have to be up at 7 in the morning" I yawn. "Yeah. Let's go." He says. Me and him go down stairs and sit on the couch for a few with my parents. "Well we are gonna go to bed. Gotta be up early in the morning." I kiss mamas cheek and then daddy's. "Night y'all." Luke waves. "Love y'all" I add. We make our way up the stairs. I grab one of Luke's shirts putting it on and a pair of my jogging pants. Luke takes his shirt off and puts on a pair of under amour shorts. He lays down with me. "Good night baby. I love you so much." He kisses me. "Night. I love you." I smile. With that my eye close.

Y'all please read the authors note!

Here is chapter 9!😂 I know it took me long enough and I'm sorry just been busy. I hope y'all like it. Give me some feed back please guys. I love when y'all do. If there's any spelling errors I'm sorry. I was in a hurry. I love y'all. Thanks so much. Please.. Just bare with me another chapter coming soon. Bye country people!!😘😂

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