Chapter 21

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"Don't worry about nothing, Pray about everything." - Luke Bryan••
Guess who used this has her senior quote? That's right this girl!😂😅😅
Song for this chapter: Can't stop the feeling- Justin Timberlake

"Babeeee!" Luke calls, as he comes running down the stairs of the house. "Lukeeeee," I draw out like he did. "What do you need? I'm trying to make sure we have everything." Luke and I were traveling down to Georgia to pick up Til, see my grandpa, and go to my cousins birthday party for the weekend. (I promised her I would bring Luke.) "Have you seen my HFE hat? I can't find it anywh-," he stops as he sees it on my head. "Well there it is." He laughs. I go to take it off my head, but he's stops me. "No, don't. You look adorable." He grins. I shake my head at him, "What are you gonna wear?" He pulls his E3 out of nowhere putting it on his head. "This." He laughs making the goofiest face at me. Every since I found out about my grandpa Luke tried his hardest to keep me laughing. "Well my wonderful fiancée are you ready?" He ask. I nod, "Let's go, Hoe." I say. He gasp, "That was very rude." I shrug, "I'm a rude person." He giggles. Goodness what is wrong with him today. "You are being rather honorary today, Old Woman." He comments. I roll my eyes, "And you are being rather weird today, Older man." He sticks his tongue out at me which I repeat back to him. "Or should I say, five year old manchild?" With that we get in the truck and pull out of the drive way on our way to Georgia.
"Sooo baby, I gotta question?" Luke ask as we travel down the road. "Yes, weirdo?" I ask, grinning. "Where do you want to go on the honeymoon?" He ask. I hadn't really thought about the honeymoon so I honestly didn't know. "Um.. I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I wonder. "I was thinking maybe Vegas?" He wiggles his eye brows a bit. "If that's where you want to go then that's where we'll go," I say. "But I honestly don't know. We still have a few months to decide." He says, causing me nod, "True." With that the subject is dropped and I grin leaning forward to turn up the radio. I scan until I come across the familiar tune from Justin Timberlake: Can't Stop The Feeling I smile leaning back in my seat singing along. I laugh as Luke grabs a hold of my hand singing the high notes, "Can't stop the feeling!!!" He sings. I shake my head at him, "Got the is feeling in my body. Can't stop the feeling!" He continues, as I laugh at him. When the song goes out I casually turn it to a random country station. "Hey! What if another good tune comes on!" He grumbles. "You're dumb." I shake my head. "You know that song describes me when I'm around you." He says cheekily. I blush lightly, "Stop," I groan, "You are being so weird today." I comment. "I'm just trying to keep you smiling. I mean that is my job." His thumbs starts to caress the back of my hand. I smile leaning over the console to kiss Luke on the cheek. "I love you." I tell him. He turns his head to quickly to peck my lips, "And I love you." My phone begins to ring so I pull it out seeing that it's Brian calling me. "Hey, Bk!" I say into the phone. "Hey, sweetheart! How are you?" He says. Luke's holds onto mine tightly. "I'm better. We're actually on our way to see him now." I tell him. He sighs, "That's good. We're in Atlanta tomorrow. So I may try to come down for a bit when we get there today." He says, as Luke turns into a gas station parking lot. He motions his hand up and down like he's drinking something mouthing, "drink." I nod my head, and then continue talking to BK. "Are you coming to see McKenna too?" I ask him. He laughs into the phone, "Yes, Ashley (her mom) called me the other day and said she was talking non stop about Luke, Ty, and I coming down for her party." I grin, "Yeah she called me too." I say, "McKenna kept saying BK Ty Ty, and Luke is coming to my party! It was the cutest thing ever." I say, as Luke makes his way back to the car. "Yes, she is adorable." He says. Luke gets back in the car handing me my drink. "Here you go, babe." He says. I mouth a quick, "Thank you." Which he grins. "Memphis, I gotta a question." BK says into the phone. "Yeah?" I say, as we get back on the road. "Well Brittany was gonna ask you anyway, but could you go with her next Saturday to pick out some things for the wedding. Her friends kinda left her hanging about it." He ask. "Sure, that sounds great!" I grin. "Okay, sweetheart. Well I've got to go! We have to pack up our stuff. I love you, mini me!" He calls. "Goodbye, Idiot. Love you too." I hang up. Luke looks up at me with a confused look. "That was Bk talking about McKenna and telling me that he was probably gonna come see papa while they were in Atlanta." I tell him. "Oh okay, that's great, sweetheart." He smiles, holding my hand again.

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