Chapter 13

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Song for this chapter: Stay
I recommend y'all listen to it. It goes great with this chapter.

Just a warning have your tissue boxes ready!😂😂😭😭
Also it's not about Chris and Kelley that will be dealt with later on in the story. Read authors note at the end!

"Babe?" Luke says bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hmmm?" I hum, turning to look at him. "I'm gonna to tell you what happened." With that my heart dropped.

I nod telling him to continue. "Well when you went off to finish college something happened." He looks down at his hands. I sigh heavily. "Carter and I went out one night. I wasn't planning on drinking, and I was gonna call you right after we left. Knowing Carter though he talked me into it. It was one after the other. I couldn't stop thinking about you and I missed you so much." By this point we both had tears in our eyes. "Well their was this girl. She started dancing on me. She remind me of you. Blues eyes, brown hair everything. Well she.. U-um she started uh k-kissing me. A-at first I pushed her off, but then I couldn't stop. I'm so sorry baby." He was sobbing, screaming. "You are so perfect. You didn't do anything to deserve it. I'm just a complete idiot." He cries. I sat there frozen in place unable to say anything. My assumption was right he had cheated on me. He was just like Landon. He broke my heart, and now Luke has too. It seems like nothing ever goes my way. I stand from my sitting position, which Luke follows. "Please say something." He whispers. I sigh, "What do you want me to say?" "That I forgive you for cheating. That I can just forget about it and move on." I bring my hand up wiping a stray tear. "Because I can't. This is exactly what Landon did to me. A drunken mistake that happened more than once. I think we just need a break. Let me take some time to think things through. I'm gonna fly back to Tennessee tomorrow, and when you get off from tour come see me." I finally breathe. He tries to grab my hand, but I shake my head. "Don't." I mutter. "Baby, just please I want to know if you still love me. Say it?" He begs. My brain told me no, but my heart told me yes. You know that I do. I always will." I say just above a whisper. "Then don't leave me." He gets down on his knees sobbing. He brings his hands around my waist so his head rest on my stomach. "Don't leave me, baby. Please I can't do this without you. Please." He clutches me tightly. "I'm sorry, Luke." I whisper. "I can't. I need time to think." I run my fingers through his hair. "Please." He says simply looking up at me. I just shake my head, "I'm sorry. I can't." This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make.

Luke gave me the bed last night, and he slept on the couch. I insisted he let me, but he wouldn't budge. I yawn, sitting up the events from last night replaying in my mind. I wipe another stray tear that had fallen, sighing heavily I get out of bed. I throw my hair up into a bun, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finish I make my way into the 'living room/kitchen area'. There lays Luke on the couch, mouth hanging open with tear stained cheeks. Seeing him like that makes me want to break down. I love him so much. "Oh, Luke." I say under my breathe. "Why did you have to do this?" I shake my head. I get the bacon out of the freezer and then the pancake mix out of the cabinet. I fry the bacon, and some pancakes for the boys. Luckily the boys were out last night when we had our little discussion. Anyways I take the boys theirs, which they gladly take with a thanks. I give them a fake smile, walking back into the kitchen picking up Luke's plate sitting it on the side table. I then grab a pen and paper writing him a note. I lay the pen down setting the paper next to his plate. I go to the bedroom grabbing my suitcase and start to pack my things. I already told the bus driver to stop at LAX. I pack my shirts, then my shorts, and so on. It's almost time.

Luke's POV:
I sigh heavily, sitting up on the couch I slept on. I feel horrible for what I did. It's been eating a me for months. I could never get up enough courage to tell her. I didn't realize that it would hurt this much. I look to my left to see pancakes, bacon, and some coffee sitting on the table along with a piece of paper. I rub my eyes, grabbing the piece of paper.

I love you so much. The reason I wrote this is if I told you in person I would break down and stay. That is not what I need to do. I need to go back to Tennessee, and think things through. I just wanted you to know that whatever happens I'll always been here. I will always love you. I always have and I always will. When I first met you I thought you were the funniest most sweetest guy I ever met. Unfortunately I was still with Landon. I should've listen to you about him. I should have listen to you when you told me he was gonna break my heart. I should have listen to you when you told me back then that you loved me. At the time I was to blinded by Landon's game to realize you actually did. That day when you came to BK's house I knew that I had fallen in love you. Luke, I just need you to know that from the bottom of my heart I love you, and I'll truly miss you.
P.S. I'm in your bedroom, packing my bags.

I slam the paper down, putting my head in my hands. The flashback coming into my mind the first time I told her I loved her.

I hear the door slam. Bk was in the kitchen making some soup. Memphis was up for the summer. "Oh my gosh. He gets on my nerves so bad." She says, flopping down on couch next to me. "Who?" I chuckle. "Landon." She sighs. "Him and I just got into another fight." She tells me, scooting closer resting her head on my shoulder. "What was this one about?" I question, turning and kissing her forehead. Again she lets out another sigh, "Him drinking and he's underage." She explains. "Well baby girl, it is his life. He's gonna do what he wants." I explain. She nods, "I know, Luke. It still makes me mad. He's in high school for heavens sake. It would be different if he wasn't." She groans. "I know, sweetie." I say, grabbing ahold of her hand. "Sometimes I wished he was like you." She tells me, and I freeze. "Why?" I ask, looking down at her. "Cause your you. So sweet, if I need you your there. Unlike Landon, who cheated on me." She sighs. "He did what!?" I growl. "Yeah.. It was a couple of months ago." She squeezes my hand. "I'm gonna kill him. No one and I mean no one is gonna hurt the girl I love." As soon as it fell from my mouth. I covered it. "What?" She looks up at me shocked. "Nothing, nevermind." I say as BK walks into the room. "Who wants soup?"
* End of Flashback*

Gosh, I am so stupid. I grab the plate full of pancakes and bacon and start eating them. After I finish I put my plate and cup in the sink. I then make my way to my bedroom. I lean against the door frame watching Memphis pack. "I seen your letter, and I want you to know I'm gonna miss you. I love you." I tell her. She slightly jumps as if I startled her.

Memphis' POV
"I seen your letter, and I want you to know I'm gonna miss you. I love you." He tells me, leaning against the door frame. I slightly jump cause he scared me a bit. I look over at him, sending a sad smile. He leans up off the doorframe coming over, and taking me in his arms. "Gosh, I'm such an idiot." He murmurs kissing my forehead. "Luke, your not an idiot. You made a mistake. I just want to take some time away from each other. I promise you I'll come back." I tell him. He buries his face in my neck, kissing there. "I love you. I love you, so much. "He says. "Memphis we're here." Luke's bus driver says. "I'll walk you out." Luke tells me, grabbing ahold of my hand. We walk to the front, and I hug all the boys goodbye. I tell them I love them. I step off the bus Luke following me. I turn around giving him one last hug. I then turn around picking up my bags. "Memphis, wait." He grabs my hand. I look up at him. "I love you." He pulls me toward placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you." I tell him, with that I grab my bags and enter the airport.

Hello beauties! I think this one is longer. I tried to give Yall little background info about Luke, Memphis, and Landon. The name of Luke's bus driver total slip my mind. Sorry guys.😁I hope Yall like it. Please, please, please.. Comment and Vote!🙏 I love you guys.😘 Bye!

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