Chapter 23

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Song for this chapter: Night Moves -Bob Seger
I just love this song so much I had to use it! Bob is one of the greatest rock writers of all time!

"You know a wise man once told me, when in doubt, eat." Luke sits back in his chair stuffing his mouth with a sandwich. "Dude, that wise man was me, and that was this morning." Carter rolls his eyes at Luke. "Yeah, man, but that was some good advice." He continues eating. "So have you decided yet?" Carter ask him. "No man, I really haven't. I mean I wanna tell her now, but then again I think I should wait until after the wedding." Luke speaks with his mouth full. Carter rolls his eyes, "I personally think you should do it before, but it's whatever you want to do." Carter gives him more advice. "Baby! I'm home!" They hear from the front door causing them both to shut up.

    "Baby! I'm home!" I call walking into the house. "In the kitchen," Luke yells. I walk into the kitchen to find Luke sitting at the bar, and Carter sitting on the counter. They were both stuffing their face with a sandwich. "Hello, guy that comes to our house to eat our food." I teased Carter. "Hello, girl that is marrying my best friend, and constantly insults me." He replied back. "Luke, babe, are you really hungry? That sandwich must have been good." I reach forward wiping some of the crumps from the sandwich off his lips. "It was. Carter made it." He sends a flirtatious wink to Michael. "Aw, you're the sweetest." He waves Luke off. "You guys are crazy." I laugh. "Well what're we gonna do tonight?" Carter ask looking between Luke and I. "Well, we haven't been out in quiet a while. How about we do that?" Luke suggest, shrugging his shoulders. "Yes man! I'm up for it!" Carter does a fist pump. "Memphis?" Carter ask, waiting for my answer. I look at both of their hopeful faces before I answer. "Ummm... I guess." I joke. "Yes, Carter is getting hammered tonight!" Michael yells in 3rd person. I roll my eyes at him before walking over to Luke kissing his forehead and going to our room to shower.
"Your Love is like bad medicine! Bad medicine is what I need! Oh woah oh!" Carter belts out as I walk down the steps after my shower. "Oh my gosh, Michael! Please let Bon Jovi sing it!" I yell at him. He gasps loudly, "Memphis, you're such an awful person! How could you tell me I couldn't sing!" He whines, "Luke! Memphis is being mean!" He sags his shoulders pouting. "Carter stop being such a baby!" Luke yells from the kitchen. I smirk at him, "Carter you know I'm kidding. Your voice is awesome." I smile at him. "Memphis? Are you sure you don't have a fever? Did you just compliment him?" Luke walks in the living room from the kitchen. "Yes, Babe. I'm fine." I roll my eyes at him. "Uncle Luke!" Til comes through the front door. "Yeah, buddy?" Luke looks at him. "Umm, some of my friends wanna come fishing at the house? Do you mind?" He ask. Luke smiles, "No, y'all just don't be causing any trouble." He tells him. Til nods, "Thanks uncle Luke." He runs up the stairs to his room. "Thats a good kid, Luke." Carter smiles and Luke nods. "Yeah he doesn't cause any trouble really. He minds pretty well." Luke says. He looks at me and smiles before walking over kissing me on my lips. "I'm gonna go help Til get everything set up for fishing and then we can go do something." Luke suggest slipping on his tennis shoes. "Babe before you say anything they'll be fine. Til's fourteen I think he can take care of his self." Luke answers my fears. He then walks out the back door to help Til at the lake. "He's such a good man." I lean against the counter. Carter chomps down on another sandwich. This was probably his third one. "He loves you to death, Memphis." Carter confirms, taking a seat on the bar stool next to me. "Michael, I never got to tell you thank you for keeping him going when I wasn't there." I say softly. "Its nothing. You know that. I was the one that caused everything because I talked him into going to that bar that night." He says sadly. I shake my head, "I don't blame you and I don't blame Luke at least not anymore. Its over and done with and Luke and I are very happy." I say. "I never told you I was sorry though. So just know that I am and I never meant for anything to happen, but it did and I shouldn't have let it. We were both so drunk and didn't know what we were doing. He begged me not to go and I made him go anyways." He sighs. "Carter I'm telling you its done. We're all good. I promise." I lean forward and give him a hug. "Thanks, Memphis." He hugs me back. I couldn't believe Carter and I were having a normal conversation. "Woah, what'd I miss?" Luke comes back in to see us hugging. "Nothing just having a heart to heart with my favorite band member." I joke. "Better not let Kent hear you say that or BM. They will not be happy people." Luke grins. "So what're we planning on doing?" I ask Luke. "I've got a few ideas." He grins. Luke always wanted to do something. I loved how he wanted family time and made time for music too. Luke never seemed to get overwhelmed and even if he did he didn't show it. 'Lets go see a movie." Carter suggest, as he stands up from the bar stool. I stand up also," What exactly are we going to see then?" I ask as I follow then outside to Luke's truck. "Scary movie!" Carter yells, getting to the back seat. "Why, man, why?" I shake my head at him. "You know those movies are creepy." I turn the radio up a bit has Bob Segers' Night Moves blast through the speakers.

"I was a little too tall
Could've used a few pounds
Tight pants points hardly reknown
She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes
And points all her own sitting way up high
Way up firm and high,"
I sing loudly, Luke grins over at me taking the next part,

"Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy
Out in the back seat of my '60 Chevy
Workin' on mysteries without any clues
Workin' on our night moves
Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news
Workin' on our night moves
In the summertime
In the sweet summertime,"
Luke belts out. He drums his fingers on the stirring wheel. Carter plays his air guitar in the backseat as he takes the next verse,

"We weren't in love, oh no, far from it
We weren't searchin' for some pie in the sky summit
We were just young and restless and bored
Livin' by the sword
And we'd steal away every chance we could
To the backroom, to the alley or the trusty woods
I used her, she used me
But neither one cared
We were gettin' our share
Workin' on our night moves
Tryin' to lose the awkward teenage blues
Workin' on our night moves
And it was summertime
Sweet summertime summertime," And then we all sing together,

"And oh the wonder
We felt the lightning
And we waited on the thunder
Waited on the thunder,"
We paused letting the instrumental run its corse, and then we sing once again.
I awoke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started humming a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
With autumn closing in."
The song ends as Luke turns onto the road to the movie theater. "Luke can we please go see him?" I beg Luke. I absolutely loved Bob Seger. He was one of the greatest rock singers of all time. Luke laughs, and then nods his head. "Yeah, babe. Be looking for tickets, and we'll go." He says. "You're the best, Luke." I grin leaning across the console kissing his cheek.
We get to the theater and Luke finds a random spot parking the truck. We get out and head inside. "Hey welcome to Regal Cinemas! How may I help you?" A cheery teenager greets us. "Hey, We would like three tickets to see 'IT' please." Luke stated his hand in mine. The girl rings us up, and we head into the theater.

"I have to admit thats one of the craziest scary movies I've seen in a long time." Carter remarks as we walk out of the theater. "Michael it wasn't that scary. Although the clown makes me not like clowns even more now." I laugh. "Oh my gosh, Memphis," Carter breathes, stopping dead still to point at someone and that person was no other than Landon Ridley. "Why does he keep showing up places." I mumbled. Luke steps forward to go confront him once again, but I stop him as Landon waves passed us. We all turn around to look at the person. Its a very pretty blonde girl. She smiles at him. He then turns to look at me. "Hey, Memphis." He smiles sweetly. "Hey, Landon." I stammered. Landon hadn't been this nice to me since we dated in high school. The blonde girl wraps her arms around his waist. He speaks once more, and those words are what I've wanted to hear since to everything started, "I'm so sorry, Memphis. I'm sorry for everything, and when I say everything; I mean everything. I've moved on. For so long I just wanted to hold onto you, but the moment Luke came into your life I knew it was over between us. I saw the way you looked at him. The way you laughed at him and with him. I knew we were done for. Do I blame you? No, I don't. Because Luke is a better man and person than I ever was. In fact, he is the better man. Just know I still love you, but in the friend way, and if you ever need anything I'll be here. I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting, and I know this is a weird place to apologize, but I thought if I don't do it now you would never know. So thank you, and thank you Luke for taking care of her. I really mean it. Y'all have a good rest of your day." With that he turned and walked away. I stood there speechless. What.just.happened?


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