Chapter 19

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Irresistible -One Direction

"Memphis! That is so weird!" Carter yells at me. "No it's not! I was sixteen!" I argue back. "Still you had a fan page of your now fiancée! That's creepy!" He exclaims. For the past 10 minutes Carter and I have been argue about my old fan page about Luke. "Nah, Plenty of girls have one." I state, whipping my phone going to Instagram. I immediately find a random fanpage showing it to Carter. "See! It's not bad!" I say matter-of -factly. "Okay, Whatever you say, Crazy." Carter waves me off. "Michael Carter!" I gasp. "I am not crazy!" I slap his arm jokingly. "Ouch," He groans, rubbing his arm. I smirk, "Next time you'll watch what you say." I begin to walk to the kitchen in Luk--, excuse me, our house. Luke was upstairs showering at the moment. I have previously gotten a shower. We were heading to hang out with BK and Brittany. They said they had to tell us something. I grab a water from the fridge bringing it to my lips. All of sudden someone squeezes the bottom of the bottle, causing it to spill everywhere. I look up to find Carter laughing hysterically. "Michael Carter!" I scream, "You are dead meat." I growl. His laughing as now subsided and he screams like a little girl. He takes off running toward the living room. I throw down the water bottle running after him. He continues to run, and grabs Luke as he's coming down the steps. "Luke, Get your girl! She's trying to kill me!" He hides behind Luke. "Look what he did!" I exclaim. Luke only laughs, "Come on, Sweetheart, he was kidding." Luke winks. I then realize he has a water bottle in his hand. He looks to me and then back to the water bottle. Suddenly he turns around pouring it all over Carter. "Luke!" He screams, as I bust out laughing. "That's what you get, you loser." "I can't believe you just took her side over mine!" He groans, wiping his away at his hair, ridding the water from his forehead. "Well she is my fiancée." He explains, pushing Carter lightly. Carter finally begins to laugh, as do
Luke and I. "I really should probably go. You guys have to get going soon." Carter says. We say our goodbyes as Carter turns to leave. "I should go change now." I tell Luke. He nods, as I make my way upstairs to change. I put on a t shirt, shorts, and my boots also throwing one of Luke's hats on my head. I walk back downstairs to find Luke waiting at the door. "You ready, babe?" He ask. I nod as he grabs my hand as we make our way to his bronco. He decided to drive it today for some odd reason. He opens the door for me as usual, and then gets in cranking it up. He puts it in drive, and we're off.
"Hey, guys!" Brittany exclaims as we walk to the table they are sat at. "Hey!" I smile. They both stand up. I walk to Brittany pulling her into a hug. She hugs me back while Luke bro-hugs Brian. We then switch me going to Brian. "Hey, mini me." He laughs. I pout, "Hey, BK." We then proceed to sit down. The waiter comes to take our order. "So what did y'all want to talk to us about?" Luke says. BK looks over to Brittany before answer, "We're getting married in a couple of weeks." He smiles. "Oh my gosh, Really! That's great, guys!" Luke exclaims. "Yay! I'm so happy for you, guys!" I smile. "Thanks, guys!" BK says. Luke and I still haven't set a date for ours yet. I'm kinda hoping he agrees with me on the summer theme. We finally eat, and then say our goodbyes to them.
"Since we have nothing else to do, Can we ride down to Pigeon Forge today to see Doug?" I ask Luke. He looks over at me briefly, "Sure, babe." He says, as he takes the exit to Pigeon Forge. Not only did Doug perform down there. He also was manager of the Elvis Museum that I have been to many times.

Pigeon Forge:
"Doug!" I yell at my brothers best friend as we enter the Museum. "Memphis, What are you doing here?!" He smiles pulling me into a hug. "We didn't have anything else to do, so I thought we could just come down here, and see you." I say. He smiles, "Well it's really great to see you. So is the Luke guy you fangirled over all those years?" I laugh, "Yes, Sir. Luke, this is Doug. Doug, this is my fiancé, Luke." I say, both men shaking hands. "It's nice to finally you." Luke says. He looks down at me kissing the top of my head. "She talks about you a lot." He continues. Doug laughs, "You should have heard her when she was younger. She wouldn't shut up about you." Doug tells Luke causing my cheeks to burn. "Is that right?" Luke laughs. He definitely knows it's right. "So how's Kim?" I
wonder. Kim was Doug's wife. "She's great!" He says. "That's great!" I smile. We continue making small talk for a while before we had to leave. As we were walking back to the truck something or should I say someone stops me dead in my tracks. Luke stops also look at the person I'm looking at. "Oh my gosh, Memphis? Is that you?" Christy's squeaky voice fills my ears. "Christy." I say. Christy was always the popular girl. She used to pick on me a little in school until I stood up to her. I guess I "gained her respect" because she didn't bother me much after that. "How are you?" She ask. "Great." I state, squeezing Luke's hand lightly. "That's good." She says. She looks over at Luke giving him a look. I step closer to Luke my arms wrapping around him. "So this is who you're marrying?" She looks at Luke disgusted. "You bet I am." He snaps back. Why was she even talking to Luke? She didn't even know him. "Why would you marry her? When you could easily have me." She laughs lightly. "Oh, No Thanks. I'm not into whores." Luke tells her, causing me to laugh hysterically. She gasp, glaring at me. "Let's go, Baby." Luke says, pulling on my hand leaving Christy standing there shocked. "I have to tell you that was freaking amazing." I laugh, as we get into the truck. "Thanks, babe. It just kinda came out." He laughs. "So where to now?" He ask. "What about we go ride go-carts?" I suggest. Luke nods, "Go-carts it is." Luke puts the truck in drive heading to the go-cart place.
"You're going down, Bryan!" I shout at Luke. Truth is I suck at racing go-carts, but I wouldn't tell Luke that. "Keep telling yourself that, Kelley!" He yells back over the roar of our engines. The lights countdown until green, and we all take off. Luke hits me a couple of times, as I yell at him to stop. I was spun out quite a few times. By the time we were finished I was fifth, and Luke was still first. Other than Christy today was great. We walk hand in hand back to the bronco when I hear, "Memphis?" Maybe I was wrong.

AN: Hey, guys! So sorry it took me so long. I have been super busy with school! Hope Yall like it! What do you think about Doug? Christy? How do yall feel about BK and Brittany getting married? Who do you think found Memphis? Yall comment/Vote! I feel like I'm getting nothing all the time now. I'm so sorry if it's getting boring.

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