Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Graduation day:

I look out into the crowd as we walk to talk our seats in the gym. My eyes finally land on my parents so I give them a slight wave. They smile at me pointing beside them. Then my eyes land on the person I have missed so much. Luke. We make contact and I smile at him. He gives me a wink making blush and look away. I look back and beside Luke is Brian and Ty. I blow them a kiss as I make my to my seat. We are all seated in a matter of minutes. The salutatorian, whose name I don't really know, stands and puts his hand on his heart. "We will now say the pledge to the flag" he says. The whole place stands on their feet and puts their hands on their hearts. We start the pledge. We end and 'oh say can you see' starts playing. "We will now say a prayer" he nods. We bow our heads and he starts to pray. We end with a big "amen." He introduces the valedictorian. We all yell has she walks up. She begins her speech which seems to be a 3 hours long, but is only about 30 minutes. I wait patiently as the dean calls everyone's name. I daze out for awhile until I feel the guy beside me nudge me. I stand walk toward the stage. I hear everyone claps when I get my diploma. "I love you Memphis" I hear Luke's all to familiar voice scream over the crowd. I blow him a kiss as I walk off stage and back to my seat. The very last person walks on stage and makes their way back down the steps back to her seat. "Introducing the graduates of the University of Georgia. Class of 2014" the dean blares through the mic. We all stand throwing our hats in the air as graduation music plays.

"There's our beautiful graduate" my moms voice sounds from behind me. "Mommy" I yell and hug mom and dad both. "Honey, you just seen us this morning" she laughs. I did, I seen most all of my family this morning, but I didn't get to see Luke because he didn't get here until this morning. I was already at school. "Where's Luke?" I question. "Why don't you turn around gorgeous" My favorite southern accent whispers in my ear. I spin around basically jumping in his arms. "Lukey!" I yell pressing my lips passionately to his. He laughs at my nickname I gave him when we first met and kisses me back. We break the kiss and he sets me down. I wrap my arms around him hugging him close. He puts his arms around my waist letting my head fall to his shoulder. We just stand there for a moment. "I missed you so much" I mumble into his shoulder. "I missed you too baby" he strokes the back of my hair. "Umm.. Excuse me, can I hug my roommate goodbye" my roommate Jen laughs. I unhook my arms from Luke and wrap them around Jen. "Bye girl" she says. "Bye! Text me sometime and tell Keith I said hey" I smile. "Alright, I will" she says before giving me one last hug and walking away. I make my way back into Luke's arms and kiss his cheek. "Are y'all ready to go" daddy ask me and Luke. We both nod and start toward the door mama and daddy trailing behind us. Daddy and mama make there way to the jeep. I rode with them this morning here. "See ya back at the house" I yell over the starting of their jeep. They both give me a smile backing out of the parking lot and heading toward the road. Luke opens the door for me and I slide in. He gets in and cranks the truck. I have to tell him. What? You might ask. Well the fact that Landon kissed me the other day when I was on my way to my science class. Yeah I was so caught up in being with Luke that I forgot to tell him Landon went to school with me. I decide against it. I'm going to tell him sometime today, just not now since he's driving. I don't want him wreck or anything. "Memphis? You okay baby?" Luke brings me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine sweetie" I smile at him. He gives me a skeptical look, but doesn't say anything else. The rest of the way home he was silent. We pull into the driveway and he cuts the truck off and sits there for a minute before getting out. I sigh getting out also. I run to him before he can open the door I grab his hand. "Luke, what's wrong?" I ask. He turns around looking down at me. "There's nothing wrong. I just want to know why you were so quiet?" He says calmly.

"I can't tell you right now" I whisper. "What?" He ask anger clear in his voice. "I said I can't tell you right now." I make my voice a little louder. "Why?!" He yells making me flinch. "Cause Luke if I tell you now you'll probably gonna go do something stupid" I try to keep my voice down. "That's what you think I'm stupid?" He raises his eyebrow growing angrier. "No Luke, I never said that. Now your putting words in my mouth!" I yell. "You know what Memphis!" He yells. "What?" I sigh frustrated. "I need sometime alone" he tells me calmly. "Luke?" I say softly. "No sweetie, just leave it. I'll be back in a little while." He says kissing my forehead. "Luke... Wait please..." I sigh once again grabbing his wrist. He gently takes his hand from mine. "I love you" I say. "Love you" he nods before he turns to walk away. Well at least I know he still loves me. I sit down on the front porch with my head in my hands. I should have just told him. Either way he left.


I get in the truck and drive for a little while. I wonder what Memphis isn't telling me? I mean did she cheat? No she wouldn't. My mind comes up with some many stupid ideas. My phone rings in my pocket so I take it out and see that it's Brian. I answer it ready to get an ear full. "Hello?" I sigh into the phone. "Hey man, you alright Memphis is up in her room said that you left." He says softly. "Yeah man I'm fine. Just needed sometime to think" I say parking in some old parking lot. "Listen I don't what y'all got into it about, but it really hurt Memphis" he says. "I know man, but I'm hurting too. Brian there's just something she isn't telling me. Said she couldn't tell me cause I'd fly off the handle and do something stupid" I explain. "I don't know man, but take sometime before you come back. Y'all both need to cool off." He says. "I know, just do something for me?" I ask. "Yeah?" He questions. "Tell her I love her." I run my fingers through my hair. "Alright I will. Just be careful Luke" with that he hangs up. I hope Memphis is okay.


I hear footsteps coming to my bedroom. So I sit up and dry my tears. This has been the worse graduation day ever. Brian walks through the door with a sympathetic smile on his face. He sits down beside me. "Memphis. I talk to Luke. What is it that you ain't telling him?" He ask. "Landon tried to kiss me the other day" I blurt out. "He tried to kiss you?" He ask in disbelief. I nod, "I want to tell Luke so bad, but I don't want him to get so angry he does something stupid" I run my hand over my face. "He won't, just explain it to him" he places his hand on my shoulder. "How do you know" I ask looking up at him. "He loves you Memphis. He'll understand" he kisses my head bringing me into a hug. It has been about 2 hours since Luke left. I hope he's okay. I hear a door slam so I jump up and look at the window. I see Luke heading toward the door. I yank my bedroom door open running down the stairs. Luke walks through the front door the minute I hit the last step. I jump in his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I apologize kissing all over his face. "If you want to know what it was about I'll tell you.. I'll tell you right now" I ramble on until Luke's lips stop me. I gain control and kiss back. There's so much love put into this one kiss. We both break the kiss and Luke puts me down. "Baby, you can wait. You don't have to tell me right now" Luke states grabbing my face. "Yes I do" I sigh. He nods. "Landon tried to kiss me the other day." I whisper loud enough so he can hear. "He kissed you." He spits. I nod putting my hands to his face. "I took care over it. Lets just say he has a busted lip and may or may not have a stitch or two in his head" I explain looking into Luke's chocolate brown eyes. "Gosh! I love you." He smiles finally. "I love you too." I wrap my arms around his mid-section. "Promise me something Memphis" he breaks the silence that's between us. "What's that?" I ask. "If you have anything bother you. You'll come talk to me I'm always here for you." He stares down at me. "I promise" I smile bring his face down to mine. "Supper time" my mama yells in a sing song voice. I grab Luke's hand walking into the kitchen. "Good they made up. Now we don't have to choose sides" Ty chuckles punching BK in the arm as we sit down. Luke puts his hand on my left thigh and I put mine over his as we say the blessing. "Lets eat" my dad yells. We all dig in. After supper I help mama clean up and walk into the living with the boys who are watching I don't know what. I sit down beside Luke laying my head on his shoulder. I yawn and stretch as Luke looks over at me. "You tired?" He questions. I shake my head yes standing up. I walk over to BK giving him a hug then Ty and daddy. "Night love y'all" I say. "Night love you" they mummer. "Night mama" I yell. "Night sweetie" she yells back. I run up the stairs Luke slowly behind me. I slide out of my fancy clothes and put on a pair of my gym shorts and one of Luke's T-shirts. As it slides down my body Luke walks in. He walks over to his suitcase pulling out some shorts throwing them on and taking his shirt off. He lays down beside me pulling me close. I put my head on his chest as usual as he rubs circles on my back. "I love Memphis Rose Kelley and don't you ever forget that" Luke whispers in my ear. "I love you Thomas Luther Bryan" I giggle. "I'll let that one slide" he kisses my head. "Good" I raise up kissing him softly. "Night baby" he says. "Night my sweetheart" I say before drifting off.

Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long!! I hope you guys like it. Please tell me what you think I want to know...:) Did y'all like Luke's POV. Just give me some thoughts... Vote/comment please!! I love you guys and thanks for 1.6k reads you guys!!:) Bye my fellow Luke lovers!!:)

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