Chapter 16

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Song for this chapter:
Lose my mind- Brett Eldridge

"Wake up, my gorgeous girlfriend!" Luke yells. I groan rolling over to see Luke smiling down at me. "I don't wanna. Just let me sleep." I mumble sleepily. "Aww, come on, baby. We have to get ready for the press conference." He confirms, placing his hand on my back. "Their gonna ask so many questions, Luke." I sit up, shaking my head at him. "It's okay, Memphis. I'll explain everything." Luke says, brushing a piece of hair from my face that had fallen. Luke looks at me his smile never vanishing. My blue eyes look straight into his brown ones. I lift my hand, placing it on his cheek rubbing under his eye with my thumb softly. His eyes close at the contact as he takes in a sharp breathe. I lean forward pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, baby." I tell him softly. He smiles, pressing another kiss to my lips. "I love you, too, Memphis." He then reaches up to place a kiss to my forehead. "I should probably go shower, and get ready." I say, throwing the blanket off of me, and getting up. The blanket lands on Luke covering him completely. I laugh, "Sorry, babe." He chuckles taking the blanket off of himself, "It's okay, baby." I nod, my smile never faltering. "I'll be out in a few." "And I'll be waiting." He says cheekily.
  Press Conference:
     "So, Luke there have been recent rumors that you and your girlfriend, Memphis, is expecting? Is this true?" One of the reporters ask. She was an older lady, maybe mid 50's. Luke smiles at her, "No ma'am they aren't. I don't know who started that rumor, but I can assure they aren't true." She nods; writing something down on her notepad. A much younger reporter ask a question that catches both me and Luke off guard. "Is it true Memphis' ex boyfriend hit her?" Luke's face hardens, "I don't think Memphis would want me to discuss that, and quite frankly I don't want too." I know Luke's anger wasn't directed toward the guy, but toward Landon. The guy only taunts Luke more though. "Then it must be true." He says, his face holding a fake smile. "That's none of your business." Luke snaps, his eyes blazing with rage. "You know maybe we should take a break. 10 minutes guys, and then we're back." One of the stage guys says. Luke nods, giving the reporter a look. Luke walks off the stage into my outstretched arms. "You did great, babe." I say, my lips come in contact with his. "That guy needs to keep his mouth shut." Luke says, when we pull away. "Baby, he was only asking you a question. No, I don't want to tell them, but don't snap at the poor guy." I say, causing him to look at me weirdly. "What do you want me to do. Tell the guy ever thing you went through. That's none of his or any of their business." Luke says sharply. "That's not what I meant, Luke. Baby, please just stay calm out there. Don't let them get under your skin. That's what they want. A story." I sigh softly. He nods,"You're right, baby. I'm sorry." I shake my head, "Don't worry about it. Now get back out there." I lean forward kissing his cheek. He smiles and waves. "Mr. Bryan," an older gentleman ask, "How do you feel about being nominated for Entertainer of the Year?" Luke smiles, "It's amazing. I love it. I thank my fans for everything. Without them and God my career would be no where." He tells him. The old man nods, "Thank you, Luke." Luke has to answer a few more questions before we leave to go to our hotel room.

  "Memphis! Luke! Open up!" Someone yells, from the other side of our hotel room door. "Who is it?" Luke groans, as his hand finds my waist. There is faint light outside. "It's Monaco!" The person answers. Luke growls in my ear, frustrated, "Coming!" He flips the lamp light on, waking over to the door for opening it. "Morning!" BM says cheerfully. "Morning." Luke grumbles. "What exactly do you want a 6 A.M.?" BM laughs loudly; with a cheeky grin on his face. "We're all going out for early morning breakfast, and was wondering if y'all wanting to go?" He ask, Luke finally letting him step into the room. "Yeah, just let us get ready then will be down." Luke answers, which causes BM to nod. "We'll be down in the lobby when yall are ready." He says, walking out the door shutting it behind him. "Well we better get going. Don't wait to keep those idiots waiting." Luke says, causing me to giggle, which only makes him smile. He walks over to me, grabbing my ankles pulling me to the edge of the bed. I sit up, and look up at him. He bends down placing a light kiss to my lips. I instantly kiss back. "I love you, babe." I murmur against his soft, sweet, lips. He hums, "Love you, too." He breaks the kiss with one last peck, and turns to our suitcase grabbing some clothes. He then proceeds into the bathroom shutting the door. My phone dings beside me on the nightside. I reach over, and what's on it shocks me.
   Hey, Memphis don't freaking out or anything. I just wanted to apologize for everything I put you through. I'm trying to get my life back on track. I've started going to church, and getting right with the lord. I'm so sorry, Memphis. So sorry. I know now why you chose Luke over me. I'm glad your happy. I'm glad he makes you happy. More than I could have ever done. I want to do this in person, and you can bring Luke. I would also like to apologize to him. I know I couldn't love you the way he does. Please tell him thank you. Tell him thank you for keeping you safe. Safe from me. Let me know. I understand if you don't want too. Thank you.
With my mouth still agape I register  everything I just read. Landon was apologizing for causing me so much hurt, and pain. I have to tell Luke about this. Luke makes his way out of the bathroom, hair dripping wet. "Babe, aren't you gonna get ready?" He walks over to me. I'm still so shocked I don't answer immediately which causes him to say,"Baby, you okay?" I sigh, handing Luke my phone. He looks down at it, and a frown appears on his face. "I don't know what to do, Luke." I whisper. "Answer me this one thing," He looks up from the phone. "Do you believe it?" I look down to my hands that lay in my lap. "I honestly don't know. I mean he seems sincere, but I just don't know." Luke puts one of his hands over both of mine. "Look, babe, You can think on it, and we'll get back to him. Okay?" I nod, "Okay." Luke smiles handing my phone back to me. "Now, let's go before Carter comes up complaining about us taking so long." He chuckles. I grin, and go take a shower.
Acm time!:
   "Luke! Over here!" The photographers shouted. Luke looked all around trying to smile or make some kind of face for each one of them. Luke took the pictures by himself first. He then looked at me waving me over. I smiled lightly, very nervously I wondered toward him. Luke brings me to him, and pulls me into a hug. Cameras flashed like crazy. He then proceeded to kiss me. I giggled which caused him to chuckle, and tighten his grip. After the pictures Luke did a couple of interviews talking about his new album Kill the lights. He and Karen Fairchild from Little Big Town are performing his new single Home Alone Tonight. I honestly love them so much. They are very sweet people. We find out seats, and sit next to Miranda. Sadly her and Blake recently got a divorce. I'm was very sadden by the matter, but some people just don't last. I smile brightly at her, which she does back. Luke's hand finds my thigh, and my hand sits on top of his. "I'll see you in a bit--" He tells me. "I'll send BM to sit with you." He continues. I nod, leaning up to kiss him. Soon BM finds the seat next to me. The award show begins.
"And the winner of Male Vocalist of the Year is...... Luke Bryan!" Brett Eldridge and Raelynn yell. Luke comes from back stage with a new suit on. He gives his speech, and says a big thank you to all the fans. He performs right after that. He glances around till his eyes land on me. He smiles then winks, and carries on. After he performs he has to go back on stage with Blake. They crack a few more jokes, and then it's time for Entertainer of the Year. "How yall doing tonight!" Garth Brooks says. Luke is still back stage. "Here are the nominees for Entertainer of the year.
"And the winner is.... Luke Bryan!" I jump with tears in my eyes. Luke comes from back stage. He jumps off the stage runs over to me, pulling me into a hug, and placing a soft kiss to my lips. He then goes to the stage. "Wow, just wow, guys! Thank you so much! I would like to everyone that's helped me with everything! I would like to thank the man above! I would also like to thank my beautiful girlfriend, Memphis! I love you so much, baby!" I smile, and more tears poor out of my eyes. "Actually Memphis, sweetheart, could you come up here." Blake steps out, and says into the mic. I look at them weirdly, but do as I'm told. I make my way up to the stage. Blake pulls me into a hug, and whispers Congrats in my ear. He then stands off to the side. I look at Luke, and he looks really nervous. Before I can register what he is doing he gets down on one knee. "Memphis Rose Kelley from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one. Everyone else just disappeared when you would walk into a room. Nothing else mattered, and it still doesn't. I love you so much, and I would really love it if you would do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?" By now the tears won't stop streaming. I place my hand over my mouth. As I nod my head. "Yes!" I croak. He smiles stands up, and places the ring on my finger pulling me into a very passionate kiss. "Congrats to Luke and Memphis!" Blake yells. Luke and I finally pull away. Brian rushes on stage pulling me into a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" He exclaims. I smile at him. "I love you guys!" I pull both him and Luke into a hug. They both chuckle, "We love you, too." "Come on Future Mrs. Bryan, lets get out of here." Luke whispers into my ear, and that's exactly what we do.

Oh my gosh, guys! I'm so so sorry! I have been really busy lately, and had a serious case of writers block. Please yall forgive me! Let me know how it is! Did anyone predict this?😂😏 what do you think Memphis will decide about Landon? Yall please comment and vote! Sorry for any spelling errors! Also sorry if it seems rushed! Love you, guys!

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