Chapter 22

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Song for this chapter: Just a kiss -Lady Antebellum 💋❤️
(Also the picture of the dress will make since later on in the chapter.)
"Baby! Guess what!" Luke yells as he runs down the steps of thre house. "What?" I grin up at him. "I'm going on tour again, but I'm gonna have multiple people I'm touring with." He smiles at me. "Oh, babe, thats good!" I jump up pulling him into a hug. "It's going to be called Huntin',Fishin', and Lovin' everyday tour." He says. "That's a great choice babe." I say, finally releasing him. "So Brittany called and said she'd be here in like 10 minutes so I can go with her for wedding things." I tell Luke. "Oh yeah, you're not gonna be here most of the day." He complains, "I'm gonna be left here alone." He stands in front of me since I sat back down. "Oh, stop your whining." I shove him playfully with my foot. He catches it before I hit him. "Nope," He grins, "I don't think you want to do that." He let's my foot go before settling beside me on the couch. "Baby, just call Bk and see if he wants to go eat or something." I suggest. "I probably will." He nods. I hear a knock on the door signaling Brittany was at the house. "That's her, babe." I reach over, planting my lips on his in a kiss. "I'll see you in a bit." "Love you." He tells me. I walk out the door wallet in hand, and hop in. "Hey, Girl!" She smiles. "Hey, Brit. You ready to shop til you drop?" I ask. She laughs, "Always." Then we drive off. My phone dings and I pick it up to see its a text from my mom.
From Mom: Tonight is prom for your sister. You should call her!
To Mom: I will!
I dial my sisters number until she answers, Hello? "You little dweeb! How come you didn't tell me it was prom night?" I ask her. "It's not that important, but guess what?" She sequels. "What?" I ask. Then she lets it go screaming my ear, "MOM AND DAD GOT ME TICKETS TO SEE FINN FREAKING BALOR NEXT MONDAY. I GET TO SPEND THE DAY WITH HIM AND EVERYTHING." She says. "That's awesome! You really need that after Cade." Cade and Maddie recently broke up over some drama issues. "I know! I'm 18 now, and finn isn't married." I can tell she is grinning. "Oh yeah good luck with that buddy." I laugh. You better call me and let me know how prom is, and how Finn is." She speaks once again, "Definitely will! Love you sis!" Love you too!" I say with that our phone call ends. "Was that Maddie?" Brittany ask. "Yeah, she's going to prom tonight." I say. She smiles, "That's awesome!" "I know she's gonna look so pretty." "She definitely will!" She says. I fall into my own thoughts after that thinking of my senior prom.
"Let me get another one." My mom nags. "That's the fifth one you've taken, and it's just my hair!" I complain. "Oh hush up. This is your last prom. I've got to get some good ones. What time is Landon picking you up?" She ask, pulling my curled hair back to fix it, and then taking pictures. Mom was currently fixing my hair for senior prom. "I don't know. We didn't really discuss it, and he hasn't texted back." I tell her. "You know that boy really gets on my nerves." I hear from the doorway of the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see BK standing there. "Brian!" I yell happily as I jump up running to hug him. "What are you doing here?!" I say. "I had a couple of days off, and you know I couldn't miss you going to prom." He tells me. I grin, "I love you, BK." He kisses my head before speaking again. "You don't think I came alone do you?" About that time Luke and Tyler come around the corner. "Oh my gosh!" I scream. "You guys are going to make me smear my make up." I wipe gently under my eye. They all laugh. I haven't seen them in 6 months. I have a right to cry. "Sweetheart, don't mess up your hair." My mom calls. "Sorry, mom." I say, and she just laughs. "Well are you just stand there or are you gonna come give me a hug?" Luke grins, holding his arms out to me. Gosh, his smile makes me wanna melt into a tiny puddle. I grin and rush into his arms. He wraps his arms around me as I sink into them. "I've missed yall so much." I say into his shirt. "We missed you too, babe." He says, squeezing me tight. Luke always called me babe. It wasn't anything new. I got used to it. "So has the idiot called or texted back?" Bk says and I give him a look. "Sorry, but he is." He shrugs. "That's mean, but not yet and it's almost time for us to get pictures." I tell them. I didn't even have my dress on yet. My phone finally dings and I look at it.
From Landon:
Hey, babe. I'm so sorry, but I can't make it to prom. Work called me in last minute. I'm sorry, baby. Hope you have fun.
"Welp, I guess he isn't going." I tell Bk, "He just texted and said he couldn't make it." Brian shakes his head and looks at Ty and Luke. "I hate that guy so much." He then looks at me, "Well still do the usual. We can take you to eat and still take pictures, and then we can drop you off and one of us can come pick you up." He explains. I look at mom. "I'm good with that if you are?" I say. She smiles, "Thats fine with me." I claps my hands together, "Good! Let me go get my dress on. Mom, I'm gonna need your help." I drag my mom into room leaving the boys in moms bathroom. I hear their footsteps going down the stairs. "Okay let's put this dress on." Mom says walking over to it. I take my clothes off sliding into the dress and mama zips it. "You look beautiful." She turns me towards my mirror. "I bet Luke is gonna love it." She winks at me. "Mama, stop it. You know it isn't like that." I deny. She then looks at me again and laughs, "Sweetie, maybe not on your end, but his? I'm not so sure." She says matter of factly. I roll my eyes at her, "Whatever mama." She laughs, "Okay, let's go show the boys." She says, leading me out the door to our steps. I follow down the steps as she gets the guy's attention. Bk and Ty turn around, "Wow, Memphis! You look great!" Luke then turns around and I hear his breath hitch,"Memphis, wow, you look... gorgeous." He tells me. I smile at all of them. "Thanks, guys! Are y'all ready?" I ask. They all nod. So we go to BK's truck getting in. Me and Luke in the back and Bk and Ty up front. First we head to eat. After eating at Applebee's, we head to take pictures which mama met us there. Mom takes some with just me and Bk, and then a few with all of them. I then told the guys to get in my selfie. "I swear you two are the cutest," My mom giggles like a thirteen year old girl. "Just look at this picture I got of you two!" She pulls the camera out of the bag, and turns it on scrolling to the picture she was talking about. Luckily the guys were a few steps ahead of us. She finally lands on the picture showing it to me. Luke and I were like half hugging, but my head was pressed against his chest as I looked up at him and he looked down at me. Both of us had huge smiles on our faces, and his left hand was at my lower back. "I love it, mom." I told her. "I bet he will too." She tells me. I shake my head at her,"You are one crazy lady." I take the camera from her taking matters into my own hands. "Hey, Luke!" He looks at me. "Look at this picture mom got of us." I finally catch up with him showing him the camera. "Oh, sweetheart, I really love it. Make sure I get a copy of it." He grins at me, slinging his right arm around my shoulders as we walk. I turn around to look at mom and she winks at me. I roll my eyes at her. We make it back to BK's truck and we all get in, and head to the school. Bk stops in front of the gym,"If you need me, call me. Or any of us." He says, as I lean forward to give him a hug. I lean across the console giving Ty a hug also. I then look at Luke and he opens his arms. I laugh and lean forward wrapping my arms around him. He kisses my forehead. "Have fun, sweetheart." He says. With that I get out and head inside the gym not knowing what is ahead of me.
   I had been at the prom for about 2 hours and I was completely and totally bored. They had played the dumbest songs, and I wasn't really much of a dancer. I was sat at a table with one of my friends when she gets my attention,"So where's Landon?" She ask. I sigh,"He said he had to work, but I have no clue." I pick at the cake I had recently took a bite of. Landon had really been acting weird. He wasn't returning my text like he usually did. He never answered his phone, and when I wanted to hang out, he always came up with something better to do. Truth was, I never trusted Landon. Yes, he was my boyfriend, but he had lied to me to many times. I loved him. I did, but he lied. So was he lying now? "I heard someone saw him with Kim earlier." My friend says. "What?" I ask making sure I heard her right. "Yeah, they said they went to that bar downtown Indian Ace, and saw Kim and Landon there. I guess they were drunk." She confirms. It was true. Landon just didn't want to be with me. Tears started in my eyes as I thought the worst. I got up from the table saying a quick goodbye to my friend before making my way to the entrance of the gym. I then realized I had no ride so I called the only person I knew would understand me. Luke. "Hello?" He answers, his voice was groggy suggesting that he had been asleep. I was already sitting on a bench outside of the gym when he answered. "Luke?" I whispered. "Memphis? Memphis, babe? Is that you?" He becomes more awake. Gosh, it was 10 o'clock at night. I should've called mom or Brian. "Yeah." I answer him. "Are you crying sweetheart? What's wrong?" He worries. I can hear shuffling in the background like he's getting up from his bed. "I think...," I sniffle, "I think Landon is cheating on me." I whimper. People were walking by looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. Landon could be cheating on me. "Why? What happened? Babe, talk to me. Do you need me to come get you?" He questions. "Luke please, I want to go see for myself." I finally manage to say. "Okay, doll. I'm getting ready now. I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few." He says. "Okay." I answer simply then hang up. About ten minutes later, Luke pulls up in his truck. He gets out and runs up the steps of the gym. "Sweetheart," He calls as he walks towards me. I let a few more tears fall as Luke kneels in front of me. He places his hands on my face to make me look at him. "Sweetie, what happened?" He starts wiping tears that have fallen. "My friend told me..," I sniffle, "She told me that someone saw Landon with another girl at a bar." I say. Luke sighs, "Honey, that's just hearsay." He tells me wiping another tear away. His hands still on my face. "I know, that's why I want to go see for myself." I finally try to stop crying. "Okay, we will. Where is it?" He ask me as he helps me up. He places his right arm around me pulling me to him kissing my hair. "It's the Indian Ace bar." We walk to the truck and he opens my door letting me get in. Once he's in the truck he starts it and we head to the bar. I luckily had waterproof mascara on so it didn't run. Once we get there Luke parks in a faded parking spot, and turns the truck off. I go to get out, but he stops me. "Darling, Are you sure you want to do this?" He ask. I open the door to the truck. "Yes." I answer him. "I'm coming too." He says. We walk into the bar and scope the place. My eyes finally land on Landon, and beside him sat Kim. She had her arm wrapped around his, and they were talking about something. He said something and she leaned forward pecking him on the lips. I make my way to them, Luke right behind me. "I guess this is working, huh?" I ask rhetorically. "Oh gosh, Baby!" He says, as he pushes Kim away a little bit. "No you no longer get to call me that." I tell him. He gets up for where he sits, and grabs my arm,"Don't touch me. I trusted you Landon so many times. You ruined it every time. I'm so done with you. We are over for good." I speak. Most everyone's attention was on us now. Kim also stands up and I glare at her. "And you," I point at her, "He did it to me what makes you think he won't do it to you!" I snap. "Baby come on, please." Landon grabs my arm once again. "I said no! Stay away from me!" I shout. "Luke lets go." I say, as we walk away. Landon continues to follow us. "Oh I get it," He says when we make it outside. I stop to look at him and so does Luke. "You want to break up with me so you can go screw him." He points at Luke. Luke's face goes from neutral to angry, and before I know it he punches Landon. "You ever say anything like that again it'll be a lot worse!" Luke shouts picking Landon up by his shirt. "You don't talk to her like that! She isn't some toy! You douche bag! Stay away from her!" He seethes, shoving Landon back to the ground before grabbing my hand leading me to the truck. We get in and drive away. "I'm sorry you had to see that doll." He says. "Don't worry about it." I shake my head at him. "I should probably take you home. Your mama is gonna be worried sick." He replies with that it gets quiet. I look to the console that's sits between us. I get up enough courage to set it up, and slide over in the seat beside Luke. I lean my head against his shoulder. He lays his hand down against my leg. "Luke?" I speak up. "Yes, darling?" He says. I lay my chin against his shoulder as I look at his side profile. He is such a beautiful man. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" I curiously ask. I mean it was an odd question, but he answered anyways. "Um, probably stay here." He says, never taking his eyes off the road. "Why?" I crinkle my eyes in a confused frown. He laughs,"Because everything I need is here." He hand is placed over mine that is on my leg. "Like what?" I continue to question him. "Well," He starts. "Some of my friends are here. My favorite places to eat. Some really good bars, but my main reason is you." He finally says. "Why are you asking?" He ask. I shake my head, "I was just wondering." He nods and the rest of the way home were quiet. Luke finally pulls up to my house, and I sigh, "Bk is gonna throw a fit." I run my fingers through my hair before getting out of the car. "I'll try to keep him calm no promises though." He says placing his arm around my shoulder. We walk in the door, and Bk looks up from the TV. "You're home ear--, What in the hell happened to you?" His face turns angry. At first he looks at Luke accusingly. He steps forward, but I step in front of Luke. "It's wasn't him. It was Landon." He takes a step back. "I'm gonna kill him. What'd he do?" I take a deep breath before explaining everything that had happened. "And that's how Luke ended up with me." I finish. "But you just need to calm down Luke took care of everything and I'm fine." I say. He breathes in and let's himself calm down. "Look I'm tired because of all this drama, and I'm ready to get this dress off so I'll see you guys tomorrow." I move forward wrapping my arms around BK's middle hugging him. "Goodnight." He says. I then walk over to Luke hugging him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his arms around my middle. "Goodnight, darling." He says. "Goodnight." I make my way up the stairs. I go to my bathroom feeling in the pockets of my dress. I pull out my phone which had died earlier, and then I pull out Luke's phone. Wait Luke's phone?? Luke's phone! He had given it to me to text my friends. I quickly put on some Nike shorts and a tshirts and rush down stairs. "Where's Luke?" I say to Bk. "He just walked out the door." He tells me. I open the door to see Luke about to get in his truck. "Luke!" I yell and he turns and looks at me confused. I raise his phone in the air. "Oh." He says when I make it to him. I hand him the phone, and go to turn around, but he grabs my arm. "What?" I say. He looks at me for second, and then he my grabs my face and he brings his lips down onto to mine. We kiss for a second, and then I lightly push him back. "Luke..." I say. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Have a good night." He rambles and then he gets in his truck and leaves. I stand there shocked for a few minutes. I then turn and go in the house not bothering to mention it to BK. This was the first time Luke had ever kissed me, and I'm glad it wasn't the last.
Flashback ends:
"Memphis, You okay? You've been zoned out for quiet some time." Brittany tells me. I smile, "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about somethings." I look at her. "It's fine." She says. We finally pull up to David's bridal where her and Brian decided she would get her dress. We both get out and head inside. A lady immediately starts helping get dresses since Brittany made an appointment. "Hello, Ladies. I'm Linda, and I will be helping you this evening. Which one of you would be Brittany?" Brittany raises her hand, and Linda smiles. "Ah, well lets begin!" She says cheerily.
   About 10 dresses later Brittany starts to get frustrated. "I can't find one that I am completely in love with." She tells me. "Just give it a little more time." I say. She huff a bit, "Okay." We begin looking for dresses again when she comes across one dress that is short with lace all around it, and it the arms were lace. (It's the dress Brittany really wore.) "Oh my gosh this is perfect! It's beautiful and simple! I love it!" She finally decides. I smile at her, "I think you will look amazing in it, Brit!" She takes it from the rack telling Linda that she has found the one. Linda takes us to the register where Brittany pays for it.
    The minute we walk in the door to our I hearing loud crashing noises. Brittany and I take off running to the basement where Luke's instruments are, and we're met with Luke, Carter, BK, Tyler jamming out on the drums. "Baby!" Luke yells. They all turn their attention to us. "What exactly are y'all doing?" I laugh. "Oh nothing just banging on the drums a bit." BK says hitting a symbol. "Hey, Memphis!" Carter catches my attention. I look at him,"What kind of Bagel can fly?" I shake my head at him, "What?" He then answers his question, "A plane bagel." Bk counters with the drum thing they do after jokes. "You guys are idiots." Brittany and I laugh. "So did you get the dress?" Bk ask. "Yes and you can't see it until the wedding day." Brittany tells him. "Why?" He gets up from the drum set walking over to her. "Because I said." Bk reaches her and pulls her into him. They were such an adorable couple. He pulls her into a kiss. "Okay, guys. That's enough." Carter butts in. I roll my eyes at him.
Later that night:
   Luke and I were laid on the couch watching some tv. "Sweetheart, we need to set the date." He tells me. "Oh, but planning a wedding is so hard." I groan. "How about you drive down to Georgia tomorrow, and get your mom and aunt to help with it some?" He suggest. "I might." I yawn. "We should get some rest." Luke says as he gets up from the couch turning the tv off. He grabs my hands pulling me up, and we head to the bedroom. Luke and I getting married was coming up fast, and I was one nervous person.


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