Chapter 17

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Songs for this chapter:
Way Way Back- Luke Bryan
Home- One Direction

       I look down at the engagement ring that lies on my left hand. I can't believe it. I'm finally engaged to the love of my life. Luke and I have come so far. I remember the day he told me he was gonna marry me one day.

"Memphis, baby? What are you doing out here alone?" Luke ask me, coming out on the front porch of BKs house. Yes, Luke used to call me baby even before we were dating. Anyways, we were currently having a Christmas party, and it was getting to be just to much. "Uh, yeah. It's getting to be a little to much in there. To many people." I laugh half-heartedly. Luke's arms wrap around me from behind tugging me closer to him. "I know what you mean, babe." Luke says softly. "If I have to hear one more person ask me what I got them. I'm gonna explode." He chuckles. I laugh, "So, Luke? What'd you get me?" I say, causing him to pull me tighter against him. "You'll see soon enough, sweetheart." He says. "Luke?" I say, looking out toward the pond. "Hmm?" He hums, against my hair. His lips leave a soft kiss there. "Do you ever think about the future? Like who you're going to marry, and stuff?" I ask him. "A lot--" He answers immediately. "Do you?" He continues. I nod my head, "Yeah." A smile makes its way to my lips as I feel Luke's fingers intertwine with mine. "I know one thing, if I could marry anyone right now in this moment. It would be you." He leans forward placing another kiss to my hair. "I love you, Luke." I whisper, my head falling against his shoulder. "I love you, too, baby." He says, as his lips make contact with my cheek.

End of flashback

I smile at the memory. My dreams are finally coming true. I honestly never thought I would be where I'm at today. Luke was just some guy that I had a crush, but now it's so much more. "Baby?" Luke catches my attention. I look up at him from his couch. We just got back from tour about a week ago. "Babe?" Luke calls again. I shake my head, "I'm sorry, sweetie. What were you saying?" I ask him. He plops his self down beside me. He looks over at me, and smiles. "You were thinking about me weren't you?" He says cheekily. My cheeks flush a Scarlett color, causing Luke to chuckle. "How'd you know?" I admit, my face burning. "When you think about me you always play with the necklace I got you." He explains, pointing toward my necklace. I haven't taken it off since the day he gave it to me. "I do?" I ask astonished. Then I remember Lulu telling me something about it when we went to the country music Hall of Fame. He smiles and nods, "Always. That's how I know you think about me." Once again, my cheeks turn pink.  "Stop it already. You could heat a marshmallow on my cheeks." I laugh. He laughs also, grabbing me by my waist pulling me onto his lap. "Well future Mrs. Bryan what do you want to do today?" He ask, nudging my cheek with his nose. He places a soft kiss to my cheek. I hum closing my eyes at the contact. "I don't know Mr. Bryan. What do you want to do?" I ask, giggling softly. "I don't know, I was thinking maybe Netflix and chill today?" Luke explains, as he reaches for the remote. I nod, "Most definitely." Luke smiles, turning it to Supernatural. "Oh my goodness! I haven't watched this in forever!" I exclaim. My head finds Luke's chest. "Luke, can we go down to Pigeon Forge Friday?" I ask looking up at him. "Yeah, sure, why?" He ask. "Well an old friend is performing down there, and I would like to go see him. It's just been a while." I explain. Luke smiles, "Oh, are you talking about Doug? The Elvis guy?" I nod rapidly, "Yes!" I exclaim, causing Luke to chuckle, and gently squeeze my hip. "Well then, of course we can, Angel." He says, kissing my temple. My insides melt. Angel. That was a new one. "Okay," I lean up kissing his lips. "Thank you, babe." I say. My attention turns back to see the characters Dean and Sam, played by the very handsome and talented, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki fighting a vampire. "You know? They are really attractive." I voice my thoughts. Luke looks down at me. "I'm more attractive." Luke informs me. I look at him, " Hmm, I don't know about that. I mean Jensen is pretty sexy." I smile mischievously. Luke growls, while nudging nose against my cheek. "You take that, back." I shake my head, "Nope, Let me rephrase that. He is really sexy." I smile. "Well then why don't you go marry him then!" Luke finally snaps. That hit me hard. I jump from his lap turning look at him. "Maybe I will!" I exclaim storming up the stairs to our bedroom. I walk into the room slamming the door shut. I don't know why, but when Luke said that it just set something off. I reach behind my neck slipping my necklace off slamming it down on the table. I then proceed to take the engagement ring off also placing it on the table. I walk into the closet pulling out a suitcase. Was I really about to leave Luke? Yes. I start packing clothes, rummaging through draws. I walk into the bathroom grabbing my things and then throwing them into the suitcase. "Baby!" Luke calls from outside the door. He then walks in and his eyes widen. I continue to ignore him as he talks. I walk toward the door down the stairs, and to the front door. "Baby! Baby! No! You can't leave me! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, baby! I didn't mean it! Please don't leave me!" Luke exclaims. I continue on out the door and to my jeep. "Where are you going, Memphis?" Luke wonders. "To Brian's!" I yell at him. "Memphis Baby! Wait!" He yells grabbing my arm. I grit my teeth. "Just listen please baby. I'm begging for you to listen." He voice softens. I sigh heavily giving in. He puts his hand on my left cheek softly rubbing under my eye. "Look, baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just got jealous and I wasn't thinking." He explains softly. "Luke, you know I was just kidding, right?" I ask him, placing my hand on his. "Yes, baby. I'm just so jealous. You are so beautiful. So freaking beautiful, and I don't want anyone to take you away from me. You make me a better person." He looks to his feet. My heart soars. "Oh, Luke. I'm so sorry too. I would never leave you. I don't know what I was doing. I'm sorry." Tears start to fall down my cheeks. Luke gently wipes them away with his thumbs. "Baby, come back inside, and we'll finish our Netflix and chill day, yeah?" Luke ask. I smile through the tears, "Yeah." I grab the suitcase out of the back of the truck. Luke grabs my hand, and we walk back to the house. When we get back to the house I set the suitcase down and we resume our previous position. "I love you." Luke murmurs, against my head. "I love you, Luther." I smile, looking at him. His lips touch my mine in a slow kiss. His fingers run through my hair. "Mmmm." I moan, causing him to chuckle. It's short lived when my moms ringtone blast through the air. "Hello?" I answer as Luke's lips find my neck. He leaves sweet kisses up and down it. "Hey, Memphis. They've taking Stormy to the hospital. She's in labor." My moms says. I gasp, "Oh my gosh. Tell them I'll be down as soon as I can." I say. My mom chuckles, "Okay, I love yall! Talk you you later!" She hangs up. I then realize Luke had stop kissing me. As I go back to kiss him his phone rings. I groan loudly as he answers. "Hey, mama." He says. "What?" He ask. "Oh my gosh. Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." He says. "Okay, mama. I love you too. Bye." He hangs up putting his head in his hands. "Luke, Baby? Are you okay?" I ask. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, "My brother in law Lee Died." He answers. I gasp, "Oh my gosh, baby. I'm so sorry. We can leave now if you want." I tell him. He slowly shakes his head. "The funeral is Wednesday. Well leave tomorrow." He says. "Okay, babe. Whatever you want to do." I say, my fingers combing through his hair. "Baby, just please kiss me." Luke pleads with me. That's exactly what I do.

I'm so sorry if it sucks! It's kinda rushed! I hope you guys like it! Yall let me know what you think! Love you guys!❤️

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