Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Luke is on his way to get me now. The girls are gone with there boyfriends and they are coming later. Lulu dates the famous actor Douglas Booth. They met when Lulu was in California for her senior trip when we graduated. Kay dates Easton Corbin. They met the other day, and Heather dates Hunter Hayes. They also met the other day. My parents are gone out with friends that came up. My brother and sister are also coming later. Brian left already, but I told him Luke was coming to pick me up. Anyways, I have a red tank top on, daisy duke shorts, and my new tony lamas. I straighten my hair and put light makeup on. I hear a horn outside so, I grab my shoulder bag and run out the door. Luke is leaning against his black truck grinning from ear to ear. "Hey baby" he chirps as I walk over. "Hey my country cutie" I chuckle kissing his cheek. Luke helps me in the truck slapping my butt in the process. "Thomas Luther" I gasp. "What? Memphis rose" he questions using my middle name. "You know what you did Luther" I giggle rolling my eyes. "Yeah, and I liked it rosy" he winks. My face burns. Gosh everything he says makes me blush. I think it is pretty clear I'm in love with Thomas Luther Bryan. "You better be glad I love you or else I would be mad at you right now" I tell Luke seriously. Luke gives me a boyish grin and kisses my lips before starting up the truck.

We get to the Bonfire and Luke comes around to my side helping me out of the truck. He grabs my hand and leads us over to where BK, Ty, and Jason. "Hey mini me" Brian says using my nickname from when we were little (By the way I spent a lot of time in Florida with him). "Ugh.. Brian, don't call me that. I hate that name." I sigh. "Oh come on... It was just a joke" he smiles. "Ugh.. I know just don't call me that" I say. He laughs and the boys join him. "Oh y'all are such buttholes" I sigh once again laughing a little inside. "But you love us" Luke suggest. "Yes I do... Y'all are my best friends." I say. "Aw.. Thanks mini me. We love you too." BK says coming over to hug me. "Where's the drinks? I'm thirsty?" I question. "In the back of my truck" Jay answers. "Alright" I say walking over to his truck. I see that Lulu, Heather, and Kat have arrived with their boyfriends so I wave at them. I open the cooler once I get there and pull out a water for me since I don't drink and Luke a beer. I start to turn around when I hear someone say, "Hey baby, how ya been?." That voice belongs to none other that my ex boyfriend Landon. "Uh..uh Landon what are you doin here?" "He invited me" he said pointing over to Chase Rice. "Well I don't think this is his party" I say coldly. If you haven't notice me and Landon don't have a very good past. He cheated on me in high school and I haven't liked him ever since. "Oh come on you know you wanted to see me" he says with a creepy smile. "Oh you wish" I snap. "Oh you still get feisty don't ya?" He says grabbing my arm real hard. "Get your hands off of me you douchebag" I say through gritted teeth. I look toward Luke and BK they haven't notice yet. Then I look toward Lulu and them. I see that Easton is looking my way so I nod telling him to get Luke. "And if I don't?" He questions. "Do you really want to find out? Luke questions from behind Landon. BK and Ty finally stand beside Luke. Landon lets my arm go and turns around to look at them. I run around Landon and stand between Luke and BK. I'm brought back to reality when I feel Luke grab my hand. I look up at him and he is looking at Landon. "Well well well if it ain't Mr. Luke Bryan. The one with the great teeth and thinks he can get all the girls" he says coldly. "Yeah, and what's that to ya?" Luke ask. "Well apparently your dating my girl" Landon states plainly. "Landon" I sigh. "We broke up in high school." By now we have the attention of everyone. Luke squeezes my hand a little and says, "so that means she don't want ya." "Oh Luke you think you have something good don't you. When all you have is a nobody. An ugly piece of nothing" Landon laughs. In a second Landon is on the ground and Luke is on top of him. Luke gets a couple of hits in before me, Brian, and Ty drag him off. Easton, Douglas, and Hunter pick Landon up off the ground and tell him to leave. Luke is still extremely mad so I grab his face in my hands. "Luke you need to come down! he left" he looks at me and his eyes soften. "Are you okay?" He says wrapping me in a hug. "Yes I fine" I sigh. "Baby don't believe anything he says. He is wrong your nothing but beautiful and that's how you deserve to be treated." Luke says sweetly. I grab his face again and kiss him with so much passion. "I love you so much Luke. Your always there for me. Ever since I met you my confidence has skyrocketed. Luke you are my everything." I say. Luke kisses me once again. I smile against his lips. We pull apart and I look at BK. "Memphis, you okay now" he says giving me a hug. "Yeah I'm good now everyone" I say laughing. Lulu, Heather, and Kat come running over hugging me also. "Omg that was so cool when Luke pounced on him" Lulu says laughing. "Yeah that was great" Kat puts in. "I wished Luke would have been there in high school" Heather chuckles. "Yeah me too" I smile. "Everything happens for a reason" Lulu explains. I nod and look at my watch to see that it is midnight. "Wow the conversations we have" I laugh. "Yep" they all say in unison. "Well we're gonna go home. It's getting pretty late" Lulu says. "Alright the key is under the doormat" I say. I walk over to Luke's truck and sit on the tailgate. When I hear play it again come on. I jump up and say, "oh my god, this is my song. Come on Luke I wanna dance" Luke jumps up and puts his hands on my hips while we dance to the song. He's had about 3 beers. So he is alittle tipsy. We dance alittle while and most everyone has left. I tell everyone bye and thanks for everything. I get Luke into the truck and then get into the drivers seat. I drive Luke to his house and help him inside. He stumbles to his bed. I take off his boots and shirt leaving him in his pants. "Luke babe! Can you at least put you some shorts on?" I chuckle. "Yeah baby" he slurs. He gets up, grabs his shorts, and puts them on stumbling back to bed. "Well I'm gonna go. I love you" I say kissing his forehead running my fingers through his hair."Baby please stay with me. I don't want you driving so late" he says which confuses me. "Aren't you drunk" I ask. "A little, but I ain't drunk enough to let you get out there and get hurt." He sighs. "Yeah I guess I can." I say pulling out my phone to text Brian.

M- Hey I'm stayin at Luke's he don't want me driving so late and I know y'all don't either.

BK- Okay and yeah your right.. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do!:)

M- sure thing!!:) haha!!

BK- well I love you goodnight!

M- night! Love you!!:)

I look through Luke's dresser to see if I can find some shorts. I find some under armour so I throw them on. I grab Luke's shirt that he wore tonight and slide it on. I lay down with my back against Luke's chest. He instantly wraps his arms around my waist. "Goodnight Baby. I love you" he whispers. "Goodnight. Love you" I whisper back. "By the way babe you look awesome in my shirt" he chuckles. "Thanks" I giggle before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Finally I know y'all have been waiting!!:) thanks for waiting so long. I hope y'all like it. It's kinda sucky, but here it is! Thanks again for reading comment and vote!!:) love y'all!!:)

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