Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Oh shut up and go to bed" I chuckle once again. "Can I have a kiss first?" Luke ask me. I turned to him shocked and excited. "Umm.. Mr. Bryan we haven't even had our first date yet." He groans. "Ughhh fine! Come here" I said getting annoyed. He takes about two steps and he is in front of me. He puts his hands on waist and I put my arms around his neck playing with his hair. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes while he stares into my blue ones. Soon enough our lips crash together. They move in sync like they were meant to be together. Then my door swings open......

I look to see who it is. BRIAN. Oh snap. He has the maddest look on his face. I jump back really quick. Then his frown turns to a smile and I am confused. "Dang it! I owe Ty $20 bucks" he said. "What you bet on us" I said still quiet confused. "Yeah Ty said y'all were probably kissing or something cause it got really quiet then I told him that y'all were probably asleep but I see I was very wrong" BK said. "Well yeah sorry about that. We got alittle carried away" Luke said laughing. "I know it's fine. Y'all are two kids in love." BK answers. I look at BK and then back to Luke. They are both looking at me. "Well I'm gonna go to bed. So that means get out" I turn to look at BK who is still laughing."Alright night love you" Brian leans down to kiss my forehead. "Night love you!" "Luke you sleepin in here" BK ask. "Yeah if you don't mind" Luke responds. "I don't mind if she don't mind" BK said. "I told you I don't mind" I butt in smiling. BK nods and gives one last smile before leaving. "Well again I'm going to bed good night" I peck Luke on the lips and go to lay down. Luke makes him a pallet and lays down. "Luke" I said. "Yeah baby girl" "Can you sing for me?" I ask. "Yeah" he replies. "Thanks" I lay back down, has he starts to sing "I don't want this night to end" and luckily that is what I fell asleep too.

I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I look to my left where Luke is suppose to be asleep, but he isn't there. I get up and start down the stairs when clumsy me misses the last step and falls. (Haha funny... Note sarcasm!) "oww!" I scream. BK and Luke come running from in the kitchen. "Are you alright Memphis" BK ask. "Yeah I'm good" I said grabbing Luke's outstretched hand. "Thanks" I said getting alittle dizzy. Luke and BK both reach out to steady me. "Why don't you sit down Darlin" Luke ask/commands me. I walk over to the couch and sit down. Luke sits down beside me and puts his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder, close my eyes, and breathe. Brian went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast. Luke brings me out of my thoughts by asking, "Sweetie are you ready for tonight?" "Yeah, where are we going?" I ask. "That is a secret" he said smiling that award-winning smile at me. "Uggh fine! But I hate secrets" I said pretending to be mad, but I end up laughing. "What time is it" I ask Luke. "9:30" he responds. "Oh alright" I yawn. "You haven't kissed me today" Luke whispers making me giggle. I turn my head and peck his cheek. "Thank you" he said. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen since I'm feeling better. "Pancakes are done" BK said as I walked to get me and the 2 boys a plate. I set the table then call Luke to come and eat. He comes in with the biggest smile on his face. He comes straight over to me and puts his lips to mine. I hear Brian pretending to gag in the background. "What was that all about" I ask still smiling from the most amazing kiss I ever had. "I just got number one on the billboard" he yells happily. "Oh my gosh! That's awesome Luke!" I scream back jumping in his arms. Luke snakes his arms around my waist. He puts me down and BK says with a smile, "Congrats man!" "Thanks!" Luke smiles. I give Luke one last peck on the lips.

It's now 6:30 and I am gettin ready to go out with Luke. I am wearing a baby blue shirt that says keep calm and love Luke Bryan, blue jeans, and my brown tony lama's with a cross on them. I curl my hair and put a clip in it. Then I put a little make up on. Luke left about an hour ago to get ready and we are leaving at 7. I go downstairs and BK is sitting on the couch. He is watching the Georgia Florida game. "Who is winning?" I ask siting down with him. "Georgia" he sighs getting frustrated with the game. "Yes!" I scream. "We're gonna beat y'all." "Oh would ya shut up" BK said trying not to crack a smile at me bragging. I hear the doorbell ring, so I get up to answer it. I opened the door and Luke is standing there in a red checked shirt, tight blue jeans, cowboy boots, and his E3 hat. "You look beautiful" Luke said shining his pearly teeth. "Aww thanks! You don't look to bad yourself" I said. "Thanks baby girl" Luke said. "Well ya ready to go" Luke ask. "Yeah" I said. "BK we're leaving" I holler. "Alright love you!" He said. "Love you" I said closing the door behind us. Luke grabs my hands and locks our fingers together. I look up at him and smile. We get to his truck and he opens the door. "Madam your carriage awaits you" he said in his best British accent. "Thank you kind sir" I said while getting in. Luke runs around the truck, jumps in, and starts it. Play it again is playing on the radio so I start to sing along. When the song is done I look over to Luke who is grinning from ear to ear. "What" I ask. "Nothing, you just have a beautiful voice Darlin" he said "thank you Thomas Luther Bryan" I said giggling a little. "How do ya know my full name" he ask. "Luke any girl would be crazy not to know your full name and plus I googled you a couple of times" I giggle once again. "So where are we going?" I ask knowing I'm probably not going to get an answer. "I told you doll that is a secret" he said digging in the console looking for something. He pulls out this bandana. "Put this on" he said handing it to me. "Why, are you gonna kidnap me?" I ask joking around. "No baby.. I told you it was a surprise. Now just put it on." He said smiling. "Oh alright" I huff playfully taking it from him and tying it around my head. It feels like we have been riding forever when the truck comes to a stop. I hear Luke get out of the truck. Then I hear my door open. He unbuckles me and pulls me out of the truck. He takes my hand pulling me behind him. Finally we come to a stop he takes the blindfold off and I get a good look around. There is a beautiful creek with lights hanging in the trees like sparkling stars. There is soft music playing in the background, but I can tell it is a country song. In the middle of everything there is a table with 2 chairs. Roses are spread everywhere. "It's beautiful" I tell him looking him in his beautiful brown eyes. "Thanks doll! A beautiful place for a beautiful girl" he said leaning to kiss me. He attached his lips to mine and I felt fireworks. He grips my hand and pulls me to the table to sit down. He sits and points to the food. "Want anything?" He ask. "Duh" I say sarcastically. Luke gives me that breathe taking smile. We eat and talk the rest of the time. It was now about 8:30. Luke looks at me and grabs ahold of my hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box. "Memphis?" He says. "Yeah" I ask nervous. "Will you be my girlfriend" he ask taking a necklace out of the box. I sit there for a minute and look at the necklace. It's says "LUKE'S GIRL." "Memphis?" Luke ask once again. "Luke I......

CLIFFHANGER!!!:) what do you think she will say???:) do you like it so far? Leave comments and votes please thanks!!:) love yall!!:)

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