Chapter 25

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Song for this chapter: Let it be -The Beatles

       My hands start to shake as I read the name on the screen, and I answer, "Hey, Memphis. It's Landon." My heart rate picked up. This was going to be interesting.

    "Hi, Landon." I speak softly into the phone. "Hey," I look to Luke and he places his arm back around my shoulders, and we sit by the river. "Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I forgive you. I thought about it for so long. Wondering why you treated me the way you did, but I get it now." I sign into the phone but Landon doesn't say a word. "You were a selfish inconsiderate prick, and I realized I deserved better." I breathe into the phone. Damn I was getting brave. I wasn't scared anymore. This is a new Memphis. I'm tired of everyone running over me. "And you know something else Landon if it weren't for you, Luke and I would have never became as close as we did. So I just want to thank you. Thank you for letting me go. Thank you for not caring about me. And thank you for not loving me. I have a man now that loves me more than life it's self. He showed me what love really was like. So thank you. I forgive you for every bad thing you did to me, and I hope you see what you lost. I'm not mad anymore, Landon. I'm glad we're getting past this. Thank you for calling me back also." I finish with a sigh. Landon finally speaks, "I know I lost something very good. I'm so proud of you and the women you've become, and it's all because of Luke. He's always been the better man, and I thank him for that. Thank you for excepting my apology, and I want you to know that I still love you no matter what. Thank you again, Memphis." With that the line goes dead. "That was great, babe. I'm so proud of you." Luke says, placing a kiss against my hair lovingly.

       "Oh my gah, Luke. You should have seen us. It was hilarious." Michael laughs. He was telling us about what happened today when they got noticed. "Monaco got spotted first, and the girl screamed oh my gah you're BM! You make all of Luke Bryan's videos!" By this time Michael was almost on the floor laughing so hard. "So they ask if they could get a picture with us, and we of course said yes." Carter laughs some more as BM starts telling the story, "Thank you, Carter," He sassed before he contiued the story. "So they start getting set for the picture and all of a sudden I feel a hand on my ass. Thinking it was one of the girls I jumped away, but I turn around and realize it was this dumbass." He points to Micheal who still can't contain his self, "Dude I was dying." He busted out again. "So thats how our day went. How was yalls? You doing okay, Memphis?" BM ask concerned. I nod, "Yeah, I'm great. I got everything off my chest, and I think for the first in a very long time I'm not mad or upset at him." I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally I get what I want. My freedom from Landon. "That's good, sweetheart. He doesn't deserve your forgiveness honestly." Michael says. Thats my best friend for you. "Thanks, Carter." I lightly punch his arm trying to lighten the mood. "So, who's the groomsmen Lukey?" Carter grins changing the subject. Michael already knew he was definitely going to be one, but I guess he just wanted that confirmation. "Now Carter, you know you're the best man." He laughs and continues, "BM and probably Alex too." "What do you think, babe? You think Alex will do it?" I smile, "I'm sure he would. Just ask him. Baby, you do realize our wedding is in like one month." I really couldn't believe I was about to be Mrs. Bryan. Luke was absolutely the love of my life. "OH, um did you guys see the newest magazines? The lying one?" BM speaks rolling his eyes as he explains to us about the newest lie they had come up with. "They said yall went to Vegas and got hitched, and then came home and Memphis cheated with Michael so yall are getting a divorce." I really hated these magazines. What a bunch of liars. "Michael, I bet its a picture from the other day when you and I hugged at the resturant. I bet they didn't include Luke standing there with us." Carter pulled out his phone looking it up, and sure enough that was the picture at the top of the article. I roll my eyes at the stupid tabloids. Do they not have anything better to do? "Hey, Why don't we go buy one, and explain to everyone that we're very much together." Luke suggested. So thats what we did.

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