Chapter 14

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Song for this chapter: I will always love you -Dolly Parton

3 weeks later
Three Weeks. Three long freaking Weeks. Since the last time I saw him. I miss him so much. He keeps trying to contact me, but I won't answer. I know, I should have forgave him. I have been cheated on twice, and it hurts. Luke will be in Nashville next month. We are suppose to 'meet up' but I don't know how that is gonna go. I start work at Tito's Pizza again tomorrow since Brian talked to him once again. My phone buzzes bring me out of my thoughts. I huff thinking it's Luke, but it turns out to be Brian.
Brian: turn on your tv now. Channel 11.😏
Memphis: okay. Why?👌
Brian: just do it. Please.🙏
I sigh heavily, flipping on the tv to channel 11. I see that it's the Ellen degeneras "So Luke?" She says. "We heard that you, and your recent girlfriend Memphis broke up. Is that true?" He sighs, "Uh.. Yeah, it is actually. Well we're taking a break." "How are you holding up?" Ellen ask. You can see him choke back the tears. "Actually not so good. I still love her. She meant the world to me." Luke says. I'm trying so hard not to cry right now. Maybe I should have stayed. Screw next month. I'm going to see Luke tonight.

Luke's POV:
Oh, How much I miss Memphis. Ellen brought up a soar subject, but then again I am going to sing a song for her. That is if she is watching. Please Memphis be watching. "So Luke, your going to perform your new hit I see you, right?" "Yes, ma'am." I nod.

"Roll in the bar. Me and my crew their little plan to get me over you. Their hooking me up, yeah, buying me drinks with a thousand girls, there's just one thing. I can't go anywhere. I can't do anything. No I can't close my eyes without you in my dreams. You won't leave me alone even though I know your gone. I look around for someone new, but I see you, jumping up there with the band takin' me by the hand. Hey boy come dance with me. Stuck like a melody in my head in the bed of my truck by the light of the midnight moon. Baby I see you." I sang.

I hope Memphis is watching. I miss her, so much. I hope she shows when we meet up next month. Once I finish the song, Ellen thanks me, and I head to the bus, and sleep.

"How you holdin' up?" Carter puts his hand on my shoulder. "Not so good. I miss her." I sigh. I look down at my phone the screen saver being us in New York, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty kissing. I just want to hold her, kiss her, and never let her go. "I know you do. Just give her some time. She'll come back. You know what they say If you love something set it free." He explains softly. "How are you suppose to set it free, if it hurts so much?" I ask, putting my head in my hands. "That's something you should ask yourself." He tells me. Then I hear his footsteps fade. I told the boys we were gonna stay at a hotel tonight because I was kinda tired of sleeping on the bus. I think we're staying at the Hilton. "Hey, Luke we're here." BM tells me, sending me a soft smile. I nod, getting up and grabbing my bag.

Carter's POV:
Memphis texted me about an hour ago saying she was on her way to see Luke. She told me not to tell him, and I of course won't. I told him she would be back. I'm so happy she is. Ever since the day she left he has done nothing but mope around. I want to see him happy again. He's my best friend, and he deserves to be happy. She is taking a plane down here to Chicago. I just hope there both making the right decision.

Memphis' POV:
"Flight 217 to Chicago now boarding." The lady over the intercom says. I grab my bags making my way to the plane. I show the attendant my ticket, and she seats me. I look over to see a boy around my age sitting in the seat next to me. He looks at me, and smiles. "Hey, I'm Dean." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. "Hi." I smile, shaking his hand. "Memphis." "So Memphis, what are you doing on your way to Chicago?" He ask, leaning back in his seat a bit. "Well.. Umm.. I'm on my way to see my boyfriend." I tell him, his smile fades. "Oh..." He trails off. Did he seriously not see my necklace? Which by the way I have worn this whole time. "Sorry, I should known you would be taken." He continues. "No hard feelings." I say, with a smile. "So, What's your guys name?" He ask, causing me to chuckle. "It's Luke." I tell him. Realization seems to hit him like a brick. "Oh! Your Luke Bryan's girl!" I nod, "Could you try to keep your voice down." I sigh. "Sorry." He laughs. "Just can't believe I'm meeting THE Memphis Kelley. My little sister is crazing about Luke and you." He says. "Aww, How old is she?" I question, he pulls his phone out showing me a picture. "She's 11. She has Down syndrome." He says sadly. "I'm actually going to see her, and my family." He smiles. "I tell you what. You give me your number, and I'll talk to Luke, and call if I can y'all tickets." I hand him my phone. He puts his number in. "Thank you so much." He smiles. "No problem." I grin back. I lean back in my seat, putting my headphones in my ears that's plug to the tv thingy. The fast and the furious is playing. Oh how much I love these movies. I smile to myself, and soon drift off to sleep.

I'm shaken awake by Dean. "It's time to get off." He tells me. I nod, and exit the plane. I get my luggage, and I see a tall black man standing with a sign that says MEMPHIS KELLEY. I walk over, "Hey, Sir. I'm Memphis." He smiles, "Okay then follow me." He brings me out to a limo. Carter must have called them. He opens the door for me, and I get in. He walks around getting and driving off. We soon pull up to the Hilton Hotel. I get out thanking him. "Do I owe you anything?" I ask him. "Nope, already been payed in full." He smiles. "Okay. Thank you!" I wave, as he drives away. Okay. Here it goes. He either still loves me or he doesn't. I make my way into the building, and the elevator. Carter texted me, and told me what floor and room number. I finally get to Luke's door when I hear yelling. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" Luke's voice sounds frantic. "Because I love you, Luke, and I have my ways." A female voice says softly. "Well I do not love you. I'm in love with someone else!" He yells at her. "No, you can't be. We were together for 2 years!" She explains. I put my hand over my mouth. Luke never told me about this. "I don't care how long we were together. I do not love you!" He states. "You don't love me because of her. Isn't it?" I can hear the anger in her voice. "That's exactly who it is!" Luke screams. "I'm so in love with her I can't sleep, eat, or breathe without her. So you should probably go NOW!" Luke raises his voice yet again. I hear the door open, and the girl looks at me. "You. Your the reason he doesn't love me. This isn't the last time you'll see me." She slams the door, prancing off with her fake self. I walk over to the door, taking a deep breath. I lift my hand up, and knock. "Look I told you I don't-- Memphis?" His eyes grow wide, and he gasp. "Oh gosh, I've missed you so much." He pulls me into a tight hug. "I missed you, too." I murmur into his shoulder. "I love you, baby. I love you so much." He repeats many times kissing my forehead. "Luke, I love you, but we need to talk." I push away from him. He nods, "What do you want to talk about?" He ask, sitting down on the hotel bed, pulling me with him. "Who was that girl?" I ask. "And no lies." I continue. "That was my ex-girlfriend long before we got together. Apparently she still thinks I like her. We broke up a couple months after me and you met." He tells me, truthfully. "Did you love her?" I question. "What.. No, baby. I've always loved you." He cups my face in his warm tan hands. "I've loved you since you were that 18 year old girl complaining about high school." He smiles. He brings my face closer to his. "Wait, Luke." I sigh. "What's wrong sweetie?" Luke questions, rubbing his thumb under my left eye in a relaxing manor. "You know we can't pretend like nothing happen. You're going to have to gain my trust back." I tell him firmly. "I know, baby, and I'm so sorry for everything I put you through." He says his thumb lightly brushing over my lips. "I forgive you though, babe." I say, bring him a little closer. He smiles, "Thank you so much." "Now Mr. Bryan, Kiss me." I giggle, finally pulling him into me, places my lips firmly on his. He smiles against my lips, murmur an I love you. I chuckle, "I love you, too." "Mmm." Luke hums. "Wait, Luke?" I pull away. "Yes,baby?" He sighs. "Well I met this guy and--" I start. "What guy? Where'd he live? How old was he? Did he flirt with you? I'll kill him." Luke rambles. "Luke, baby. Calm down. I got his number so I could call him about some meet and greets." I shake my head at him. "Oh.. Sure. How many?" He ask. "Umm.. Maybe 4. The girl has Down syndrome, Luke."  I tell him. "I will most defiantly get them tickets." He smiles. "Thank you, babe!" I wrap my arms around his neck. "Now where were we." He pulls me back to his lips in a heated kiss.

Hey!!!! Sorry it took me a while. I hope Yall like it! Comment/vote please! Their back together. Or are they?😂 I love yall! Sorry for any spelling errors. Any questions let me know. Bye!

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