Change of Plans 28

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OH MY GOSH! I'm soooooooo sorry everyone! I haven't uploaded in forever! I was kinda busy with a broken finger, and getting x-rays and so it's taken my time away from writing. But I have realized that IT'S HARD TO TYPE WITH A CAST! :O haha I never knew lol :) but anyways, thank you for being my faithful readers :) KEEP VOTING AND COMMENTING :) love you all

Again, sorry for taking way way way TOOOO long :/



Xavier's POV

"Listen man, I'm sorry. I've been stressed with a bunch of stuff lately. I didn't mean to-"

"Hey dude, don't worry about it. I understand. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said that." he slapped my back as we walked out the doors and into the bustling hall. "I'll catch you later!" he said over the noise of the hallway.

I waved, and suddenly felt a small hand close around mine.

"Hi baby." she stretched up and kissed my cheek.

"Hey there, girls." I kissed her forehead and put a hand on her belly.

"See you later." she smiled and pushed her way, with Amy behind her faithful body guard, to her fourth block class, Honors English.

"Bye babe!" I called after her as I continued down the hallway, excited about the upcoming Homecoming dance and our baby.



Hayden's POV

"There's good news, but there's also bad news." Doctor Stafferi said, eyeing Xavier for the umpteenth time.

She caught my glare and turned back to her clipboard. "What would you like to hear first?"

Her irritated tone seemed to heighten the tension in the room. I glanced to my right and Amy gave my hand another squeeze and a huge smile.

To my left, Xavier beamed his million dollar smile and clenched my hand, nervous as well.

Sitting in what looked like the world's deemed 'most uncomfortable chairs', were our extremely anxious mothers. They too held each other's hands and the faces captured the nervous look.

My mother chewed on her lip and had her empty hand clenched in a death grip around the edge of her disgusting, brown chair.

Xavier's mom, Renee, was inhaling and exhaling as if these were her last few breaths. She fidgeted around, obviously not being able to sit still.

To sum up the entire room, it was pretty much a nervous breakdown waiting to happen.

Doctor Stafferi cleared her throat, ready to speak and stared at me in anticipation.

"Good news first." I said quietly, staring intently at the ugly yellow tile of the office floor.

"Alright." she said, searching about the papers on her clipboard until she found one and pulled it out.

"Well." she began. "Good news?"

I nodded.

"Well, the good news is that you are gaining weight for the baby to have room to grow and develop. You should have gained at least five to ten pounds, and you're right in the middle." she said, as if this was coming knowledge.

"Oh yeah, gaining weight is so good." I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

Xavier heard me and he chuckled.

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