Change of Plans 36

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Hello everyone. Sorry I am so stressed at the moment and when you're stressed, writing this makes life more stressful... This may be one of the last few chapter I put up for several weeks. I am in my school's musical, and practices are now every day, all day. But after the musical, I am free from everything, then I can upload again. :) I'm sorry about this guys. Will you forgive me? Thanks :)

And here is Chapter 36 :)



Hayden's POV

The questioning went on for what seemed like hours until I was finally left to get some rest.

The doctor left, checking my IV and the heart monitors again before he left.

Xavier kissed me gently on the lips, avoiding a bruise in my cheek and below my nose.

"Bye baby. Get some rest." he leaned down and gently kissed the protruding of my stomach. "Bye other baby." he whispered, making me giggle.

I watched him go as I drifted into a much needed blissful sleep.



Xavier's POV

"Earlier this weekend at Roseburrow High's Homecoming dance, the Homecoming Queen was rushed to the hospital after being shot by a photography, or rather a man posing as a photographer."

My ears perked up and I looked over at the TV in the corner of the hospital cafeteria.

A reporter stood outside of Roseburrow High, microphone in hand and pointing over to where a set of doors were caution-taped off.

"And over there, is where the man shot the six month pregnant Homecoming Queen. She was rushed to the hospital and the bullet was removed after being lodged in between her ribs. No names are being released at the moment, but we have been told that police have the shooter in custody and a trial date will be set for a later date this month."

The blonde reporter switched to a junior girl I recognized from school. "I heard the gun being shot!" she said, still looking shocked. "I had left the gym to go to the bathroom when I heard it. And so I ran to the lobby and found Ha-" from behind the camera, she was told not to name names, and she continued. "And there on the floor, I found the Queen. The King was leaning over her and that's when I called nine-one-one." she said. Her eyes were wide as the camera zoomed in on her face.

The camera switched back to the blonde reporter. "Well there you have it people. When more details are released we will be sure to get them out to you! For News Channel Ten, I'm Barbara Jones."

"Thank you Barbara." an older man with grating hair said as the camera switched back to the main reporters. "Oh man, folks! Did you hear that? The Homecoming Queen was six months pregnant! What has our world come to that the girl they picked to be their 'Queen' would be pregnant!" he exclaimed to is co-host.

The younger man looked at the older man, an angry look on his face. "Well, maybe she had a good reason. You do not know the situation." he said with a huff and I felt a huge smiled play on my lips.

I turned back to my now cold lunch when I heard a small voice. "Is anyone sitting here?"

A little girl asked. She looked to be about six or seven, her blonde hair cascading down her back. She looked somewhat familiar so I smiled at her.

"Nope, you can sit there."

She set down her tray and I looked at her food. She had applesauce, pudding and water.

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