Change of Plans 18

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Hello everyone :) so I just though of this today... So tell me what you think! PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! love you all




Xavier's POV

She looked stunned but then a smile grew on her face.

She threw her arms around me and cried, "I'm going to be a grandma?!"

"Yeah, I guess so. I guess so."



Hayden's POV

"Happy Birthday!" I hugged the twins as a flash from another camera blinded the three of us.

By now, the whole family had heard my news, including Bailey, who was ecstatic.

Dad, on the other hand, was furious at Xavier, blaming him for 'ruining my life'.

Xavier, Dad and I had sat in the hospital room for well over an hour last night just talking.

After we had explains the situation, Dad seemed to understand and he eventually accepted the fact that this was my life.

After I graduated, I would be raising a baby, with or without Xavier, Dad had pointed out to me once we were alone.

"This is a full time Hayden. And I want you to realize that you will be dealing with the consequences." he had kissed my forehead then added, "But I will be the best grandpa this baby could ever have." he said happily.

As he had left my room, he turned around and said, "Congratulations baby."

Today, no one had time to discuss what had happened last night because of the twins fifteenth birthday party.

"If you think this is bad, wait until they turn sixteen." Amy pointed out, walking over to where I was sitting and handed me a cup of punch.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "Gag me with a spoon!" I complained, laying my head in my hands.

"No. one. says. that. anymore!" Amy got out through her fits of laughter.

I stuck my tongue out at her which made her laugh even more.

"I can say whatever I want." I said stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Aw! You two are so cute." Mom cooed, flashing a picture of Amy and I sitting at the polka dot covered table.

"Or should I say, the three of you look cute!" Mom teased, kissing the top of my head.

Before I could yell at her to be quiet, she ran away, flashing more pictures of the guests.

Lights from the dance room flashed into the room where Amy and I sat and it made me remember the night of the party.

The pounding of the music from the DJ in the other room was almost hard to talk over.

Thankfully, Mom had talked the twins into having two rooms at the party; one for eating and the other for dancing.

Amy and I claimed the dining room in the Roseburrow Town Firehall the moment we came to the party.

Not too many other people inhabited the eating room beside Amy and I, so we were able to talk without worrying about people hearing us.

"Okay, it says here," Amy said, reading out of our new bible, 'The Big Book of Pregnancy'. Surprisingly, we recently read more from it even than our fashion mags, which was pretty hard to top. "that in Month Two, we have a lot of wonderful things to look forward to!" she said sarcastically.

"Like what?" I asked, rolling my eyes at her and taking a bite of my cake.

"Well, pretty much the same as Month One; lots of peeing, feeling faint, being overly tired, mood swings, breast soreness or tenderness and morning sickness!"

"Well isn't that wonderful?" I said sarcastically.

"What's wonderful babe?" Xavier asked as he walked over to the table. As he reached the table, he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

Quickly leaning down the my stomach, he kissed my non-existent belly.

"Xavier!" I cried as he stood back up straight and then crashed in the chair beside me.

Amy was laughing so I slapped her with the back of my hand.

"Ow!" she complained, rubbing her arm. "Sorry! It's just so funny, I swear when you blush, you look like a tomato!"

She and Xavier began laughing and I could feel my cheeks heating up again.

"Honey!" I heard Mom yell suddenly.

"I need a picture of you and Xavier!" she cried running over to us, her heels clacking on the hardwood floor.

"Okay Mom, one more." she laughed and helped me up out of my chair.

I tried to flatten the bottom of my dress, to no avail.

Letting Amy pick out my outfit was a disaster. She had picked out a fitted dress that puffed out the bottom.

It was a strapless pink ruffly dress, covered in orange and yellow flowers with bright green stems spiraling all over the dress.

When she showed me it this morning, I couldn't help laughing.

"This?" I had said, fingering the dress. "Where'd you find this?"

"The Motherhood Maternity store!" she said proudly.

"Amy! I'm not even two months pregnant! I don't need clothes from there yet!" I had laughed.

After trying it on, I was surprised to find that it actually fit, and looked pretty good.

"Hayden," Amy said, pulling me from my thoughts. "It's made to be puffy at the bottom. It's not getting any flatter." she said with a smirk.

"You look beautiful." Xavier whispered in my ear, taking my hand in his.

I saw the flash of a camera and looked up at mom.

"Mom! We weren't ready!" I complained.

"I'm sorry! It was such a cute moment thought!" she cried.


The party flew by, filled with flashes every few seconds, obnoxious singing from the guests and some amazing cake.

When we were done cleaning up, it was around eleven thirty and I was pooped.

"Wake up sweetie." Mom whispered, waking me up from my peaceful sleep in the passenger seat of her Honda Odyssey.

I climbed out of the van and walked sleepily up to bed.

Before I fell asleep completely, I checked my phone.

Three new messages and one new voicemail.

Who would've called this late? I wondered dialing my voice mail.

"You have. One. New. Voicemail. And. Twelve. Saved. Messages. New. Message." the voice mail's annoying robotic voice filled my ears.

"Hi, sweetie." Xavier's Mom said, her voice sounded sad, like she'd been crying. "I, Uh. Honey, it's Xavier." her voice cracked. "He," she sobbed, " He was in an accident." her voice cracked again.

"They think he might be dea-" was all she was able to get out before the line died.

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