Change of Plans 34

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hey everyone :) so it's been kinda hectic around my house, taking care of my sister, who has pneumonia, but I wrote a short chapter. Sorry! Please comment and VOTE! love you all



Xavier's POV

My vision cleared slightly and I realized that Hayden's mom was wrapped around me sobbing and her father sat stone still on the floor.

We stood there for what seemed like hours as Hayden's mother cried away her fear.

Around two in the morning, her father went home to check up on the kids and I was left with Hayden's mom.

We sat in silence. Serene and solemn in that bleak white hallway. Void of noise except the beep of heart monitors, and I whirr or gurneys traveling down the empty halls.

We sat there and waited.

And waited.

And waited.



Xavier's POV

"Xavier?" I felt a light tap on my shoulder and look up into the puffy red eyes of Mrs. Bottichelli.

Beside her, Ryan stood there, looking down the hallway, stiff and still.

I hoisted myself up off the floor and followed Hayden": mom down the hallway.

We reacher Hayden's room and I noticed it was slightly ajar.

She pushed it open and gestured for me to go in.

I slowly stepped into the room and looked around.

All around me, I was surrounded by white. White curtains hanging from the white ceiling, touching the white walls, connected to the while tile flooring.

A burst of blue caught my attention and made my blood freeze.

Lying there in the bed, still as a statue, lay Hayden in a blue hospital gown.

Her eyes were closed, yet you could see peace. She was not in pain, she was simply asleep.

I walked toward her, forcing my legs to let me go to her. But I couldn't move. I stood there, staring at her, barely breathing. Her stomach rose and fall in harsh rasps. The only noise that filled the room was the sound of her ragged breaths.


And out.

And in again.

The monitor next to her showed the flow of two lines. I focused my attention on it and followed the lines.

One rose and fell quickly, jumping up and down on the screen. While the otherwise and fell slowly with Hayden's very breath.

"That's the baby's heart monitor under hers."

A sudden voice bride me caused me to jump. I turned to my left and found the doctor from earlier standing beside me.

"She's alright." he said, a smile coming onto his tired face. "She lost a lot of blood." she rubbed his hand over his thinning hair and looked down at her.

"Is the baby alright?" I asked hesitantly.

"I think she is." he said, another smile forming on his lips.

"She?" I asked, looking at him.

"Oh! Oops!" he chuckled. "I guess I wasn't supposed to tell you that!"

I smiled weakly at him, then returned my gaze to Hayden and my daughter.

"A girl." I whispered. My legs finally let me move and I walked over to Hayden.

I eased myself down onto the bed and looked at her.

She looked weak. The bags under her eyes made her look tired and stressed, but she was still beautiful.

I looked over her face and reached out and stroked her cheek, feeling her cold skin.

I turned away and stared at the clock hung on the wall nearby.

One twenty five, it read.

I sighed then turned back to her.

Leaning over, I gently kissed her nose and began to pull away, closing my eyes to conceal the tears.

When I opened ten up again, my eyes met another pair of eyes that looked up at me through slits.

The purplish gray color stunned me as I took in her eyes, falling in love all over again.

Change of PlansWhere stories live. Discover now