Change of Plans 26

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Hello everyone :) hope you are all enjoying my story



Xavier's POV

"Hayden! This is Blake! I just met him! He works here!" Amy said excitedly.

"Oh. Well, that's great!" Hayden said, sending me a look.

"Amy's told me so much about you two. It's a wonderful story really!" he smiled at me and Hayden. "It would make a great book!"

"Blake's a writer!" Amy said happily.

"That's great!" Hayden said, laughing at Amy cheeriness.

"Well, he needs to get back to work." she said sadly.

"Nice to meet you both!" Blake said as he ushered Amy away.

Hayden turned to me and said, "Something's up with him."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." I said solemnly as we watched the two of them disappear behind a shelf of books.



Hayden's POV

"Welcome Youth!" Pastor Doug said excitedly, jogging up onto the mini stage at the front of the oddly-shaped youth room.

He set down his water bottle on the podium and looked around the crowded room, smiling his million dollar smile.

He black hair spiked up in the front, making him look like a teenager himself. His wife, Beth, sat in a chair beside the stage, smiling lovingly up at him.

I sat in my uncomfortable chair, fidgeting around slightly and feeling a little out of place.

Xavier grabbed my hand and massaged the back of it, noticing my stress. I looked over at him and gave him a weak smile.

So much had been going on recently. First with the McKenna incidents, now with Amy meeting the guy in Off The Shelf. It seemed like nothing was part of my normal routine.

Church today, is pretty much the other thing that has been the same. But even that was different!

Xavier decided to come to church with me this morning, because I was a little stressed out.

Well, Mom really decided that he needed to come because she got fed up with trying to calm me down. So knowing that Xavier would be able to calm me, she called in the back-up.

So now here we sat, in the youth room, recording stares from just about everyone in the room, especially the freshman girls.

But unlike school, everyone, or mostly everyone, seemed supportive.

Before Doug had gone on stage, he and Beth were talking with Xavier and I about our plans for the future. Even some of the younger girls had come up to me, all giggly and what-not.

"Are you having a girl!?" the one had asked.

"I don't know yet! I hope so! But Xavier, of course wants a boy." I had laughed as the girls all asked what names we had picked out ad Xavier and I started saying a bunch of names.

"Obviously, we don't really have one picked out." I laughed. "But I'm sure that when I see my son or daughter, the perfect name will come to me." I had told them.

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