Change of Plans 7

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Hey everyone :) IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING YESTERDAY AT ALL! We have finals recently, and I have been studying my BUTT off! Hahaha :) so sorry this is short, and sorry it's taken two days, BUT PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, and READ! Oh and please let your friends know about my book and HAVE THEM READ IT! And also, like always, thank you to Sara Anahi! I love you!




Hayden's POV

I lay in bed tossing and turning until midnight when I gave up trying to sleep.

All I could think about was Xavier.

I liked him.

But that was an understatement.

I think I loved him.

I barely even knew what that meant.

How can I love someone I barely know?

Well, I don't know, but I guess it's possible, because I think I love Xavier.

Admitting that to myself seemed to make something in me click and I realized how exhausted I was.

Turning off my music, I curled up, falling asleep in minutes, with Xavier's smiling face overtaking all my thoughts.



-8:00pm- Xavier's POV

"So how was school Xavier?" Mom asked, slicing into her steak.

"It was alright, I guess." I stabbed a piece of steak and munched on it. After I swallowed, I continued. "The people were nice."

"See. I told you the day would be good. There was nothing to worry about!" Mom said cheerfully.

She seemed jumpy tonight for some reason and kept faking her smiles as she conversed with Aiden and I.

I caught her glancing out of the dining room and to the main hall.

Quickly she looked away, pretending that she didn't see me looking at her, she turned to Aiden, who was happily finishing his dinner.


"Yeah?" he asked, his mouth stuffed with steak.

"How was your day?" she sipped her red wine and set the glass back down on the large wood table. The sound reverberated up to the ceiling where the car sized chandelier hung, shining dimly, casting an eerie glow around the room.

"It was awesome! I made a new best friend already! We have wrestling together! His name's Ryan, but everyone calls his Ry. His really hot sister brought me home. Oh! And Ry has a twin! Her name is Bailey, and she looks a lot like Hayden, his older sister, the hot one, well Bailey looks a lot like Hayden." Aiden stopped rambling and took another huge bite of steak.

"This is delicious!" he exclaimed as he chew up the meat.

"That's great honey! And yes, the food is delicious, I'll have to thank Charles for the delicious meal." she smiled.

As if on cue, the swinging door from the kitchen to the dining hall swung open and Charles waltzed in.

"More wine Renee?" he asked, holding a bottle of wine out to her.

"Yes, please, Charles," she went on, "and this dinner tonight is delightful!" she exclaimed.

"Well don't thank me, ma'am, thank your son." he responded, gesturing towards me.

"You make dinner Xavier?" she asked incredulously.

"Not completely. Charles exaggerates." I chuckled and Charles gave me a knowing smile. "I just helped him out a little. He was the one to make most of the meal!"

"Your son is a delightful cook, Renee." Charles went on.

"He's never told me before!" Mom said, beaming at me.

"Well, I must get back to my work Renee. I'm a delighted that you like the meal." he smiled and began to walk back through the swinging door to the kitchen.

"Alright Charles. I must talk to you after dinner." she said keeping her eyes on her dinner.

"Yes ma'am." he said, exiting the dining room.

Noticing the awkward silence, only filled with the clinking of silverware on the china, I decided to break the silence.

"So, uh, Mom. How was your day?" I asked her.

"Quite good, actually. We had a lot of work today. I am starting to work on a new case tomorrow." she said, focusing intently on cutting her steak as she talked.

Mom started working as a lawyer when Aiden turned ten. She would only work when her firm got large cases, but ever since Dad died, she would take even the small cases.

"Oh. That's, uh, good."

"Yes. It is." she said firmly. "I like working their full time now." she said more lightly.

Aiden didn't seem to notice the change in Mom's tone and he happily told us more about his wonderful first day of high school.


"I'm going to bed Mom, goodnight." I said goodnight to Mom, kissing her on the cheek.

"Alright baby. Goodnight." she said as I walked out of the den.

Mom, Aiden and I had retired to the den after supper; me watching TV, mom reading a magazine, and Aiden texting, like always.

After I left the den, I walked out to the foyer, where Charles was standing by the front door.

"Evening Charles, are you waiting for someone?" I asked, a confused look crossing over my face.

"Oh, no, no. Your mother just asked me to stay at the door. Are you going to bed now?" Charles replied casually.

Why would Mom ask him to stay at the door? I thought before answering Charles.

"Yep, I better get some sleep, I've had a long day. Night Charles."

"Goodnight Xavier." he nodded sympathetically and went back to watching out the windows.

I climbed the winding stairs that led to the second floor. Walking across the suspended bridge, I walked into my suite, as thoughts flooded my mind.

Mom was acting strange at dinner tonight, I thought, could that have something to do with why she had asked Charles to wait by the door?

Sighing, I sauntered to my huge bedroom and flopped on my bed.

I saw my backpack on the floor and all thoughts of the strange behavior of Mom and Charles seemed to disappear, as thoughts of Hayden filled their spot.

I closed my eyes, and her beautiful image filled my mind.

She was so tiny and slender, but yet tall and graceful.

Her long reddish brown hair cascaded down her back in elegant curls.

These features seemed plain in comparison to her purplish-gray eyes.

They stood out and gave her a wild look that made her look so, extravagant and beautiful.

As thoughts of Hayden filled my mind, I fell asleep and drifted into a dream land with her there with me.

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