Change of Plans 37

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Helllooo everyone :) so I won't be able to upload for a few days, in turning sixteen in exactly two days, and it's kinda hectic around my house at the moment. Things will get back to normal, but then my musical is in two weeks, so I won't be able to upload then either.... SORRY! well, please comment and vote! Love you all



Xavier's POV

"My mom can't work because of the chemo, and April is only seven, so she can't help pay the bills. That leaves everything to me, and I, I can barely handle it. And the insurance wouldn't pay for her treatments anymore, and so when Robert offered me the job, I took it." she paused to wipe at her tears again and continued once more. "When he told me about the job, he didn't mention anything about the point of the job. Just that I needed to get to know you, and for a couple hundred dollars, who would turn that down. If only I had known his purpose for stalking you, I could have prevented all this. I just-"

She stopped and gave way to the tears which she let flow freely down her face now.

"You didn't know his intentions. It's alright." I said gently.

Reaching over to her, I laid my hand down on top of hers and a small smile pulled at her lips.

I knew that nothing would ever be the same, but right then, I decided that I needed to help McKenna, no matter what Hayden thought, this girl seriously needed some help.



Hayden's POV

"Well, I think that's all Hayden." the doctor said, setting down his clipboard on the bed. "You're free to go." he said with a smile. "We'll see you in a few months!"

"Thank you, so much." Mom said, giving the doctor a hug. He chuckled, and hugged her back politely.

After he had left the room, Mom sat down on the edge of my bed, sighing and looking at me with a smile.

"I'm proud of you baby girl." she said, reaching for my hand.

I smiled back at her, still a little tired from physical therapy this morning.

"Okay! Everything's in the car!" Dad said, walking into the room. "You ready to go Hayden?" he leaned down and gave mom a quick peck on the lips.

It had been a long month for all of us.

At least one family member had been at my bedside at all times, even through the night. Mom had been there for the past two nights, filling out papers for my release and helping me to physical therapy, for over forty-eight hours. So running on about eight hours of sleep for the past two days, she was exhausted.

Dad came this morning, refreshed and full of energy after his weekend business trip. He had tried to get out of it, trying to say home to help out, but we had managed, and now he took Mom's place.

Now at seven months pregnant, there was no doubt to anyone who saw me, they knew I was pregnant.

No longer able to hide the truth to anyone, everyone at school knew, and according to Amy, Xavier and I were the hot topic at school.

Xavier had been in and out of school, missing a few days here and there when I was going in for a check up, or getting a sonogram of the baby, or having blood taken.

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