Change of Plans 33

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Sorry this has taken a while to upload! And in sorry it's a cliff hanger again :/ the next one will not be. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE

love you all!



Hayden's POV

An evil grin overtook his face as he pulled the trigger.

The pop of the bullet exploding from the barrel echoed throughout the walls of my minds and all through the confines of the school.

My vision went fuzzy as I felt the pain; spreading rapidly down my arm.

Xavier darted forward, tackling Robert and taking the gun. Hitting him over the head with the blunt part of the gun, Robert went out cold.

The coldness of the tile spread through my entire body as I collided with the floor. Xavier lay next to me, hovering over and screaming out.

I lay there, feeling weightless. I reached up and touched Xavier's face and smiled as the darkness overtook my vision.



Xavier's POV

Robert's face contorted into pure evil as he squeezed down the trigger of the gun he held aimed at my beautiful Hayden.

The sound echoed around the enclosed area of the lobby, making my heart skip a beat.

I watched in horror as the bullet hit Robert's intended target.

I darted to Robert and took the gun. With all my bottled up rage, I hit him firmly on the temple with the back of the gun.

He slumped wordlessly to the floor in a heap.

Flying over to Hayden side, I crouched down on the floor beside her. Scooping her up in my arms as she reached up and touched my cheek. She smiled weakly, then went completely limp in my arms.


The next few hours were a blur, going slowly as if I was in a fog.

I laid there on the floor with Hayden, not being able to move, or speak. I lay there, clutching her tightly to me, not caring about the blood covering my clothes.

People had rushed in and I had been pulled away from her. I was helped into the ambulance and we sped toward the hospital, sirens blaring.

In a haze, I was pushed away from her as they hooked her up to multiple machines. Their words came out in a jumble of letters, a mouthful of mush.

In the chaos of arriving at the hospital, I kept my eyes trained on Hayden.

I watched as they whisked her away on the gurney, leaving me to run along behind them.

A doctor ran along side me, asking questions that I mumbled the answer to.

We bursted through door after door, down each bleak, white hallway, and finally stopping at a door marked 'Operating Room.'

The doctor began to open the door and I stopped him, my mind finally clearing.

"Wait. You're operation on her?" I asked, worry clouding my mind.

"Well, yes, son. I told you that on the walk here." he said, holding his clipboard up to his chest. "She has a bullet in her abdomen. We have to get it out in order for her to live son."

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