2 | Until Next Time

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Chapter 2 : Until Next Time

I woke up Saturday morning around 11am feeling like a train had hit me.

I crawled out of bed, said good morning to Nala and decided I'd take her outside to use the bathroom and get a mini walk in.

After we came back inside I put some old school R&B on my speaker and began to cook a small breakfast.

I swiftly whipped up pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

When the food was all done I grabbed some Tropicana orange juice out of the fridge and sat down to eat.

I was enjoying my breakfast when I suddenly heard my phone ring.

I ran to it and seen the contact photo of me and Ashley flashing on the screen.

When I answered it she instantly started squealing saying she had something to tell me.

"Well don't keep me waiting spill the beans girl, what's up?," I asked.

"Okay so I got home last night and Trev told me about this air bnb he's renting for next weekend, but the thing is he's throwing a big party there so he wants me to invite people to come as well. Hence why I'm on your line screaming, it's going to be fire!," she squealed.

I promised myself I'd start getting out more and having more fun, but the truth was after my little situation last night I realized it might still be too soon for me.

Running into this mystery guy that had me so aroused and curious on contact was a first for me, I was hesitant.

"I'll have a definite answer for you soon Ash, it sounds fun but I'm not sure," I told her.

"I'm not taking no for an answer girl you're coming," she replied.

I rolled my eyes and finally agreed to come.

She'd said she would keep in contact with the details which I was fine with.

I disconnected the phone call and finished up my breakfast.

After throwing away my empty plate I realized how full my garbage can was and figured I'd take it out now before I got too lazy.

I knew by the way I was feeling I'd end up sleeping majority of the day, I had a pretty rough hangover.

I briskly threw on some faded Jeans, pulled on a baggy Tie-dye T-shirt, put my feet into my Ugg's slippers, threw my braids up into a bun and headed out the door.

I walked towards the back of my complex where the garbage was located and that's when I seen him.

How the hell was this possible?

I wanted to turn around and run back to my apartment with the garbage still in my hand but by now he had already seen me.

What was he even doing here in my complex?

I continued walking and threw the bag into the open dumpster.

"Well fate does it again huh lady?," he smirked with those deepened dimples in his cheeks showing.

I noticed his country accent now more than ever, which was a massive weakness of mine.

"At this point it's definitely stalking, where'd you come from?," I asked seriously.

"Well this might be surprising to you but this is a big complex I actually live here, over there," he said, pointing to a building further back in the apartments.

God had to be playing with me right now, or the devil, who knows.

I felt my pulse speeding up and my bottom lip began to tremble, I was stuck.

"That's interesting, but you're right I guess they are pretty big," I replied.

It's not like I would've ever noticed him here before anyway, I usually was at work or inside my apartment.

The way this man was staring at me as I talked was honestly making me melt without him even having to say a full sentence.

My body felt tense and relaxed all at the same time.

He had entirely too much power over me, already.

"Well are you ready to let me take you out now? It seems pretty obvious we're running into each other for a reason."

As much as I hated to admit it, the chocolate god had a point.

I'm a believer in god but more than anything I'm spiritual, I believe highly that the universe can place people in certain places at certain times for a reason.

"I guess a date couldn't hurt, I mean can it stalker?," I joked.

His eyes lit up and squinted when he laughed, he replied, "Not at all. I'll pick you up tonight around 8 if that's cool."

I agreed & gave him my building number.

He inserted my number into his phone and told me he'd call me when he was outside.

This time I watched him walk away, even from the back this man looked like trouble.

I walked back to my apartment quickly, and ran onto my bed squealing like a teenage girl.

I didn't think I'd ever be excited to deal with a new guy let alone go on a date again, especially right now, but this man just made me feel like risking it all.

I began thinking about what I was going to wear tonight and typical me, began to wonder about everything that might go wrong.

I sighed and told myself to just breathe.

Revised by author on 3/14/23 ❤️

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