57 | Questions

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Chapter 57 : Questions

Omar's POV

We arrived to the hospital after leaving the store parking lot and I could feel my heart beating 100 beats per minute. My chest felt tight and I couldn't seem to swallow without a huge lump forming in my throat. I was terrified. I needed to know that my child and the love of my life was okay, now.

I ran through the emergency entrance doors and approached the front desk.

"My girlfriend is here she's pregnant she collapsed and an ambulance brung her here where is she?," I yelled out.

"What's her name sir?," a petite blonde nurse asked.

"Her name is Faith," Ashley answered.

Her and Trev stood beside me waiting just as anxiously for the nurse to search through the patient database.

"Yes I see here she's in a room but she was just admitted let me get an update from the doctor," the nurse advised.

I nodded my head in agreement and begun pacing back and forth in the lobby.

"She's gonna be okay O, god got her and that baby believe that," Trev assured.

He gave me a pat on the back which was something I needed to snap out of the state of shock I was in. I couldn't believe anything that was going on right now, everything had been so peaceful, now it was a nightmare.

"I'm just so nervous man I haven't ever felt like this in my life," I replied.

"I know man I wouldn't know how to act in your shoes but we right here with you we got you."

I shook my head thanking him for the support.

"Sir she's stable you can come back here," the nurse called out to me.

I followed her closely speed walking as fast as I could to get to the room. Ashley and Trev were told to wait out in the lobby due to the visitor emergency restrictions.

When we approached the room I quickly ran to Faith's side and immediately grabbed her hand and kissed it. She was laying there with her eyes closed.

"She's stable but she's just resting, we gave her a light sedative to calm her because of her and the baby's heart rate," the doctor explained.

"Thank you. Is the baby okay?," I asked.

"Heart rate is strong but we can take a look if you'd like."

"Yes please, I just need a little comfort right now," I answered.

The doctor put the probe onto Faith's stomach and showed me the screen. The baby was laying there moving her legs and feet around. I smiled and gently kissed Faith's stomach. When I did this the baby kicked the probe and waved her hand around. Feisty.

"She's a tough one," the doctor chuckled.

I smiled and nodded, "She gets that from her mom."

I sat in the chair next to Faith's bed and placed a hand onto the side of her stomach. I gently rubbed her stomach up and down as I began praying silently.

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