32 | Business

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Chapter 32 : Business

I woke up the next morning to Omar giving me a forehead kiss as he left for work. He was still trying to beat this deadline for the important client of his.

He'd snatched my entire soul last night, I was still somewhat lifeless. It was a blessing and a curse but more of a blessing.

The kind of sex me and Omar had wasn't like anything many experience, it was euphoric. It was unrealistic.

I mean who knew a man could have that kind of experience and not even be 30 yet?

I rolled out of bed a couple hours after Omar left and made my way into the bathroom for a shower.

As I stood in the shower letting the hot water run down on me I fantasized about the love me and Omar made.

He was just everything a woman could ask for, and that secretly terrified me. I kept replaying in my head what he'd said to me when I asked him what made me worth it, his answer was priceless.

I pinched myself at least once a day to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Other than the bullshit with Jackson everything with Omar had been nearly perfect, I wanted to ensure it stayed that way.

When I finally snapped out of my trance I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and walked back to the bedroom.

As I dried off my hair and the rest of my body I searched through my dresser for a comfortable outfit to wear for the day.

I was going to meet with James to discuss a business deal. Where I was going wasn't a nice part of town so I didn't want to stand out and look too fancy whatsoever.

I pulled out a pair of grey joggers with a matching grey sweatshirt and threw on my all white Air Force ones. Casual enough.

When I finished brushing my hair up into a high messy bun I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

After driving for what felt like forever I finally reached Drakson Heights, my old neighborhood. It looked exactly the same as when I lived there as a teenager.

Younger kids rode around on bikes and scooters, teens sat around on the green tanks roasting each other, and the older guys' stood on the corners slinging dope and rolling dice.

"Well look what the cat muthafuckin' drug in," yelled a familiar deep voice.

I turned to see Dee, he was like an older brother to me.

"What's up Dee?," I smiled hugging him.

"What brings you back on this side young blood?"

"Business," I replied.

"Ah shit what kind? I always knew you'd get in the drug game you got it in you," he laughed.

"Nah not that kind this is more personal. You seen Jay?"

"James probably somewhere running off on his crazy ass baby mama," he laughed.

I giggled and pulled out my phone to dial James, no offense to Dee but this was VERY personal.

"I'll be right there I'm on the way," James responded from the other line.

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