16 | The Rift

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Chapter 16 : The Rift

Time seemed to be flying now that I actually considered myself happy.

Before I knew it it was Wednesday night and I'd just completed another therapy session with Dr.Mayfield.

I exited the building and had begun walking to my car when I received a phone call. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it was Jada.

I clicked the green button answering the call and connected her to my bluetooth in my car so that I could drive safely while talking to her.

She was sobbing uncontrollably when I first answered.

"Oh my goodness Jada what's going on?," I asked. I was concerned, it wasn't like her to be this emotional.

"I'm just so fed up, I feel like I'll never be happy," she responded.

I could only assume she'd argued with Jessi for the 80th time.

"You'll be happy mama, you just have to start choosing you first," I replied, continuing to drive down the road to my house.

"Are you home?," She questioned, sniffling.

"Not yet I'm down the street, you need an in person vent session?," I asked.

"Yes, I'd love that I'll be there in a little bit," she responded, hanging up the phone.

I got to my apartment and began straightening up the living room. I opened me and Omar's thread to see what he'd texted me.

🍫 : I miss your face, hang later?

Me : Sorry baby I can't, Jada's having a crisis and needs some 1 on 1 bestfriend therapy. Tomorrow?

🍫 : Of course I understand bae. Hope she feels better. Goodnight.

Me : Goodnight baby. ❤️

I closed the thread and locked my phone.

Jada had arrived and knocked on the door. I opened the door for her and gave her the biggest hug I could, she looked like she had been crying for days. Her eyes were as red as a rose and puffy.

She sat on my couch and poured herself a glass of wine I had set out.

"Thank you so much for letting me come over, I needed to be around someone after the kind of day I had," she ranted, sipping from her glass.

"Of course, you know I'm always here for you," I replied.

I sat next to her and continued to let her vent. As I suspected, she had gotten into a fight with Jessi and it had blew up pretty badly.

"Why do you take so much crap from her?," I questioned her.

"I just got so used to her, she was always there for me after my mom passed away and it meant the world to me at the time," she explained, beginning to tear up again.

Jada's mom had passed away years ago when I'd first met her. I'd met her separately from the others but made sure that I brung her into my friend circle because I knew how badly she needed friends and support during that time. I always sympathized with her because I know how it felt not having a parent but I couldn't imagine losing my mother.

"I understand love but at the same time she's proven time and time again she's toxic for you," I reminded her.

"I know, you're right," she agreed.

As we sat there sipping wine and venting to one another Jada asked me to hold her. I did, innocently just wanting to help my friend out during this hard time.

I had no idea that me holding her would cause any unresolved feelings to reappear but apparently it did. She looked up at me and grabbed my face attempting to kiss me.

In the past I let it happen and wanted it to but this time there was no way I would or could cheat on Omar. I wasn't that type of person, even for Jada.

I moved my face out of the way quickly.

"Jada we've been drinking, I don't want anything to happen that doesn't need to," I told her moving to the opposite end of the couch.

"Am I not good enough for you either?," she slurred.

"Of course you are, I'm just taken," I responded.

She stood there and looked as though I had hit her with a pile of bricks. I seen anger, pain and sadness all wash over her face.

"You're in a relationship with this guy, officially?," She asked, staring into my eyes.

"Yes he asked me last night. I didn't get to tell any of you guys yet I wanted to do it all at once," I explained.

She got up and began walking to the door, I reached for her but she snatched her arm away from me.

"Jada please don't do this," I pleaded. I could not lose this girl she was one of my best friends.

"Please what? First you hide him from us now you hide that you're in a relationship with him and turn me down like I'm worthless," she snapped.

I could tell she was truly upset, but I didn't think it was fair to me for her to be acting this way.

"I've been waiting for months for you to heal so that I could gain up the courage to actually ask you out," she exclaimed, "but before I even could you're already with the next dude."

I stood there, unable to move or think straight. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Jada I know we kissed and I admit I enjoyed it but I never wanted our friendship to be ruined so the feelings I might've once had were instantly buried and put behind me," I explained.

I had realized a long time ago that no fling was worth risking our friendship.!I guess now I knew to her it wouldn't have been a fling.

"Yeah well they're behind me too now," she barked, slamming my door as she left.

I didn't know what this meant for our friendship or for our friend group as a whole. I was absolutely shocked and scared of the unknown aftermath of this.

My friends were the one thing in my life that remained constant over the years. I didn't want that to change. I was unsure of what to do, at this point I had become clueless.

I planned to wake up the next day and get everyone together to discuss everything, that's if she didn't beat me to it. The bad luck strikes again.

A/N : I had to add a little plot twist for you guys, hope you're not too upset! Stay tuned. 🦋🖤

Edited by author on 5/19/22

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