21 | I Think I Love You

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Chapter 21 : I Think I Love You
* Mature Content Below * 18+

When we made it back to the bedroom after our shower sex session we both were drained. We laid down next to each other on my bed, crawled under the covers and began to cuddle in the big spoon position.

"So about what I said in the bathroom during, you know—," he began.

"It's okay I don't want you to explain it I know it was in the heat of the moment," I intervened.

"No Faith I really meant that, I love you," he responded.

I felt like right then and there time had frozen. I laid there perfectly still not believing what my ears were hearing.

"I was going to say you know you don't have to feel obligated to say it back until you're ready," he explained, placing a kiss on my right cheek.

"I think I love you too, but I'm scared to actually say it because that'll make this more real," I replied.

It felt amazing to be able to be completely open with someone for once.

"I understand, that's why I want you to take your time," he responded, rubbing his hand against my shoulder.

I turned around and kissed him softly on his lips. I then laid my head onto his chest and began to drift off to sleep.


The next morning I woke up before him and headed to the kitchen to make us both breakfast. I quickly whipped up pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage links. I grabbed a food tray and two plates from the cabinet. I portioned the food onto the plates and opened the fridge to add orange juice and syrup to the tray. I carefully walked into the room and set the tray on the middle of the bed.

He woke up moments after he heard the silverware clanking and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Good morning beautiful, what's all this?" He asked, in between a yawn.

"Something people call breakfast," I replied, giggling.

"I've never actually had breakfast brung to me in bed, this some wife shit," he exclaimed.

He smiled widely revealing his dimples and the light in his eyes. He grabbed his fork and instantly started swallowing his food. I sat there quietly watching him as I began to eat my own.

After we finished breakfast we took Nala on a walk around the apartments. As we walked I felt even more glances than normal from other neighbors, I could tell they knew we were a thing. He always held my waist wherever he walked, so it was obvious. He ignored the looks and continued holding me and looking at me like I was the only woman in the world.

"So what are we doing tonight," he asked, rubbing on my hip as we walked back to the apartment.

"Hmm good question, I don't have anything in mind, you?" I answered.

"What exactly would you like to do?" he asked.

"We can go to an arcade and make big bets against one another," I replied.

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