37 | Scarlett

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Chapter 37 : Scarlett

Scarlett's POV/Introduction

I sat on the edge of my bed watching a classic episode of friends as I grubbed on a bowl of Reese's puff cereal. It was one of those shows that never got old to me.

In all honesty, it was a show that had everything I had always wanted, genuine friends.

I've had about 20 friends in my lifetime and only about 3 of them are still around. Sad right? Yeah I know.

The thing is though, my line of work isn't exactly fit for me to have friends or any kind of emotional relations. I kill people, I mean like literally. So anyone too close is automatically a liability.

My mother died in a car crash when I was only 8 years old. Me and my two younger brothers were forced to move with my father in New Jersey and join his side of the family in their "business".

My father is an original mob boss straight out of the slums of jersey. He owns a pizza restaurant there that he also uses as a headquarters for his other not so kind activities.

I never asked to be apart of anything, but I wasn't given a choice. I started out just washing dishes as a kid at the restaurant, then I moved my way up to become one of the managers and before I knew it I got introduced to the brutal duties.

I didn't start out killing anybody, my father never thought I had that in me. I just would lure guys' in that owed debts to my father's business and crew and leave them to do the dirtier work.

I didn't catch my first body until I was 18 surprisingly, I'm 27 now so I've been doing this for nearly 10 years.

I guess I should start from the beginning.

I had managed to save up some money to get me and my younger brothers Giovani and Lorenzo out of New Jersey but the only place I could find where I knew I had other family members for some support was in Florida.

I ended up moving into some projects where my Aunt Laila stayed. I was only 17 with no credit whatsoever so she had to persuade the property owner to allow me to sign a lease under her name but in my own unit.

I'd grew up in the darker parts of Jersey as a kid/teen so seeing people fight in the middle of the street at 2:00am or get shanked with all kinds of knives in the middle of the day didn't phase me much.

I hated that I had to move to another bad place because I wanted more for myself but most importantly my brothers. I just kept telling myself that somehow it would all work out.

A few months after we got settled into our apartment the unthinkable happened. My youngest brother Giovanni who was only 15 at the time came home from school with bruises all over and blood pouring from his face.

He'd been jumped by 4 other guys much bigger than him in the bathroom for being "white". I knew the school had a horrible rating and was right in the middle of some of the worst hoods in the city, but it was the only one in walking distance that would accept two brand new students from out of a new state in the end of the school year.

My brothers were extremely quiet and to themselves, they didn't bother anybody and couldn't even stomach inflicting pain on others', so this happening absolutely made me livid.

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